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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. What are you waiting for? Both my TD-Z 105Hs cost $150 used. Absolutely don't need another reel, but may have to change my mind at that price. EDIT: Too late. I now have three TD-Z 105H reels.
  2. to the forum. Won't need a really sensitive rod for those techniques. I'd probably be looking at getting a 7' to 7'6" MHF or a HF depending on the rod's rating. Powell makes some pretty nice rods. Either in the Max 3D or Max 3D mag Bass series. I've been reading some good things about the new Mojo Bass rods. You really have lots of nice choices at that price point. Might want to look at a Hammer 7'3" Heavy or Extra Heavy.
  3. Received Saturday an Airy Red Pixie. Cost me about half (or less) what they were going for a couple years ago. Wanted one for a long time so I'm glad the prices went way down. Feel sorry for the guys trying to sell one now tho. They are taking a beating.
  4. Ouch! That is why I don't plan on selling any of my gear. If...and that is a big if....my wife and I can afford to move to Florida to be near her sister and brothers, I may give away a few to my nephews. A person feels better about giving than taking a hosing on sales.
  5. A used Alphas F I bought required repairs. Had it tuned and the bearings and drag upgraded at the same time. It now has 6.8 gears. Even without a new handle or paint job, there is no way I could get my money back. Good thing it is never going anywhere. It was the same way with a '64 Chevele I had. Line bored, Holly 850, Holly Hi-rise intake, high performance cam, tuned headers, new valves, brand new exhaust, etc. are things I as the owner enjoyed. No one else was willing to pay for those improvements when I sold the car even though they got to enjoy the benefits.
  6. I don't buy "expensive" gear. I didn't pay over $100 for most of my rods. I hardly consider that expensive when I read about all the guys fishing St. Croix Avids & Legends, Dobyns Champions & Extremes, Gloomis IMX, GLX & NRX (Heck. even the GL2 & MossyBacks cost more than my rods), Phenix, Kistler, Falcon Cara T7, Megabass and on and on and on. My most expensive rod (retail) cost me $75. Two of my Smallmouth rods were less than $80. I've got a $17 Lightning I use. I said I use "better" gear than before. I did buy a PXL Type R on closeout because I got tired of trying to make reels that weren't designed for very light baits work. It is my most expensive reel. Plenty of my reels cost less than $100. Several were less than $50 used. I don't think "expensive" describes my gear. More along the lines of everyday gear for someone who likes to fish, but isn't a fanatic about it. I just have more of it. I am comparing my "better" gear to what I owned previously. The only decent spinning reel I had was a Penn 430SS that I still have and use and is still on the most expensive rod I owned back then...a Berkley Lightning. The other reels weren't as good as the current Pflueger Trions nor were my other rods near the quality of the Lightning. I do have more gear than necessary....just to keep my interest up. If I had a bass boat, I would be trying lakes further out. I would have less gear if I had a bass boat. I also have driven about an hour and a half to try out a lake I hoped would be better. Maybe it was....the day before I got there. I've never used a depth finder. I admit to not being that good of a fisherman. I caught my fair share of fish the first 15 years and did it without a bass boat or depth finder. Of course most of them were not bass. (I was out of fishing for awhile because of working on the road. Then out again for 23 years after moving here.) And my "expensive" gear does bring me more pleasure. If what I read is true, I am not the only member who feels the same way. I am not trying to rationalize spending money on fishing gear or justify what I spend to anyone else. Nor do I think it will suddenly make me a better fisherman. It has taken me a bit over 7 years to get what I have. Strange as it may seem to you, I do get more pleasure out of my $76 Smallmouth rods than my $60 Tec Spec. I feel the Smallmouths are much better rods, and I don't like the tip recovery time on the Tec Spec.....even if it will catch just as many fish. EDIT: Remove part of my first statement. No idea why I made it since "lousy fishing" is exactly why I have a lot more gear than needed and I have stated so more than once. However, I have about reached my acquisition saturation point. Doubt there will be any more rod and reel additions. Also practicing my casting at a local boat ramp no longer gives me the pleasure it once did. Think I will stop wasting my time and gas money going there. Maybe I'll still make the occasional trip to a lake just for the fresh air.
  7. As would any sane person looking for the most for their money. Nor did I. Some reels can be found for a lot less than retail all the time. Some can't. At least I haven't been able to find better than retail on some....even on ebay. Which is why I'm not surprised that a $95 Tatula from ebay is a better reel that a $100 Exceler from TW given the fact that the Tatula has a higher retail price (and actually sells for $150 from TW). I'm only using these reels as an example. I know the Exceler was recently on sale for $50 and was a terrific buy at that price. I'd put my $104 Primmus up against any $204 reel (retail). BUT it should compete at that price considering TW sells them for $225. I was only putting forth my opinion...and it is only my opinion...that retail versus retail is more of an apples to apples comparison than retail versus a sale price.
  8. Expensive being relative. I can't force myself to buy a $300 reel very often. Did spend that much once when TW was selling the PXL Type R for that price. The most I ever paid for a rod was $175 so as you can see I don't own "expensive" gear. I do try to buy "better" gear. I buy new (or new-2-me) gear for the simple reason it is the only thing that keeps me going out fishing. Fishing is that bad in my area....especially when you fish from shore. I may not catch a fish in several outings, but my gear brings me pleasure anyway. Were I still fishing with $30-$40 combos like I use to, I would have quit again. I did for 23 years when using that kind of gear after moving to this area. Poor fishing here is why I own 6 to 7 times more gear than I need. I'd much rather be catching fish than trying new gear. I'd be happy using those $30-$40 combos if the fishing was good. Of course $300-$400 combos would make me happier.
  9. Retail is how I compare reels as that is what the manufacturers feel they are worth. I got a like new Tatula for $85 and a new Tatula Type R for $130. Do I consider them $85 and $130 reels? No. Just like I don't consider the new Curado 51E I bought on closeout a $98 reel. You owe it to yourself to try a Primmus Xi XS. Factory tuned. Nice looking. Light. Smooth. To quote Keri May who reviewed the reel for bassresource, "This brake system was new to me so it took a bit of time to fine tune it to fit my fishing style." I set 3 brakes on. Set spool tension for the lure to drop fast. (Reel would backlash if I didn't stop it before the lure hit the water....or floor.) Haven't touched it since. That was over a year ago. Don't even touch the cast control when changing lures. Took the Primmus to Florida this year when visiting in-laws. I have to adjust my casting stroke when there because I am sitting in the front of a 14' dingy versus standing on shore at home. The stroke isn't nearly as smooth in the boat as I have to stop it short. Even the vaunted Curado 201E7 required minor adjustments. The Primmus didn't. I used the reel on a 7' ML saltwater rod rated 3/8-3/4 oz. The combo will cast a 3/8 oz. 3DB Popper like a bullet.
  10. Different as in taking a budget reel and trying to hot rod it, or different as in trying a brand you haven't used yet? If you haven't used a Lew's yet, then I'd suggest trying a Tournament MB at $109 off ebay. Not budget reels, but I'd suggest a Primmus Xi XS or Helios Air for a great experience. If you want to customize a reel, then I'd look at buying a used Daiwa...TD-Z, Alphas, Sol or older Fuego and have at it. The TD-Z and Alphas should run around $150 while the Sol and Fuego can be found for $125 and less (occasionally around $100). Lots of aftermarket parts. You'd be starting with a very nice reel and making it even better.
  11. Not answering, but asking. I was curious about your thoughts on the Producer Performa X. You did give a hint. Normal prices run $200 for the Daiwa versus $120 for the Pinnacle so I think the Daiwa should definitely be the better reel. I did find the Performa X for $100 and the HD200 for $143.....lot closer prices but even so the Daiwa should be the better reel. Does the Performa X make a good $100-$120 reel? I bought a Primmus Xi XS and it quickly became a favorite reel. Bought two more when they were being sold out at $104 at one Online store. Would have bought more if I didn't already have too many reels. I think the Primmus is well worth the full asking price. Reviews of an $89 Pinnacle by bassresource suggest it is also well worth the price. My limited experience with Abu rods supports the premise that they fish heavier than rated.
  12. Seems the OP upped his budget too. However, I don't think he made a bad choice. I happen to be a fan of Daiwa reels. Own an older Cabela's Prodigy...a much cheaper reel and another Daiwa....and am very pleased with it. I own several T-wings and have had no problems with them with the exception of the cast control not working on a new reel. Removing and re-installing the plastic rod under the tension cap solved that problem. Had the OP given a budget of $180 I am sure he would have gotten quite a few different options than he did. The Arachnid may have been one.
  13. I've snapped 4# Trilene XL on casts using a 9' fiberglass rod. A 10# leader solved that problem. No way in the world could I snap 14# any brand line on a cast unless it was rotted. I suppose you could have gotten a bad....very, very bad....batch of line, but most likely the problem is elsewhere. See above comments. Good luck finding the problem.
  14. I have a tough time using the search function. There are a ton of "Best casting reel", "Best casting reel for $100 or less", etc., etc., but finding one is a pain. Best to save the threads in your "Favorites" if you ever want to reference them or provide a link for someone else. This is not the type of thread I have saved....having read all of them the past 7 years. Several times I have upgraded bearings and drags when getting a reel cleaned. Sometimes get the internals polished (supertuned). I can see the upgraded drag being a plus on many reels, but often times I don't notice enough difference in upgraded bearings to justify the cost. However, I like the reel to "be all it can be" with me being the limiting factor. Whether or not the cost is justifiable is up to you. I do think polishing is normally a benefit. Usually such a reel allows me to use lower brake settings. I think it is hilarious that you ask if an upgraded Citica will be as nice as a Tatula. First the Tatula CT cost about the same as a Citica while the original Tatula can be had for $25-$30 less. Second you are seriously going to upset some Shimano fans. Third you could just go buy a $200 reel and have a better reel and not have wasted time sending it out or waiting for new parts. I think the Tatula is a great reel for its price...or even more. Many love the PQ, but I have zero experience with one. My absolute best "budget" reels are Pinnacle Primmus reels for $104 (a $225 reel) when manventureoutpost was selling them off. Great looking reel, tuned at the factory, very smooth, excellent casting distance and one of the easiest reels to cast with no backlashes or overruns. Even my Curado 201E7 required adjustment when I took my last vacation trip to Florida. The Primmus didn't. (Ducking fire from the Shimano fans.) Another fine reel...budget or otherwise....is the Lew's Tournament MB at $109 from ebay.
  15. I don't have a 103 to compare my PXL Type R to, but have an Alphas SV105. Personally I like the PX better, but I have mentioned here several times my feelings on the SV105.
  16. I thought that a Medium action rod should cast further than a F or XF because it loads more of the rod. Obviously a longer rod should help. I think I have 50# PP on my Curado 201E7. Mounted it on a 723 Endurance (MH-XF) and was thrilled by the casting distances. And this was with a 1/2 oz. spinnerbait. Now I don't know what to think.
  17. Been wanting a 7' MF Helios, but keep hoping for a steal. Hasn't happened yet. Liked my first Helios Air enough to go buy a second. First cast my thought was "Wow. This thing can cast."
  18. A spinning rod would be easier for you at this time and do it all. However, my preference is always a baitcast rod if I can get away with one. I would definitely go for a baitcast combo if going with a MH rod, but that is me. I much prefer heavier lures on a b/c outfit. If going with a Medium power rod, then consider a spinning combo. New: A Berkley Lightning...or Lightning Shock...spinning rod plus a Pflueger President will get you there with money left over for line....and a couple lures depending on the line used. How far off the water are the piers? I wouldn't want to be lifting a decent fish with the rod if very far. However, SirSnookalot (for one) has plenty experience doing it and could offer advice on how not to break the rod.
  19. No wonder my son-in-law and his father only use spincast reels. They are lucky.
  20. My personal opinion is go with dual brakes or the MagForce 3D on certain Daiwa reels. I think that centrifugal only brakes are a bit better than magnetic only for learning. I wouldn't know for sure because I learned on the original Fuegos. I will say it was a steep learning curve for me, but that is probably just me as I read of guys learning on the mag only Lew's in a half hour. I have to disagree with Mike that "mag brakes by themselves won't help you with preventing backlashes when casting or with casting distance." I think a lot of Daiwa users would agree with me. I have no problem zinging a lure with my mag only Gen 1 STX and have made some of my longest casts with it. Believe me when I say I can't cast with zero brakes...with the exception of my T3 reels with MagForce 3D braking. Distance wise I don't see much difference between a Curado 51E or Chronarch 101A and a TD-Z 105H or Alphas. Or a Chronarch 100B versus a Zillion. I think the rod and lure play a bigger part in distance than the reel does although I do think some reels are a bit better than others. First cast with my Helios Air and I went "Wow. This thing can cast." BUT...my 201E7, 50th Zillion, Primmus, STX will cast just as far. Two are mag only and two are centrifugal only. Haven't used an aerodynamic lure on my latest two Lew's yet...both have dual brakes...but they are no slouch putting a 1/2 oz. spinnerbait out there quite aways. I have a feeling Mike was yanking your chain.
  21. I don't believe I have ever seen a reel that didn't work at all. Well........I did buy a used reel that froze up the third time I took it out. Didn't work at all at that point. A spring came off and got in the gears. I wouldn't plan on getting my money back if you give an honest description of the reel. The Smoke 150 size reels get some pretty good reviews. Might be worth sending it to a professional for appraisal. Should wind up being cheaper in the long run than buying a new reel.
  22. No need to add $20. I got my Tournament MB off ebay for $109. Liking it a lot so far. Of course the original Tatula is another great option that last time I looked it could be found for about $96 on ebay. If you can find the Tatula CT for $120 or less, I would add that to my short list. I've read good things about the Smoke 150 size reels, but have no experience with them. No experience with the cheaper Shimanos either, but I'm sure others can give you an opinion on them.
  23. Although cleared out for $98, I don't consider that to be the true value of the reel. I believe they sold for $200 new. So AFAIC that is a good deal. I've got two of the 51Es. I think you will like the reel.
  24. Apparently the design of the T3 and Tatula are not the same. That is not the piece of plastic I had to remove and then reinstall. Can't guarantee I will get it done tonight, but I will try to check under the caps on both my Tat and T3 reels.
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