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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. Can't match the yellow, but I can match the rest. Hate yellow rods, but I do like that yellow reel. I like black reels, but prefer a little color trim on them. Not a fan of white or silver rods.
  2. I have to be happy with my non-high end rods and reels because I can't afford 'high end'. I do have a couple older Steez that I purchased used for more than I'd normally spend on a new reel. My 'better' rods and reels don't catch me more fish. For that I would need a stick of dynamite. I enjoy fishing with one of my $77 (new) Smallmouth rods as much as I do with a $170 (used) Helium 3. Or my $30 Procaster (new) vs (whatever it was used) Steez.
  3. So the OP's limit is $220. Sorry. Can't help at that price. Just helping by pointing out you aren't looking for a $230-$300 (or more) rod. But I have to agree that you might be able to go custom at that budget and get something nicer than a factory rod.
  4. I hardly ever use a leader, but I do use mono backing on reels that I put fluoro on. Does that count? I had gotten away from using the Blood Knot, but I just put some 14# Sniper on a baitcast reel. I used the Blood Knot to splice the mono to the fluoro. I think in the old days I was using too many wraps. Five wraps made for a small knot and it held up when I pulled on it with more force than I'd ever exert on the rod fighting a fish.
  5. How many chatterbait rods have you used? How do you know this one's your dream chatterbait rod? Just giving you a hard time. Be sure to post a review after you get a chance to use it for awhile.
  6. My error. I didn't realize I was looking at braid capacity instead of mono. I might have to order the 6'9" ML for my sister-in-law. That's a hard deal to pass up.
  7. The Tatula SV both have the TW, but one is TWS. From what I see on the Tacklewarehouse site, the TWS reels feature CRBB (Corrosion Resistant Ball Bearings). The SV TW doesn't. Hard for me to tell if there are other differences. Obviously the SV spool makes it easier to learn casting. However, from what I've read on here I would suggest the Elite. Seems it handles lighter lures almost as well as an SV while delivering significantly longer casting distances. Learn to use the thumb, and be able use any casting reel. Dodgeguy's posts talked me into buying a Lew’s Tournament Pro LFS. Now he is trying to talk me into a Lew's Custom Lite. I think the Bait Monkey is his nephew.
  8. Here's a sweet deal. A $265 rod for $157. https://majorcraft-america.com/speedstyle-casting/ EDIT: I personally prefer longer rods or I'd already have one on the way.
  9. Here is a $180 reel for $100. Soon as I post this I am headed back downstairs to finish spooling mine up with some 14# Sniper on my new Falcon Expert Amistad. Hopefully I can post the link. https://vandamwarehouse.com/kvd-smoke-s3-pt-baitcast-reels-by-quantum/ EDIT: Got out with the reel for a few minutes today at the river boat ramp where I usually go to try out new gear. I did not set up the reel as I usually do. Instead I followed the instructions that came with it. Glad I did. Pretty sure I would have badly backlashed my first cast had I set spool tension the way I normally do. Left outer dial at the 10 it came set at. Another good decision. Reel seems very smooth while cranking. Didn't hear any noise either. Did forget to put my hearing aid in this morning. I'm thinking the reel may need cleaning. Used it directly from box. Disengaging the spool was not consistent while holding the rod at 45 degrees. Sometimes the lure dropped immediately. Sometimes it didn't move without shaking the rod tip. Normally I use a spinnerbait for testing so I don't lose lures for no reason. This time I used a 1 oz. Bass Stalker jig. Weighed .85 oz. What??!! Reel worked perfect as set up. Hopefully with time I will be lowering either/or/and spool tension and brakes. Not apples to apples as already stated I normally use a spinnerbait while testing. I expected casting distance to be greater with the jig. It was (by several yards) and I wasn't trying for max distance since this was the first time I've been out in a few months due to health issues. Only used it for a few minutes, but am pleased with my purchase so far. Looking forward to spending more time on the water with it.
  10. I've never used a Silvermax so I have no idea how far it can cast or how light a lure it can handle. Nor do I have much experience with $100 reels. Well....I have quite a few that cost $100 or less, but most of them (not all) retailed for more. If I were you, I'd be looking for a Daiwa T3 1016 or T3 MX 1016. These have the Magforce 3D brakes. They aren't a popular reel because many think they feel hollow due to the Zaion used in some of its construction. Personally I like them. The T3 1016 can be found in very good condition for $100-$130. MSRP in 2011 was $429. AFAIC it is one of the best buys out there. I don't know what to think if you are backlashing at the beginning of casts when you say you aren't casting hard. What weight lures are you using, and what is the rod rated for? Backlashes at the beginning of the cast suggest to me that your cast isn't as smooth as it should be.
  11. I disagree. You better use your thumb on any Daiwa Magforce (regardless of which type) if the reel is set up properly. Magforce 3D can be set for no thumb, but if looking for distance, then you still need to thumb the spool. I am not sure about a reel with an SV spool. Haven't tried it yet.
  12. You should put this post in a new thread. Then people with the knowledge will be sure to reply. Otherwise it is a crap shoot that you will get an answer. Hopefully one of the knowledgeable members will see your question here and list a few places where they can be purchased. I've never purchased handle bearings, but am sure they can be found at a multitude of places. The Tackle Trap, HedgeHog Studio, etc.
  13. Possible low cost option? Ace Hawk Double. 6' 2-tips. .5-4g (.018-.141 oz.) and 2-6g (.07-.212 oz.) tips.
  14. I had a similar experience with the Irod 703C MHF which is rated 3/16-3/8 oz. So I sent an email to the company. I was assured it was a true MH power rod. Unfortunately it is a fairly new rod and due to health circumstances I've only had it out once and only used one lure on it. (Was only out for a short period.) So I can't really comment on its lure weight handling abilities. I have to assume it is probably similar to what jbrew said about the Mike McClelland signature model for 1/8-3/8 oz swim jigs. And that is that the ratings do not include trailer, just lure rating and probably takes into count that true lure weight is normally quite a bit higher than the lures rating. Example: 1/2 oz. War Eagle Spinnerbait actual weight measured .82 oz.
  15. Wouldn't mind one of these rods myself. From what I've read both Dobyns and Phenix fish a bit light.
  16. I've left a 2-piece spinning rod and casting rod in the trunk of my car over the summer. Both spooled with braid. Didn't hurt the line to the best of my knowledge.
  17. Who the he$$ knows. Lew's has a hard time coming up with names that differentiate their lines. According to TW listings they have a white Lew's Custom Speed Stick at $129.99 and a black Lew's Custom Speed Stick at $149.99. Same name for both lines. What is the difference other than color? Is there a difference other than color? Why give two lines the same name? Talk about confusing. Go buy a Tatula.
  18. Don't now anything about the reel, but if it can't handle those weight lures, then something is definitely wrong with the reel. For line, try 11# Sunline Defier Armiilo or 10# Sunline Sniper or 10# Izorline Platinum or XXX. I'm sure you will get tons of other options. Lots of good lines available.
  19. I'm aware that a larger spool diameter may offer longer casts and better line management, but I don't see the need of a reel that holds 8/240 mono. It means I have to put a fair amount of larger line backing on the reel. The Daiwa Exceler LT 1000 holds 6/160 so more than enough if you go to 8# which is the heaviest I use on spinning reels. It weighs 6.4 oz. The Daiwa BG2000 weighs 8.5 oz. and holds 6/135, 8/110 mono. I bought the BG1500 for my Ned Rig rod because of using a light braid. The BG feels like it is built like a little tank. I am also aware that braid offers less line twist than mono. I have braid on several spinning reels, but must admit that I still prefer a mono or co-polymer having grown up using Trilene XL. I say use whatever line you like the best. Line twist can be removed. And don't think using braid will eliminate line twist because it won't. Certain lures benefit greatly from some kind of swivel/barrel connection to help in controlling line twist. Also I want to say to the forum. I quit fishing for 23 years after moving to this area. As you can imagine, a lot changed during the interim. Wishing you the best of times fishing with your great nephew.
  20. And it isn't Jan. or Feb. I pretty much only fished 4# XL in my late teens. Tried 2# once. No thank you for 1#.
  21. I wouldn't agree with all of the above. Big Game is a great line (and cheap), but has more memory than some. The higher the poundage the more the memory. If you insist on Big Game, learn using 10# which is .012 diameter. I would suggest one of the above or Sunline Super Natural to learn on. All 3 are softer lines having less memory yet will get the job done. I use a lot of 12# on my MH rods. Once confident in your casting ability then go to 15# Big Game if that is what you want to use. It offers good abrasion resistance along with being strong for its rating. It does lay better once wet. I'd suggest learning using a roll cast. It will help smooth out your casting stroke which is very important with a baitcast reel.
  22. Split grip? Tie a thin rope around your wrist and in front of the rod's butt. Let er fly.
  23. I don't know why I thought the OP said he was using 65# braid. If he tries the line you suggested, then I would be using backing so I didn't use too much braid.
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