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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. Do you need left or right hand reel? TW has Daiwa Fuego left hand reels for $145. This is a $229 reel. I wanted the Revo STX for its drag, but couldn't find one for less than MSRP ($199.99). Above my budget. Couldn't pass on the Fuego. It went out today for a super tune, baco7 bearings, and Carbontex drag upgrade. Budget went all to he$$. :'( :'( On the other hand, I am expecting an already excellent reel (per reviews) to become a great little reel. ;D ;D The rod I am planning on getting for it happens to be the same Compre you are looking at unless someone can convince me the 7' model is better as an all around rod. This is basically my first entry into the baitcasting world, and is going to be used for LM bass.
  2. Having read the Zebco review, all I can say is it sure sounds like a much better spincast reel than any I've ever tried. I started on a Mitchell 300. Well not exactly true. Used a cane pole and line the first year. I know I had a few tangles, but the years have dimmed those memories to almost non-existent. Actually had more tangles the few times I did try a spincast reel. I would get the most trouble free reel you can afford for your son. Makes fishing much more pleasurable for both of you. We need all the youngsters we can get joining our ranks. I'm sure he will be thrilled with his new toy. Errr, I mean fishing tool.
  3. There is a pretty big price difference in your list. I can't help you decide, but maybe I can help you insert enough information so that someone else can help you make that decision. I think you should mention the type of fishing you plan on using it for. Possibly name the rod also as I have read that some rods, such as the Vandettas, are tuned for certain reels. What type of water will you be fishing? I recently got a Daiwa Fuego because I couldn't pass up a $229 reel for $145. ;D What I really wanted was the STX you mentioned because of how I will initially be fishing with it. I wanted this reel primarily for its drag. I fish with my bother-in-law in lily pads and Hydrilla. I wanted the power of the STX drag system for hauling the fish out of that environment. It wasn't until I received the Daiwa that I found the STX for $130. A 2009 model, but that doesn't bother me. Before that all I could find was the MSRP of $199. You don't appear to have the budget constraint I have. Add a paragraph or two describing your fishing methods, and I think you will get a lot more replies. Good luck with your decision. From the research I've been doing lately I'd have to say you couldn't go wrong with any of the reels you've listed. I personally am just getting back into fishing, and want to go the baitcasting route. I'd be interested in what some of the more experience gentlemen (and ladies?) on here have to say about comparing the attributes of the reels you listed.
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