I'm not a bass fisherman yet, I plan on going this summer so bear with me on this bass that got away. I'm 36 now so this was a long long time ago.
I was around 10 or 12 and dad said "We're going fishing this weekend." I was super excited. I went out all that week catching black crickets. We fished a lot for bluegill using cane poles and bobbers. I found one that was huge. The alpha cricket I guess. Anyway I thought this one would catch a really big fish! I put it in the bucket. Now the day is finally here and I get the bucket and jump in the car. On the way dad buys some grey crickets and we're well on our way to catching the usual 45 or 50 nice sized bluegill. Dad rents the boat and I shove us off. I dip my hand in the bucket... Not yet. I'm saving that one for a big fish. The fish are biting and it's pretty fun. I put my hand back in the bucket... Not yet. I'm saving it for a big fish! Catch another and dip my hand back in when the big cricket jumps on my hand and out of the bucket into the water. I sit there looking at it wishing I could reach out and grab it. All of a sudden a softball sized whirlpool pops up and engulfs the cricket. Well... It did catch a big fish, I just wished my hook had have been attached to it at some point.