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About RiverFisher13

  • Birthday 12/16/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Bradford (dayton),Ohio
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Greenville Creek
  • Other Interests
    I am a CS major so im big on electronics (computers, video games, etc.) i also enjoy hunting, trapping, and playing some basketball.

RiverFisher13's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. The front is what often gets associated to fish being turned off. But really what is important to look at is the barometric pressure. After a big jump up or down fish will be sluggish do to the affect on their swim blatter. Once pressure has re-stabilized fishing begins to pick back up. The reason this is import is most fronts will effect the Barometric pressure, though some do not there for having no effect on the fishing.
  2. I've never seen one hit a snake. But i caught this smally with about a 10" one hanging from its mouth.
  3. What do you guys use to clean tarnish off of you blade?
  4. I would focus on hitting up the edge lines where shallow water turns deep. They should start staging from deep to shallow for the spawn. And with the recent cold front think slow.
  5. Looking to take a trip in that area around spawning time. Can someone give me some water temps for some bigger ponds in the area?
  6. f its a nice one, ill give a little woot. Nothing like ike, but just a little hell yeah or something like that. But for most its just a "fish on" and thats it.
  7. my old man and me went out to the river this weekend for the first time. Ended up bring in three but here is a couple pics of the biggest two.
  8. I don't know if putting in the gravel will help the spawn, but it will probably get more fish to spawn in one location, which could be good or bad depending if the people fishing know how to handle a fish on nest.
  9. im in the 5% club for LM, trying to get there for small mouth.
  10. I think ive seen maybe one episode that didnt have KVD on it. But it is one of the best. two other ones i watch religiously are north american fisherman and anglers edge (love the linders)
  11. I have never put in any, but i will through in my 2cents. PVC's are very nice since its hard to get hung up on, but they dont decay. You may think thats good because you can fish it for years. But if you put in organic piles, as it brakes down, small things will feed on it, which brings in bait fish, which brings in bass.
  12. A truely inspiring story, with tons of benifits coming from it. Good luck don.
  13. The flyer had their brand of a a-rig on the front cover, saw it right after i read the ban BASS put on them
  14. Where im at ive never herd of a smally over 5lbs. The rivers are just to small and i never get to go up to erie so i would have to say a 10lb large mouth would be easier. Which makes me laugh to type the word easy with 10lb large mouth, haha.
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