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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I have a Temple Fork 665 baitcaster, no complaints, I use it for pitching jigs, good rod for $99.
  2. There's my baby bass!
  3. I like them, when will put them on your site for sale? Also, two colors I would like to see are baby bass and black/blue flake.
  4. I have a 7' 11" Shimano Crucial CRC-C711M crankbait rod, it casts cranks unbelievably far. It's also a great rod for casting heavy surface lures such as wakebaits.
  5. I've heard a lot of stuff about Vanish. I've used it all year and once I figured out to use 5 wraps on the knot instead of 4, I had ZERO issues with breakage. Used in weeds, wood, some rock, docks...No issues with breakage and that included yanking a five pounder out of timber in 12 foot of water with about 20 feet of line out. Diameter is a little big and it's got a little memory (not much, but some), but it's plenty tough. I've got PLine spooled up now because I wanted to try it, but I'd use Vanish again in a pinch. YMMV Perhaps I had a bad batch but let me tell you my experience with it was really bad, and it never even made to the water. My bro actually bought it and at that point I had only read the horror stories and the occassional positive story like yours. So I went to test those claims for myself. I took his newly bought spool (8#) and lined his Symetre with it. No problems at this point. I proceeded to tie on a crankbait and gave my "pull/tug check" on the line which is never overwhelming by any stretch. The line broke upon pulling the line. I figured that perhaps I was too careless with tying the knot (I didn't think I was) so I retied. I was even more careful the tying the knot the second time. Not only did it happen again, but a third time. I will tell you that my pull/tug was no harder than a blue gill's take of a bait and I'm not talking about slabs. I am very careful when I tie my knots and it is one area I take my time. I used the improved clinch knot, if anyone wishes to know. Three strikes and you're out for me, and the line didn't even get wet. The next thought that came to mind were the many posts about how poorly this line performed for so many. I am glad that it has been working well for you. Perhaps there was something wrong in its production and my bro bought a bad spool, who knows? If one or two persons say "X" stinks, I'll make a mental note. But when you have so many people sharing their stories about how poorly Vanish (I call it poof now, because that's just what the fish will do...) was for them, you would have to wonder what caused so many to arrive at their negative conclusions about Vanish. Don't use an improved clinch knot with floro, that may be your problem. I use a Palomar knot with floro, wet it down well with saliva, then slowly pull tight. I use the cheap BPS floro which recieves lots of complaints, but I don't have any problems with it breaking at the knot. If you're breaking at the knot then more than likely it's the knot that you are using. Do a search on Google on fishing knots using floro and you'll see that it is not recommended to use an impoved clinch with floro.
  6. The Falcon boxes are also not good for large footbal jigs. I'm still looking for the perfect jig box.
  7. Hve never tried them myself, I'll be curious to hear how you do.
  8. I think the "Black Friday" sale was 20% last year... uh oh. Ahhh...Black Friday, must remember..must save money for the big event...20% discount would be awesome!
  9. Well I've blown my budget on this sale...when is the next one they usally have - Christmas?
  10. I use spinning tackle for jerkbaits, I do like using low stretch line also. Floro can be a pain with spinning rods, I have not tried Invisix yet as a line for my spinning reels, but it gets recommended quite a bit, I'll give it a shot this winter.
  11. There is no off-season for bass here in Arkansas. When it gets cold it's time to break out the jerk baits. If it's the dog days of summer, time to go night fishing. Of course, the best times are fall and spring.
  12. There's no substitute for time on the water.
  13. I've been doing OK fishing one of the local lakes pre-dawn dragging 3/4 OZ football jigs brown or blue/black with matching Netbait Paca chunk SR trailer, but I think most any flapping pincher type trailer will work. Dragging them on gradually sloping gravel flats and points.
  14. Minnows. Underneath a small bobber.
  15. I don't use it, I'm not convinced scents make a difference.
  16. Been fishing about 49 years, since I was 3. I remember standing on a sandy beach on Table Rock watching my dad and granddad going out in their boat to bass fish. This was about 1960. They really caught the bass back then on TR. Of course, I was back on the beach catching bream with a canepole. man I wish I could find a time machine that would send me back there but be able to bring along some tackle from today's world.
  17. MattinOK - I usually fish Grand Lake in OK.
  18. Thought this would be a fun question. I hold 2, Arkansas (resident) and Oklahoma. I'll probably get one for Missouri this fall.
  19. I used to fish Johnson silver spoon 20 years ago when I lived in the Northeast, they can be deadly dragged over lilly pad and the dropped on slack line so it flutters down when you pull it over the edge of the pads. Be sure to put a white Uncle Josh pork trailer on it. It's a good big bass lure when they are in the pads. Nothing like seeing the water bulging 10 feet away as a good bass starts to head for that spoon.
  20. I have a 2010 Premier and a 200 E7, I use them both to pitch finesse jigs, using same weight jigs (5/16-3/4) same weight floro, the Premier outperforms the E7 as far as casting distance and ease. Dual spool controls on the Premier are also much more refined. E7 is a good workhorse reel, but it's my backup reel when pitching. Maybe there are other techniques where the E7 is better reel, but I haven't found one yet.
  21. Is there a drag adjustment on these pitching reels? From what I can tell the drag is preset at the factory and you can't adjust it?
  22. I have been thinking about a longer flippin stick myself. Currently use the ol 6'6", seems like 7'11" would be tougher to flip with, but maybe not.
  23. My reaction depends on the size of the fish: Less than 2 lbs. - "Have a nice day little feller, come back when you grow up." 2-4 lbs. - "Son of a #*&^@!, that was a decent fish!" 4-6lbs. - "How the @*&^@ did that one come unpinned! I ain't using that lousy brand of trebles anymore." (Box of trebles tossed into lake). Spend the next couple of hours fuming. 6-8 lbs. - So enraged that I am speechless, tacklebox kicked to the back of the boat, rod slammed into the deck, spend the next hour laying in the front of the boat whimpering. 8 lbs or greater - Anything not bolted down tossed into the lake, fall into a rage so great that I "black out" and don't have any memories of what happens the next several days, but when I finally regain consciousness, find my self in a jail in Tijuana.
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