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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. ebay. About 2 years ago a $250 Pixy was a very good price. The older models...not the PX Type R. Now you can get them for less than $150. Mine was less, but needs repair work....a fact not mentioned by the seller. However, I have no plans of reselling it so the extra money doesn't bother me.....too much. I haven't looked, but an almost free PX Type R doesn't sound right.
  2. Sam. I don't know the cover, weights, types of lures, etc. that you will be fishing with, but a 7' to 7'3" MHF is always a good starting point for an all-around rod. If cover is light and lures not too heavy, then the same length and action rod in a Medium power is also a good choice. Power ratings are not standard. Some company's put out rods heavy for their rating...some that are a bit light. If you fish from shore with a lot of surrounding cover, then a shorter stick would be a plus. You gave yourself a decent budget. Lots of options. You can go the route where total for rod and reel is about $200 or less....or buy better gear. I would suggest going the better route if you think fishing is something you will become serious about. Tons of fish are caught on $40 or less rods and reels. However, if you wind up like many of us you will get more pleasure knowing you are using quality equipment. The more expensive rods will have better components and better sensitivity. If you want to keep price around that of the Caenan, I would suggest looking at the Lew's Tournament MB on ebay for $109. Has dual brakes. The Tatula is also a reel better than its price. The Caenan is liked by some on here...and Shimano makes nice reels...but I'd rather have a reel with a metal frame for my only reel. If you decide to go braid, I would suggest 40# as an excellent line size for someone to learn on. Sufix Performance is a good low cost braid. Quieter than PowerPro Original. Color does fade fast, but that doesn't affect the lines performance. I like mono or co-polymers. Spiderwire Ultracast Ultimate Mono, Sufix Siege, Silver Thread AN40, Trilene Big Game, Sunline Super Natural are some of my favorites. There are many more good lines such as McCoy Mean Green, Yo-Zuri Hybrid, Izorline XXX, P-Line CXX (has more memory, but is very abrasion resistant) to name a few. Is there a big store near you where you can handle different rods and reels? The Tatula is an excellent reel, but some don't like its size. Personally I've never had a reel that size or weight bothered me, but maybe it would you. Ideally you would be able to mount the reel you want on the rod you want to see how well the combo feels for you.
  3. Get it in gear man. That ratio is way too small.
  4. Ultimately it is personal preference. Many...and I include myself among this group....feel that each have places where one excels over the other. Can you do it all with just spinning? Absolutely. I know of at least two members on bassresource that only fish with spinning reels and do very, very well. I think that a baitcast reel is superior for chucking and cranking. Faster for me although I have to admit there aren't many times when I....as an Average Joe fisherman...need a quick repeat cast. I was 100% spinning until I decided to get back into fishing locally in '09. Decided to try baitcast reels. Loved them. Haven't looked back. Now I fish almost exclusively with baitcast reels. However, I am reaching the point where I want to start using one or two spinning rods on a regular basis because of a couple techniques I want to learn. I feel spinning will be more beneficial than my baitcast combos.
  5. Very nice review. That is the exact rod I have been wanting for some time, but I keep hoping to find it at an awesome price. I am also a fan of Daiwa reels and own several of the same models Gary has, but I am thinking the Helios Air is a good possibility for this rod. Another fine reel I'd consider is one that several people have already reviewed for bassresource, and that is the Primmus Xi HS. A wonderful reel. That isn't to say that I wouldn't try a 105H, Fuego or Alphas on it....or even a T3 1016 or Tatula Type R.
  6. You are one lucky man. My wife is addicted to shopping. The fact that I make $600 or so less a month since the debacle in '09 hasn't slowed her down a bit.
  7. I have a Black Max 1600C with an unknown size of red braid. I assume PP and around 15#. It is mounted on a Daiwa V.I.P. 6' 9" MF rated 1/4-3/4 oz. and 10-17#. Stock far as I know. Two more sitting on the shelf. Have Smooth Drags for them all and a set of ABEC5 bearings for one. Not too big to palm. Was surprised how well they will cast into a fairly strong head wind with a small fluke and 3/0 hook. Quite a bit can be done to them. Need to upgrade the gearing in a couple of mine.
  8. Google the rod. One link will be to a TT thread. Second page has the opinions of two users. Smalljaw67 disliked the weight of the rod compared to the Smallmouth and Aetos, but the two guys who fished the rod said it was very sensitive. BTW, smalljaw67 has given me excellent advice many times which is why I mentioned his thoughts on the rod. However, I personally can put up with a half ounce heavier rod if the rod performs up to expectations. I've always felt I got good value for my money from Fenwick. Only problem I ever had was the seat not tightening up on a Chronarch 101A (a Smallmouth rod). No problem with the other reels I've used on my Smallmouth rods.
  9. Check near the bottom of the page you linked where it says Customer Questions & Answers. Says it is a one piece rod. I checked Fenwick's site and it says one piece there as well. I assume these are for the new models. Pretty sure Fenwick had some 2-piece rods in the previous HMG line, but couldn't tell you which ones.
  10. Remember to back off on the drag when using crankbaits. Lots of good lines. An Online friend recommended Silver Thread AN40. I'm using some in 8# and 12#. Good line. This gentleman recently tried Spiderwire Ultracast Ultimate Mono and feels it is the best mono he has ever used. Currently trying some myself, but already had 3000 yard spools of the AN40. Try their 14#.
  11. Check out the Smallmouth Elite Tech and HMG series at FFO and see if any are the length, power and action you want. They don't have many models left, but are a great deal if one is available with the desired attributes. I happen to have all three models they have left in the Smallmouth series. I am particularly fond of the first two. The 6'9' MHF is a nice rod, but I prefer longer rods in that power rating. The 7'3" MHF HMG wouldn't be a bad first rod. I've got a few HMGs and like them. Either model and a new Tatula will come in under your $200 limit. Used can be a good way to go. I would also post a WTB ad and explain your situation. You might be surprised. I've personally helped out youngsters like you and I know I am not the only guy to do so.
  12. No idea what is wrong with your left wrist, but it seems to me that holding the rod with the right hand would remove more strain from the left. The rod hand not only is holding the weight of the rod and reel, but has to work the rod during retrieves and hold the weight of the fish...and maybe 5 pounds of weeds....when fighting a fish. Also fishing such lures as heavier spinnerbaits can tire out the rod hand and will put plenty of strain on the (rod) wrist.
  13. In that case it is probably a Medium power rod rated in the 1/8-5/8 oz. area. I had hoped to turn my grandsons into fishing partners, but no luck. Kids need action. Even panfish aren't plentiful in my area. I suppose that is because of fishing pressure and the fact that most people keep just about any fish they catch. I remember catching them in the hundreds back when my brothers and I were young. Different part of the country, tho.
  14. You can find a used Daiwa PX Type R within that budget. I've seen them at $250. Pixy prices have come way down and can now be found at the lower end of your budget. I have zero experience with aftermarket spools for the 50 size Shimanos, but I'm pretty sure there are a couple that would fit your Curado 50 and allow casting lighter weights than the standard spool. The rod is a very important part of the equation when looking to cast below 3/16 oz.
  15. I'd be more worried about those tracks. left by Bigfoot. Well....not too big, but looks like he didn't lose any weight so watch out.
  16. Don"t step on it, shut it in the door or fall into a pile of rocks with it in hand and you should be fine.
  17. Using Silver thread, have some Izorline on hand, and want to try McCoy and now Maxima Ultragreen. Thanks A-Jay. Already have too many brands laying around.
  18. Most people prefer to work the rod with their dominate side. Cranking is not hard to learn for both hands. Casting with both can be a bit trickier. The ability to cast and retrieve with both sides is a plus. Try it. Might feel kind of wired at first, but shouldn't take too long to become comfortable cranking with either hand.
  19. He also said to look around hard. I don't see this model available at DSG so not an option.
  20. Is this the reel you are talking about? If so...and you haven't bought from them more than twice...you can get the reel for $69.90. Looks like one heckova deal. https://jet.com/product/detail/07f39ec2d7244a1ab37a5eaf99870ca9?jcmp=pla:ggl:cwin_sporting_goods_a1:outdoor_recreation_fishing_fishing_reels_a1_other:na:PLA_345660540_23687022900_pla-161704934220:na:na:na:2&code=PLA15&ds_c=cwin_sporting_goods_a1&ds_cid&ds_ag=outdoor_recreation_fishing_fishing_reels_a1_other&product_id=07f39ec2d7244a1ab37a5eaf99870ca9&product_partition_id=161704934220&gclid=CLO_zenf0M0CFcskhgodFH8H_A&gclsrc=aw.ds
  21. Yup. Top choice is the reel already mentioned 3 times.
  22. Powell rods do have a reputation as being nice rods for their price point. I only have one...an Endurance 723C. Very nice. I wouldn't hesitate to buy the Max 3 rods as I've read they are even better.
  23. Nice! Congratulations.
  24. I knew there was a reason I don't touch my reels. Sorry. Can't help. Maybe Mike of DVT can.
  25. I don't know a thing about Citicas in any generation, but love my Curado 201E7.
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