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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. When it comes to Walmart the best thing you can do is go to walmart period com. I know my local store has next to nothing in fishing. The next further one away has a bit more, but not like what some stores have. I got a couple $176 rods for less than $100 off period com.
  2. Best of those they tested which was a long ways for all reels. Did test some nice reels, tho. I'm more interested in baitcast reels, and was surprised to see the Duckett win out. I'd be willing to try one if I could find one on sale and one that wasn't white.
  3. Shouldn't have. I've only got one Pflueger and one Shimano so not a lot of experience here with those two brands. However, a longtime fisherman on this board who fishes 365 days a year has extensive experience with both brands. He has stated more than once that every one of his Shimanos has been in for repair while not one of his Pfluegers have needed a repair. Personally I like my Shimano a bit better than the Pflueger because of its higher gear ratio. I do think the Pflueger is a nicer looking reel.
  4. You didn't mention a budget so as a beginner I imagine less is going to be better for you. If you won't be fishing in much cover, here is a good option for a decent rod at about $40 is a Berkley Lightning. I prefer the standard over the Shock. Have had one for 35 years or so. Now we are talking about $80 total. Or step up to the Pflueger President for another $20 more. A highly rated reel. My personal preference for a spinning rod is Medium power or less. That is what I grew up with and am the most comfortable with when it comes to using a spinning rod. I have two MH spinning rods, but much prefer throwing anything these rods would be used for on a baitcast rod.
  5. Not unusual for a spinning guy use to cranking with the left had to prefer a LH baitcast reel. That was me 7 years ago. Today slightly over half my b/c reels are LH. I actually enjoy switching...both for cranking and for casting. Quite possible you will learn to like both hand reels as well. Why?...you ask. Well not all reels come in either hand. There may come a time when you want to try a specific reel, but it only comes in RH. That is when you will learn to use both hands.
  6. Personally I think the cranking rod is a better bet. Tip is softer. Will load easier and maybe help smooth out a jerky casting stroke. EDIT: I say it is better to learn before getting on the water. When you are fishing...you want to be fishing. Not pulling out backlashes. However, Kevin is correct. The Abu is definitely a better all-around rod.
  7. Yup. I prefer baitcast, but if you are fishing from shore with any kind of cover around, a spinning reel is a better option as roadwarror suggested. For me a baitcaster requires more room for casting unless you plan on pitching or flipping every time trees, bushes, high grass, etc is around your fishing spot.
  8. Did you pick up that other expensive reel that was on sale?
  9. Sure can be. I haven't reached your number....and mine are mostly LP reels from many different brands....but I still keep looking even though I already have 10-11 more reels than rods sitting on a shelf as we speak.
  10. Like ghoti I used 4# and 8# Trilene XL for a good many years. Still have it on a couple reels. Reason for trying other lines wasn't because XL quit working for me, but because I wanted to try other lines. I can't recall being disappointed with any line I've tried. I did have one brand break down in the reel, but more than likely that was my fault. It was the first line I used while learning to use a baitcast reel. Had a few backlashes. I seriously doubt that line scares a fish away very often. I've had fish come out of the water after a lure as I lifted it out right at the boat. They didn't seem to be scared of the boat much less the line.
  11. Can't show you a comparison size. Can tell you I palm my 1600C. Can't tell you about the braking. Can tell you I've thrown a small unweighted fluke directly into a strong wind and only backlashed once when I tried for the other side of the lake.
  12. Welcome. My first choice is always a casting rod. I do have to ask one question, tho. Are the banks clear where you fish? It is much easier for me to cast in a constricted area with a spinning rod. Cover and lure size can narrow your search. A Medium Fast is plenty if you never fish over 1/2 oz. and in light cover. The H2O gets good reviews as does the Berkley Lightning. Look at the Black Max and H2O Mettle...new. Used is generally a better value for your money. Many times you can find one in good to excellent condition for about half the original price. I am partial to mono or co-polymers for line unless fishing in something like lily pads. I use a 12# mono or co-polymer on the majority of my MH rods. As always...keep an eye on places such as the St. Croix Bargain Room. Cabela's Bargain Cave and FFO. Some very sweet deals can sometimes be found. I have no idea about combos sold by places such as BPS, Cabela's and Sports Academy. Others can chime in on those.
  13. I had an Online friend tell me I needed a full spool for maximum distance. I am no longer so sure of that. When I spooled my Curado 201E with the remains of a filler spool, I wound up with a lot of spool still showing. Casting distance was very good on an Endurance 723. Have since filled the spool. I don't see a difference on the water. Maybe if I had measured casts on land I would have found a difference. However, I continue to fill my spools.....just in case.
  14. Hey, I like the purple accents on my T3 MX. I like the purple on my Purple Alphas. I like the red color of my Limited Edition Tatula Type R. I like the pretty blues sunlight brings out in my Aetos. Besides....my wife took away my man card many years ago.
  15. Not exactly in the same boat as you. I used TD-Z 105H, Curado 51E, Alphas ito Ai, Sol and older Carbonlite to get down to 3/16 oz. However, I feel exactly like you in regards to my PXL Type R and Alphas SV105. I also got my PX on closeout, and it still is the most I have ever paid for a reel. It is possible the remark was made with tongue in cheek. Besides....no need to get aggravated. It will only raise your blood pressure. I have 6 or 7 spinning outfits that almost never get used simply because I prefer baitcast reels. I used spinning gear exclusively for the first 57 years. Caught a lot more fish back then, too. (Different area of the country.) There are others here that still fish only with a spinning reel and do just fine, thank you very much. Fish what you like, but I poke a little fun once in awhile too. Hopefully others realize it is just in fun.
  16. A brother-in-law and I fish 10" ribbontail worms on unweighted hooks whenever I visit him in Florida. He uses a 5/0 EWG while I often use a 3/0 EWG. He thinks baitcasters out distance a spinning reel. I think I throw harder than he does. EDIT: He only uses spinning gear.
  17. Nope. It is a shame too. Basic maintenance shouldn't be beyond our capabilities. I just have never been one to tear into things. I could try taking a reel apart in my computer room in the basement, but with 2 grandsons often spending time there I would worry about having parts disappear.
  18. Nice score...and true words. Wish I had a place to work on reels, and more of a desire to do so. It is satisfying to do your own work, but I am extremely leery about taking a reel apart. Oh well. It keeps places like DVT in business.
  19. I don't know much about the newer reels. The Daiwa SS Air casts down to 1/16 oz. Possibly the Curado 70 may be similar to the Daiwa SV105 in its ability to cast a wide range of lures well from about 1/8 oz. Now if you don't mind used there are several other options. Any Pixy or PX Type R or TD-Z 105H will do 1/8 oz. in the right hands...which so far aren't mine although I can do well with a 1/8 oz. spinnerbait on my PXL and #5 Shad Raps on all of them. Any 50 size Shimano. My older gold colored Carbonlites throw 3/16 oz. Shad Raps quite well. An older Prolite should do 1/8 oz. I have also thrown 3/16 oz. crankbaits with my Helios Air and did it on a rod rated from 3/8 - 3/4 oz. and lots of thumb. That unmentionable company is said to do quite well with lighter baits. Just not sure how light. Love my Primmus, but haven't tried anything that light with it yet, but feel it probably will do at least down to 3/16 oz. It is such a nice casting reel. I honestly think my old Black Max 1600C will do 3/16 oz. I think a lot of reels will handle 3/16 oz. It is when you go to 1/8 oz. that the reel becomes more critical.
  20. Nice! I always wanted to try a smaller round reel so when a package deal came up for three 1600C reels, I took the plunge. Great little reels. Can feel a little play in the one I've been using (others still sitting), but it casts light baits very well. Was out one day when a stiff wind was blowing. Tried casting directly into the wind. I did manage one backlash on a bomb. Was casting a small fluke on an unweighted hook...3/0, I think. Unbelievable reel for less than $35. Small enough to palm, too.
  21. Testing new gear is fun. One reason I have too much. Another reason being fishing suxs in my area so new-2-me gear keeps me going out. Sounds like you are putting together some nice outfits. Can't go wrong with a Tatula reel. About the only complaint I've read about is some don't like the ergonomics. Be sure to let us know about the NRX spinning rods and the reels you use on them. I congratulate you, and the Bait Monkey is dancing a jig.
  22. How come I can't do that....even when I give it hell?
  23. Figured that from your number of posts and the number of years using a baitcast reel. Also from the tongue in cheek comment about casting 4 oz. jigs a country mile and wondering why a 1/8 oz. jig won't cast an equal distance on the same combo. I have free time occasionally, but don't know how to troll. Wouldn't have your sense of humor anyway.
  24. I have several Daiwas. Only one is causing me problems, but is a model everyone else seems to think is great. I have had no problem with my Tatulas (not the CT) giving me good casting distance. A bad reel is always possible no matter who makes it. However, the reel is of little concern if the rod isn't loading. My Villain casting rod will barely throw 1/2 oz. a decent fishing distance. I think trying another rod is your best option. If still not getting a decent casting distance, then and only then would I look at the reel. Okay. You posted while I was typing. The lure shouldn't be going straight into the water even if the rod isn't loading. You just won't get much distance. I assume you are using your friend's rod and reel combo. Have you tried the CT on his rod? Is the reel straight from the box? Maybe the CT needs a good cleaning. Sometimes that is all they need. DVT could not only clean it, but make sure it is functioning properly.
  25. No need to switch to a spinning combo. I've no experience with the Veritas, but both my Villains (1 spinning, 1 b/c) are stiff for their rating. I have zero experience with Cashion, but the CRT 7' MHF Worm & Jig at 3/16-3/4 oz. looks very interesting. You might have talked me into trying one. I am a fan of Fenwick. Look at the HMG 7' MF. Looking thru TW the Enigma Aaron's Edge 7' Med Mag Bass, Powell Inferno 703C and the Fury all look like candidates. I've never bought from jet, but the Okuma C3-40X Casting Rod is within your budget from them....a 6'10" MH. It is $114.72 but use code 15NOW to get 15% off that price. Plus it is free shipping. I don't like its color, but can overlook that because of its excellent reviews. Lot of rod for the money. walmart.com has 3 of these left for about $4 more. Of course you would have to pay tax taking the total up to about $125.
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