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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. I have a 6' MHF that is dedicated to spinnerbaits for just this purpose.
  2. Keep in mind this is a 14 year old youngster, so take it easy on him Only reel on that list that I have is a Curado 201E7. I like it a lot.......a whole lot. From the reading I've done on those reels I would say likes and dislikes are going to vary based on an individual's preferences. Not a bad one in the bunch.
  3. Whenever I have a problem with my reels, I send them to someone like Mike at DVT for repair. I am going to guess that cleaning and repair is going to cost around $20-$25 (depending on what is wrong) plus parts, plus shipping. Shipping will probably be around $6 each way. You'd have to talk to Mike, but if I am close on my guesses, then it probably would be better to buy your wife a new Bionic Plus. They are on sale for $47.97 right now. Also there are other dual brake systems if your wife would like to try another reel. Can't really help you there with inexpensive dual brake reels. I do have a couple older gold colored Carbonlites that I feel are exceptional reels for the money. You can find ones in good to very good condition for around $50-$65. Mine were on the higher end, in very good condition, and I have cast down to 3/16 oz. Shad Raps with them. Very nice casting reels. My older Patriarch XT (the blue ones) are also dual brake reels. I not only like their looks, but they cast very well. Was casting an unweighted 10" ribbontail worm and 3/0 hook with 1 centrifugal brake on and 3 on the magnetic brake dial. Even used it would run a lot more than a new Bionic Plus. My Lews Tournament Pro also has dual brakes. Buy used. Save a lot. No experience with the Bionic Plus. but I would hazard a guess that any of these reels would last much longer than her current reel, and definitely would be an upgrade. EDIT: Congratulations on marrying a woman who likes to fish with you. You are a lucky man. Treat her right.
  4. I don't understand it. Obviously I was doing something wrong. Seems like everyone likes micro guides on their spinning rods but me. I've only tried one rod with micro guides, but tried 3 different reels on it....2 with 8# mono and one with 10# braid. I hated it. I felt the micro guides were really hurting my casing distance.
  5. Besides the ones mentioned, look at the Fenwick Aetos line. Zero experience with the Pinnacle Perfecta DHC5 rods, but want to try one. Reviews by bassresource are very favorable.
  6. I learned the hard way to keep a reel cover on at all times the reel isn't being used. My near mint Chronarch 101A is no longer near mint. When fishing in a boat, I will leave the covers off as long as the boat is anchored or just letting the wind push it around. Whenever we move to another spot they get the covers back on.
  7. Didn't take off the 20% when I put it in the cart...unlike the ***. Called and 20% is still valid. So now I have 2 of the 3 reels I've been wanting to try coming. Salesman told me the same thing bootytrain posted. Thanks again Jon S. EDIT: Yes, the SV 105 and *** were both ordered.
  8. Thanks. Why can't they just show the sale price before putting in your cart?
  9. The Tackle Trap has some on sale. Still too rich for my blood.
  10. any of the reels on sale that I am looking for. Want a ***. Apparently these reels aren't allowed to be put on sale???? Found an Optimus Xi XS at a great price, but they are out of stock. Guess I will have to buy from Japan if I want an SV 105. Found a Pinnacle rod I was looking for at 25% off at DSG with free shipping. Problem is I will have to pay tax on it negating some of the savings so not a block buster deal in the end. Not sure if I want to spring for it, but have to decide tonight in order to take advantage of the sale. Looking at the 7' M cranking/jerkbait rod. BTD has a limited number of Phenix M1 casting rods on sale. The one I was interested in is now sold out. The Tackle Trap has a couple Shimano Zodias rep sample rods at 30% off that look like possibilities...the 7' ML and 7' MH. Haven't read much about these rods, but the little I have sounds good. Maybe I should save my money and buy the macro lens for my camera that I have been wanting for several years.
  11. Couldn't find that spool. However, Avail has several other spools that will fit my Curado 51E. I'd be leery of the honeycomb spools, but the ADL0928RII looks like it should do the trick. Just don't know if I want another light tackle reel. I have to say that I would rather grab a Diawa when it comes to light lures. Maybe an Avail spool would even the playing field. I have a stock PXL Type R and 2 TD-Z 105H reels that are tuned with one having an upgraded spool. DVT cleaned one Curado 51E and supertuned another for me. For some reason I seem to do better with Daiwas...or even my older Carbonlites with light lures. I know this is opposite of what others find. I have yet to try a 3/16 oz. or less lure with any of my Alphas reels. I think 3 combos dedicated to light lures is more than enough for a guy like me. I fit your last remark........in spades. I just like reels and would have a bunch more if I could.
  12. You don't need one. Like rippin-lips said, it is more fun for some of us. A spinning combo is definitely easier than a baitcasting combo to use. I almost never use one of my spinning outfits. My quest for a finesse reel ended when I finally broke down and bought a PXL Type R when TW was closing them out last year. For me a true finesse reel is better than trying to turn a regular reel into one. I put a Presso spool in a tuned and upgraded Sol, but haven't tried it yet for light lures because I already had those type of rods set up with other reels. Guess I'd better switch reels next year and find out if the effort was worth it. Had to make washers in order to put the Presso spool in the Sol.
  13. Not a subtle dig. You don't have to be great with a baitcast reel to be better than me. I've been using b/c reels almost exclusively since 2009, but I don't get out as often as many and I don't learn as quickly as I did 50-60 years ago. I'd bet that 90% of the people here are better than I am with a b/c reel. I like to think that I am starting to get decent with one, but don't delusion myself that I will ever be as good as many of the members here. It is my experience that light lures separate the men from the boys. I assume anyone looking at a $300 finesse reel wouldn't be interested in a cheap rod for it. I know I wouldn't be. I can enjoy a low cost fishing rod as well as the next guy, but given my druthers, I'd druther have a nicer rod. If I can't afford a higher priced rod, I'd druther be with a cheap one.
  14. What is the lure range for the 6' 10"? Only could find one reference to this rod, and specs were not given. As far as I am concerned, the Tat ML with its 1/4-5/8 oz rating is more Medium than ML. My Med Smoke has the same rating. My Falcon Mediums are rate 1/4-1/2 oz. I don't consider a rod a true ML unless it can handle 1/8 oz. lures on its low end. My ML Tat throws a 3/8 oz. spinnerbait with ease. I'm quite certain it will do as well with a 1/2 oz. spinnerbait. A 1/2 oz. spinnerbait is not something I would consider as fair game for a ML bass rod.
  15. Tom, you continue to amaze me with your vast knowledge.
  16. I have the Tatula 7' MLR and the 7'2" MHR. Naturally the 7' blank is a little thinner. I would assume it weighs slightly less. A significant difference? No. Either Med. or MH will handle 3/8 oz. just fine. More to the point is what kind of cover will you normally be fishing? Open or light cover, then either will work. Heavier cover I would opt for the MH. Obviously either would work in heavier cover as well, but you'd most likely lose a few more fish with the Medium. I have the older Black in a 7' 3" MF with the same ratings as the new models. Normally I never test the range of weights a rod will handle. Mike from DVT will tell you that most rods are best suited for weights in the middle of their rating. I have a feeling the Black will handle 1/2 oz. with aplomb. I'll put 3/8 oz. on either. A 1/2 oz. on MH. a 5/16 oz. on Medium. My ML is rated 1/4-5/8 oz. and handles a 3/8 oz. spinnerbait with ease. Now if you are looking for as light a set-up as you can get, then opt for a Medium and mount the 5.7 oz. Helios Air or 5.9 oz. Primmus on it and enjoy.
  17. Well, Mr. Deep, definitely not a BFS expert here. Have never tried any of the reels mentioned. You can get a used PX Type R within your budget. Only got out once with mine and was casting a 1/8 oz. spinnerbait....which we all know weighs more than 1/8 oz. Not nearly as aerodynamic as something like a jig or Roostertail. I fully expect it to handle a true 1/8 oz. given how far it would cast the spinnerbait. Straight out of the box. I freely admit I am not the caster so many of you on here are. Especially with lighter weights. I have thrown 3/16 oz. Shad Raps with 3 of my other reels....2 older gold Carbonlites and a TD-Z 105H. I feel confident that someone like yourself could do 1/8 oz. with any of them. The 105H is on an older 7' ML HMG. I bought them as a combo and the seller said it would cast 1/16 oz. The 7' ML Crankin' Stick is currently on sale for $70. I have a feeling this rod is not one you would be interested in. The other rod I was using has been out of production for a few years. A Falcon Expert 6' 9" Light. I also have the Tatula 6' 10" M-XF rated from 3/32 and a Fenwick Smallmouh 6' 10" MF rated from 1/8 oz. I have yet to try 1/8 oz on either rod. I imagine a Dobyns or GLoomis or Japanese rod would be more to your liking. Can't help there. Bet some of the guys on TT could give you some good suggestions. Course it probably would be for $500-$1000 rods and reels.
  18. Can't give you the exact number of reels currently in my basement, but it should be close to 50. Right now all I am interested in is trying 3-4 that I don't already own. ***, Daiwa SV, Optimus XiHS. Were I to buy another new reel of a model I already have it would definitely be either a Helios Air or Primmus. Preferably both.
  19. Bigger, but I don't know as I would call them clunky. Define clunky. I can put up with the 100B's size given how well it casts. Have a couple other larger reels (compared to today's options) that I won't sell until I have to for the same reason. However, if I have to ever get rid of some reels, the bigger and less expensive ones will go first.
  20. Well........doesn't that suck.
  21. Not roadwarrior. Nor do I have anywhere near his experience or knowledge. When I was researching braid for a baitcast reel, the popular consensus was to not use lighter than 40# due to the possibility of digging in. Since then I have read posts from people saying they fish 15# braid on a baitcast reel with no problem. My Alphas F came with 30# 832 Ghost. First thing that had to be done was make as long a cast as possible, and pull out more line. Repeat. That was because the line had dug in. I fished it in Florida this year. Probably fished 9 of the 14 days we were there, and we usually spent 8-12 hours a day on the water. This reel got used a lot. Line didn't dig in for me, but no large fish were caught. I did catch some stubborn lily pads. Line didn't dig in then either. What lures and what rod will you be using with it? Up until this year I took my STX with 40# Sufix Performance with me whenever visiting Florida. I'd guess that the longest casts I've ever made were done with this reel and line on a 7' MHF Jupiter rod and a 3/4 oz. spoon.
  22. I don't use much braid. I've got 55# Samurai on one reel. Expensive. Smaller diameter than normal because it breaks closer to its rating than most. Soft. 30# Fireline on a spinning reel that hasn't seen much use. Harder line. Fingers pinching line as I reeled it on were dark green from the color flaking off. Have straightened out a couple jig hooks with it. 40# Original PP on a casting reel. Re-spooled with it while in Florida after pulling off some old Sufix Performace. Very noisy. 20# Tuf-Line Supercast on one reel. No opinion on this line. So far I haven't been able to work up any love for the reel it is on so it hardly ever gets used. Spiderwire (30# I think) has been okay. No complaints. 10# Sufix 832 Ghost on a spinning and 30# on a baitcast reel. I like it. Especially the 30# on the baitcast reel. My spinning reels seldom get used. Personally I think Sufix Performance Is a very good low cost braid. Line was almost white when I pulled it off my STX after several years of limited use. Money no object I'd probably go with Samurai. I think it is mostly going to come down to personal preference. Hard to buy a bad braid.
  23. I've never used one of the newer Shimanos. I do have a Curado 201E7 and Chronarch 100B. Offhand I couldn't tell you how they compare. Never fished them side by side, although I am planning on it this February. What I can tell you is they are both excellent reels. Hard to backlash, but I don't use them with light lures since I have several other reels set up for those type of lures.. Both of mine are spooled with 12# mono and used on MH rods. Casting distance is quite good. I seriously doubt you will regret getting the 200E7.
  24. Mini as in info given, not mini as in post length. My original post about the Helios Air. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/165117-tell-me-about-your-helios-air/ Here is the bassresource review. A much more in depth review. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/helios-air-review.html Got out for about 70 minutes this afternoon with the Helios Air and an upgraded TD-Z 105H I had bought last year and temporarily forgot about due to no rod for it. Spent about 30 minutes with the TD-Z and the rest with the Helios. Bit chilly once my hand got wet. No fish caught and none expected at my practice area. I had a partial spool of 12# Sunline Super Natural Clear so decided to use it up instead of using the AN40. I did mount it on the 7' MF Techna AV rated 1/4-1 oz. which in my book makes it a MH rod. This reel is too light for this rod making it tip heavy. However, once I tied a lure on and started casting, I never noticed it. I'm not as acutely in tune with the little things like some of you. As stated in my original post on the Helios, I set the brakes at 3. Bought some homemade spinnerbaits from a fellow member. Think they run 1/4-3/8 oz. Selected a larger one for my initial outing. With lure falling slowly, I backed off 2 more clicks letting it fall fast. Am getting out of the idea that I need spools set only snug enough to remove side-to-side play although I do run them with less tension than is normally suggested. Doesn't seem to hurt casting distance, and can sometimes avoid overruns in some fishing conditions. This is my first Okuma reel. First time using it. First cast. Wow! This thing casts great. Second cast I went for more power and got an overrun. Haven't been out in a few weeks so I backed off on the power letting myself get back into practice. I never will be as good as Glenn with a baitcast reel, but I did not have to touch it after the initial setup. Was thrilled at how easy it was to get good distance with this combo. Normal power casts were resulting in more distance than most of my reels. As Glenn has noted, retrieve is smooth and no strain reeling the spinnerbait back upstream. Was at a local river. Was whirring on casts. Mechanical noise doesn't bother me. In fact I enjoy it. Noticed not quite as much when I picked it back up after playing with the TD-Z for a bit. Then ignored the sound as I continued to be amazed at how well this reel casts. Decided to back off a touch with the cast control. Whoa! Very noisy. Slightly tightened it back up. Next cast...no whirring. It was at this time that I remembered this reel comes with ABEC5 bearings. Apparently it took about 35-40 minutes of use to get the lubrication spread throughout the bearings. Obviously this has nothing to do with which bearings are in the reel. However, I have noticed that upgraded bearings seem to be noisier than factory bearings. ABEC5 would be considered an upgrade for many reels. Casts are now quiet. It is also getting another yard or two out of normal power casts. Or else I was unconsciously throwing a little harder. Personally I feel those of you who limit yourselves to one brand of reel are missing out. I can understand why you do it, but it isn't for me. My Primmus and now my Helios Air are two really, really, really fine reels that I would have missed out on were I to stick only to my Daiwas and Shimanos. I can highly recommend both of these reels to anyone looking for a new reel. You won't be disappointed with either. EDIT: Looking forward to next year. Can't wait to try a little heavier and more aerodynamic lure.
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  25. That is because mine are the best. Of course I own Shimano, Daiwa, Lews, Abu (both Revos and Morrums and both low profile and round), Pflueger, Okuma, Pinnacle and BPS. Since I like them all I guess all 8 brands are the "best". How is that for narrowing the field?
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