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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. Patrick, pay attention to Dan. He won't steer you wrong. I've always found his advice to be spot on.
  2. No pictures. My last 2 reels were Lew's...a Pro Z on sale and a Tournament MB. MB not spooled yet. Pro's been out once for practice. Have one of the original Tournament Pros that a grandson grabbed for his. Won't be going all Lew's. Nice reels, but I don't see them being so much better than others. Casting distance? About the same as many others I have. Never backlash? Apparently I am a much better caster than many of you because I can overrun a Lew's just as easily as some others........all others? Of course I am not acclimated to the Lew's yet so am hoping for some improvement in distance and casting mishaps once I get use to the reels and get them fine tuned for my style of casting. It seems this quickly became a Lew's thread. Slightly over half my reels are Daiwas so guess I am in a minority. Don't see that changing. However, I am not a Daiwa fanboy. Own several other brands and enjoy them all. Two reels that have impressed me lately...more so than the Lew's...are the Primmus and Helios Air. I set 3 brakes on, adjusted spool tension and haven't touched the Primmus since then. Light, very smooth, excellent casting distance, overruns few and far between (and my fault obviously) and a nice looking reel to boot. First cast with the Helios Air and I said "Wow. This thing can cast." Also set with 3 brakes on. I'm not as good as most so need more brakes. Fishing set ups require more than a reel. Some favorite rods are Fenwick (HMG, Smallmouth and Aetos), Endurance, Falcon and Tatula. Recently acquired a Diablo Spec R and 704CB Glass from a fellow member. Thanks Mitch. Very nice rods and expect them to be two of my favorites. Believe it or not, but I picked up a 7' ML Redbone a couple years ago at a very good price, and like the rod a lot. It stays in Florida for visits so I don't get to use it as much as I would like.
  3. Isn't this the same thing you use your HMG 7'2" Med-Moderate Fast for?
  4. I have the Diablo Spec R thanks to a fellow member. Picked it because it is suppose to be very versatile according to Megabass advertising. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to fish any of the rods and reels I picked up over the winter. Only been able to make a few practices casts with them. Hoping to get out Sunday...the first sunny day in a week, but ain't going to hold my breath.
  5. My only experience with Abu rods is a couple Villains and have to agree. Buy one power lower than you would in most other lines.
  6. Looks like you are doing a good job researching. Might want to give the guys at TackleTrap a call and ask about the Hammer rods. The 7'3" Extra Heavy might work. I've been reading some really good reviews on this line. Picked up a couple, but haven't had a chance to fish them...only got out for a few minutes with each for some casting practice.
  7. I would choose rod power based on type of cover and lure weights you plan on fishing. I prefer a MHF for an all-around rod, and 7' to 7'3" length. Normally I fish lures that can be cast on a MH with ease. However, mix in crankbaits, and I would prefer a MF. Sure they could be thrown on a MHF (reduce drag and don't use braid). I used a MF for crankbaits for several years until I broke down and bought a dedicated crankbait rod. Some treble lures are better used with a MH rod. It is going to be a compromise either way. Try to pick a rod that will cover the most lures you plan on fishing. The Tatula 6.3 would make a good all-around reel. Personally I'd err on the side of too much speed than not enough. I have no problem cranking slow when necessary. If you think mono has too much memory, then don't bother using fluoro....especially in the 17# or heavier as suggested. Also it is a myth that fluoro doesn't stretch....kept going by some people on forums such as this one. Go over to TackleTour and read their fluorocarbon line tests. If you don't believe their results, try it yourself. You will only have to try it once.
  8. I've had some interest in them, but so far not enough to invest in one. I read that the originals were very light and sensitive......but many broke pretty easy. Maybe the newer rods are more durable. Seem to be in your case. Reviews of the originals have kept me from taking the plunge and buying one. I'm a little leery, but if you think they are a better rod than the Tatula, maybe I'll have to start looking for a deal on one. Really like my Tatulas. In my own case I have a few more expensive rods than the Fenwick Elite Tech Smallmouth, but most (Mediums) don't get used as often as the Smallmouth rods.
  9. No Bucoos, but several other Falcons. Several years ago I picked up a 3 rod package of Experts. Loved the 7' Medium. Fell face first into a pile of rocks breaking two pieces off the tip. Called Falcon. Told them what happened. Sent the rod section with the specs and $80. Sent me a new $200 rod. Some might think this wasn't a good deal, but I feel Falcon didn't have to do anything for me as it was 100% my fault. Have bought more Falcons since.
  10. At full price, sale price or closeout price? I've got several reels that I consider extremely good for the price. Picking the best bang for the buck is too hard for me. Picked up two Pinnacle Primmus on sale that have to be near the top. Okuma Helios Air on sale is right up there. I'm assuming you are only asking about new reels that are still available. Otherwise I could mention the Ambassadeur Black Max 1600C and older gold colored Carbonlites as two more reels that outperform their cost.
  11. I kind of like smaller. I have a Black Max 1600C I use for some of those techniques.
  12. Josh, I'll throw spinnerbaits on just about any rod. Well maybe not my new crankbait rod. I do have one dedicated spinnerbait rod. I bought a 6' MHF Lightning and Daiwa Procaster 100HN for my oldest grandson when TW was closing out the reels a few years ago. He has no interest in trying a baitcast reel so guess what...I got another combo. I use it for throwing mainly 1/2 oz. spinnerbaits at what are short ranges for me.
  13. I've bought a few thousand dollars worth of air guns and fishing gear over the past 15 years using mostly Postal Money Orders. Couldn't be easier. Usually people on craigslist don't want to pay more than 30% of an items true value unless you get lucky and someone with knowledge catches your ad. Actually free is better for them.
  14. Next question. Should have asked in other post. What are you building the rod for? Crankbaits? Topwater? Bottom lures? All-around?
  15. I didn't perceive it that way. Can't speak for anyone else. Was just replying to the OP. I've made a few smart remarks in the years I have been here. Will be making a few more along the way. Hope my remarks are taken the way I mean them....in fun. I've opened my mouth before without thinking first. Shoe leather never tastes good.
  16. Right hand or left hand? A Curado 201 just sold on bbcbords for $75 that looked to be in excellent condition. That would have made a very nice first reel. There is also a LH Tatula $80. A month old with light usage. Another great option. However, I understand that you may not want or be able to spend that much. Although I own reels from all four of those companies, I don't own any of those models. Any suggestion I would make would be a stab in the dark based on my experience with other models. Is that going to stop me from making a suggestion? Nope. A fellow member considers the Lew's to be junk. Do a search on the Laguna and you will find one with a fellow member who really liked his, but admitted that the gears were grinding after a year of heavy use. I believe the Revo is a Gen 1. I own a couple Gen 1 Revos...an STX and Premier. The STX is an awesome reel. Personally my choice would be between the Revo and the Krios. The Krios does have a lot of good features for its price. Let me know which hand reel you want. Maybe I can help you out with a little better reel. BTW, I was born and raised just south of Elmira in PA. Much better fishing up there than where I now live.
  17. It is basic math (figuring out what weights are within a rod's rating), but not everyone can grasp it. My daughter is horrible in math. Work with her today until she understands it. Tomorrow it is gone. It definitely isn't because she is stupid.....except in math. She had the head of a hospital psychiatric department tell her she should become a psychologist. I program lathes. Before that I worked in sheet metal. I'd better have a decent understanding of math. Some people I work with don't. Would never consider putting them down for it. Generally people here are not rude without some kind of provocation. Asking questions about something you don't understand does not fall in that category. That isn't to say that the occasional smart remark won't be made, but it is usually made to poke fun, not ridicule someone.
  18. I am trying to find the best price on Perfecta and Helios rods. Fishing Castle has the best price on the Perfectas, but isn't listed on resellerratings which makes me leery. Wholesale Hunter's reviews are all over the place. Definitely wouldn't buy any gun related items from them, but am hoping rods would be hard to mess up. Asked before about Wholesale Hunter, but got no feedback. Maybe I'll get lucky this time. Please don't tell me to order and report back the results. I can't afford to lose that kind of money.
  19. My main concern would be the gear ratio. I'm afraid the reel would take the "buzz" out of buzzbait. From a post by Goose, I gather they came in 4.7 and 5.3 ratios.
  20. Only way to know for sure is to try. I've thrown a 3/16 oz. Rapala on a rod rated 3/8-3/4 oz. I've a MH rod rated 3/8 to 1-1/4 oz. that will barely cast a 1/2 oz. spinnerbait a decent fishing distance.
  21. Have to agree. I've slowly been lowering the amount of weight needed for me to be able to cast it on a baitcast reel. My PXL Type R helped a lot. However, a spinning reel sure makes it easier and casts much more accurate.........for me.
  22. Yeah. Trying to break braid with your bare hand isn't what I call fun. A short piece of wood sure comes in handy if you can't go get the lure.
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