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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. I watched a video of the best 5 (I think that number) of rods to have. Two were #8 rods I've been told good things about the Emotions. Both are rods I'd like to try. The H2O gets good reviews. I have several Fenwick rods, and feel the HMG should be included in any discussion of $100 rods. My personal best largemouth was caught on an older Falcon Original....another good rod hardly ever mentioned these days. However, all 3 of my Tatula rods were $100 or less. Kind of hard to beat that rod at that price. My MH is making me a fan of Daiwa's Regular action.
  2. I feel Megabass and a few others would head my list.............if I could only afford them. Fenwick, Tatula and my Powell Endurance are some favorites. Believe it or not, but I have some Quantum rods that I enjoy using. My only Hurricane Redbone is a lot of rod for the money. Especially since I got it for $75 new. I'd gladly buy a few more at that price.
  3. Thanks. Where should I set the brake to start? I'm not the world's best caster, but have managed to do okay with reels from Abu, BPS, Daiwa, Lews, Pflueger, Pinnacle and Shimano in various models with weights as low as 1/8 oz. now that I have my PXL. EDIT: Reel arrived late this afternoon. Weather sucks. The reel doesn't. As stated in a bassresource review, the handle knobs are thicker than I am use to. However, I don't think that is going to be a problem for me. The reel is pretty small. No measurements taken, but it appears to be the same length as an Alphas, but is narrower. I'm guessing by at least a 1/4 inch or more. The gold trim isn't bad, but I would prefer a different color. Personal preference. Feels smooth cranking it, but then it should since there is no load on it. Side cover is a snug fit. Tolerances are very close. Has to be worked back-and-forth to get off. I set the brakes at 3 (of 6). Hopefully that will be sufficient. I worry that the finish may not be very tough. Tomorrow I'll spool it with some 12# AN40 after mounting it on a 7' MF Techna AV rated 1/4-1 oz. and 8-20 lb. Listening to the weather forecast tonight, I would say it isn't going to co-operate. Doubtful I'll get out this weekend to make a few casts. Plus my daughter and 3 grandsons are spending the weekend so not a lot of free time. I am thinking I need a new rod for this reel. One that is very light to compliment its lightness. Should be easy to find a combination that will weigh less than 10 oz. total...with line spooled. Looking forward to taking it with me to Florida next year.
  4. Well, this is a bit of a surprise. I knew not many use (or admit to using) Okuma reels, but figured there would be more than one guy using them. There are 2 reviews on bassresource, but they don't get into the reel hardly at all.
  5. Not a lot about them, but what I have read seemed to be all good. Ordered one. Should be here Saturday. Don't know if I'll get to use it before my annual trip to Florida. Hopefully the weather will stay warmer than usual. If it does, I'll try to get to my practice place for a few casts. Have done it with leather gloves on before, so guess I could do it again. Help keep my anticipation level up.
  6. So how come I haven't read a review of the Mettle by you?
  7. Academy Sports just ended a sale on the H2O Mettle....$40 for a $60 reel. It has an aluminum frame. Several guys on here feel it is an exceptional reel for the money. I'm hoping it will be on sale Black Friday weekend so I can pick one up along with a few lures. Check out Post #25. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/164988-major-difference-in-cheap-reels-and-expensive-ones-other-than-gear-ratio/page-2
  8. I bought one of those when TW closed them out at $30. Suppose to be for my oldest grandson. He wasn't interested in b/c reels so I got it. Spool release and engagement sound like a Zillion....like a vault. I keep it on a 6' MHF Lightning dedicated to spinnerbaits. Might not be the smallest and lightest reel out there, but it is definitely a good one.
  9. Nice review. Thanks. Sounds like a winner.
  10. Not something we who started using b/c reels after the development of decent braking systems will probably ever be able to do. I've accidentally cast with no brakes on. I almost always am using very light spool tension. The results weren't pretty. I'd rather add some braking than spend the time removing backlashes (and changing out line due to those backlashes) while learning to cast with no brakes. I am willing to live with the slightly shorter casting distances as a result of using brakes.
  11. No. I am not saying that. I didn't mention the power rating of the casting rod. I am saying that both my Abu rods fish heavy. I am saying I don't like the casting model. I said I liked my ML spinning rod, but it fishes heavier than what I would consider a true ML spinning rod. Both are Villains. The casting rod is a 7' 6" MHF rated 3/8-1 1/4 oz. that will barely cast a 1/2 oz. weight what I consider to be a decent fishing distance. The spinning rod is a 6' 9" ML rated 1/8-1/2 oz. I tried a 1/16 oz. Roostertail on it figuring it is after all a spinning rod, and should handle 1/16 oz. less than its rating. Not so. I can't say what its lower limit is because I haven't fished it since then. I prefer b/c to spinning and have several rods that will handle that weight. It is a beautiful rod (in my eyes), and eventually I will be fishing it some more as my fanatical desire to fish light weights with a b/c reel has lessened.
  12. Have to agree with rippin-lips. I like reels......period. Should sell off 25-30 of mine.....but which ones? Think I would wind up missing any of them. As I said to Slade House, I find this to be true. Maybe I just haven't spent enough on a reel. Simply can't afford $500 on a reel much less twice that amount. My $30 Procaster and $45 Trion are both casting machines....on the right rod throwing lures above 3/8 oz. My T3 1016s cost quite a bit more, but distance isn't several times more. As you say "minimal". I personally feel the rod has more affect on distance than a reel. However, the braking on the 1016s allows me to cast with no brakes applied. Something impossible for me to do with any other reel I own. Not the first time I have read similar comments about the H2O Mettle. Comments such as this, and the fact it has a metal frame, would make it my choice over a Black Max every time. Most every fisherman will concur that distance isn't the most important aspect of a reel...yet somehow always winds up as part of the discussion. As someone who is usually fishing from shore, I often find distance important. Heck, fishing from a boat with my bro-in-law usually requires me to be a good long distance caster. Some combos seem to be a little more accurate casting than others. More expensive doesn't always equate to more accurate. OP: Reel choice today has its good points.....and its bad points. The good is that we have so many excellent choices. The bad is that we have so many excellent choices. We all have our favorites. Seems like the biggest fan club on this site is the Shimano club. Slightly over half my reels are Daiwas, but no way am I ever going to get rid of my Curado 201E7 or Chronarch 100B. Yet I would rather grab a Daiwa than a Curado 51E if throwing light baits. Like I said, my Primmus quickly became a favorite. From everything I've read, I think the Helios Air may also. I like to keep an open mind.
  13. Should have specified that an IKE model is what I meant.
  14. I'm going to attempt an answer, but there are tons more knowledgeable than I on these reels. Bantams are older reels. Out of production when I got back into fishing in '09. I don't think any have been sold with that name since then (2009). One in good working order will be fine for bass fishing. Gear ratio might be a little slow. Imagine parts for them would be hard to find. My understanding from the little I have read about them is that they are/were very good reels for the money, and are the foundation for Shimano's reputation today. Sounds like you might have come across one or two in your grandfather's garage. Get it/them cleaned, spool new line and put it/them to work. Doubt you will regret it.
  15. Well, well. May have to try another Abu rod. Was not impressed with my casting rod. I like the spinning model, but it definitely fishes heavier than I thought a ML should. From what you guys are saying, these new Abu rods are the real deal.
  16. No experience with this rod, but I think it would be an excellent choice. I can't seem to take a liking for the Mojo rods. Personal preference. Biggest share of my rods are all fairly versatile as most have a Fast action. A MHF rated 1/4-3/4 or 1/4-1 oz. would be my choice for a one rod arsenal. Although I don't have a Loomis 843, I have a couple custom rods marked 843 and several other rods that fit the same weight range. Not much I won't fish on these rods.
  17. Grab it. Pretty sure that is the rod Dan (smalljaw67) was telling me about last year. He likes it so well he will re-tie rather than pick up a different rod that is already set up. I personally think the HMG, Smallmouth and Aetos are all excellent buys for the $$$$. The Aetos is also one of the best (if not the best) looking rods I own. Let me know if you don't want it. I'll buy it at that price.
  18. Commendable, but really..............when has it ever stopped any of us from making other suggestions. I've become as guilty as the next person. I've never used any of the 3 the OP posted. However, I'd pick the Shimano because of my experiences with the older models. I also like my older Revos, but 1) I can't afford $500 for a reel, and 2) after reading about the Gen 3 reels for the past couple years, I'd rather have a Gen 2 or older reel. Have never read a thing about the Duckett reels therefore I wouldn't try one until it has been proven. Especially since there are 3 or 4 other reels I think I absolutely HAVE to have first.
  19. Yup. Rambler has the right attitude! Seriously, tho, if you like the reel, fix it and use it. I've got a TD-Z 105H that between its purchase price and getting it repaired, supertuned and a bearing upgrade has more money in it than I could possibly recuperate. Not a problem for me as I love the reel and it isn't going anywhere. Same thing for an old 5001C as it was my first baitcast reel. Sat for umpteen years as I didn't know how to cast it. Great casting reel now, but needs a longer handle.
  20. Please explain why not. What reel would you suggest for a first baitcaster?
  21. Sorry to hear of your trouble with the Elite Tech Smallmouth. I have 1 spinning and 3 baitcast rods and love them. OP: No experience with the Elite Tech Bass rod so no comment other than to say I have at least 6 other models of Fenwick rods and feel they all offer a lot for your money. (Elite Tech, old HMG, new HMG, Elite Tech Smallmouth, River Runner, Aetos, Techna AV, plus an old fiberglass rod from about 45 years ago.) The Aetos is a beautiful rod, but the trigger isn't the most comfortable ....for me. Friend who suggested the Aetos loves it. You would have to make that decision for yourself. Doesn't keep me from using the rod, tho. It is very nice otherwise. My newest HMG is the 7' 2" Medium-Moderate Fast rated 3/8-1 oz. Had it out a few times this year, but fishing has sucked worse than usual. Wish I had more to say about it other than it (and the Tatula) cast real well. Maybe Dan (smalljay67) will see this post and comment. He has a fair amount of experience with Fenwick rods. Unlike me, he catches quite a few fish with his.
  22. My original Lightning is the IM6. In which case I personally feel you made the right choice. Going to have a faster action. Mine is pretty sensitive for its price. Much better than the first quality rod I bought...an Airrus Ultra XL MH which cost several times the Lightning.
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