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Everything posted by msfisherman

  1. The fertilizer is for phytoplankton as stated above. Most managed lakes are kept at a certain color as a measure of the appropriate level. Shad eat the phytoplankton, bass eat the shad etc. I'm guessing since most are unfamiliar with this, then few will have noticed any problems with fishing acutely.
  2. I fish a private 1000 acre lake that is professionally managed. The fertilizer boat is out there often and I have noticed that the fishing really drops off for a few days immediately after they fertilize. Anybody else notice this? The management guys insist it has no effect, but I beg to differ.
  3. Wow. Talked to Paul at Dream Lake today. He said a single there Thur or Fri last caught 40 bass, his top 10 weighing around 90lbs. A second boat with 2 fishing caught around 70 with a biggest of only 7lbs. Looks like the weather may not be too bad with nightly lows in the low 30's and highs in the low to mid 50's both days. Can't wait to get there. I guess we'll see you there Thursday night. Joe O
  4. Above should say Lake 2 on Friday and Lake 1 on Saturday. Just so you don't get worried about their being too much traffic. JO
  5. Yep - we will be there those very same days. Small world. Fishing Lake 1 on Fri and Lake 2 on Saturday. I spoke with Paul over there yesterday. He said superfluke strike was on (smokin shad color). Had a group of nonfisherman there that caught some good ones monday (biggest 10lbs). As a general rule this time of year, he offered the following baits: 1. Super fluke- Gamakatsu 4/0 hook (round bend), smokin shad or pearl color. Not sure how or if weighted. 2. Spinner baits- gold blades (willow or colorado) with green/pearl skirt (This is the best big fish bait) 3. Crank baits (fat free shad) all sizes and colors 4. Some caught on jigs, didn't get into color but I'm guessing something green. Of course I'll talk to him just prior to driving over from Jackson, MS thurs evening. You should do the same. Weather scares me too. I have had terrible luck the last few years with trips. Fished El Salto in Mexico thru hurricane Rick last Oct. My name is Joe Oliver. Guess I'll be seeing you in a few weeks. JO
  6. I will be at dream lake the last weekend of feb with a group of six. We have never fished there before though so not sure what to expect.
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