Had a long talk yesterday, at the Classic Expo, with a Shimano rep about GLX and NRX rods. One of the things we talked about was the finish on the Green NRX vs the Blue NRX. Turns out that it's a painted finish, not epoxy or some kind of clear coat. The coat used on the greens has more of a gloss to it that the coat used on the Blues. But, according to the rep, who is very knowledgeable about the manufactuiring process, it's basically the same paint, just a different appearance. So there should be no difference between the two models because of the paint appied to the blanks. He also mentioned that they have to paint them for UV protection for the resins that are used when manufacturing the blanks. So even though the blues appear to be "unpainted" they do in fact have a coat of paint.
If you're a rod junkie the expo is worth visiting if you're in the area. Had long discussions with Gary Loomis and Gary Dobyns. Also talked quite a bit to the Shimano folks and Phenix folks. Even though there were a lot of folks at the show, not too many guys will walk up and talk to these folks who build rods for a living, so you can get quite a bit of one on one time if you're willing to start a conversation. And they really don't do a sales job on you, there's some of that, but they're for the most part just talking rods.