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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. Are you saying the birds nests occur at the beginning of the cast? If so, then you need to smooth out your casting stroke. Every year when I visit Florida I wind up backlashing a lot at the beginning of my casts for the first couple days because I have to change my casting stroke. I have to stop it short, and find myself jerking the forward part of the cast. This starts the spool up faster than the lure is pulling out line. Believe me this happens with every reel not just my magnetic reels.
  2. Take a look at the Hammer rods. They have been getting very good reviews. I have a couple purchased over the winter, but my time on the water this year is almost non-existent except for my visit to relation earlier this year.
  3. Obviously braid is going to give you more sensitivity and no stretch. TT's review of the Helios MF...also rated to 5/8 oz....said it handled up to 1 oz. so I don't doubt the St. Croix can handle over 5/8 oz. since everyone mentions they fish heavier than rated. If you don't want to go to braid, a line such as CXX or Platinum may give you a better feel. Unfortunately they are going to have some memory. I assume you are talking about a spinning rod.
  4. Never fished a St. Croix, but all the reading I do says they fish heavier than rated. Therefore I could be way off on this assumption. The 6'8" MXF is rated for a maximum of 5/8 oz. I realize this is only a guideline and that some rods handle heavier than their rating with no problem. Only you and others with this rod would know for sure, but maybe the total weight of the 5/8 oz. jig (cuz total weight will be more) is why the rod feels spongy...not the line.
  5. Yup. Liked my Medium enough to buy a second. Put a Helios Air on it. 9 oz. plus line and lure. I think the standard Tatula is around an even 4 oz. The new 7' MHF Aetos is listed at 4.2 oz. OP. Agree. Wish rod weights would be listed.
  6. I'm glad 10# Fluorclear works for you. I spooled some on a casting reel that I took to Florida a couple months ago. Line broke easy. Had spare reels with me so this reel got set aside. My first baitcast reel was spooled with 8# CX. It broke down in the spool....BUT...that was probably caused from backlashing. It did handle well. A friend uses CXX almost exclusively. I have a couple spools, but haven't tried either yet. CXX has a reputation for being very strong and abrasive resistant. These characteristics lead to a fair amount of memory. Use line conditioner for best results. Give AN40 a try. I am using 8# and 12# on several reels. No line conditioner needed.
  7. Hasn't seen any use in several years, but a 7'2" Light River Runner with 10# 832 Ghost on a Team Daiwa-S 1500CU. It was purchased strictly for panfish. Weight range 1/32-5/16 oz. I have to say an old 6' F Lightning with 4# XL on a Penn 430SS is pretty versatile even though the rod is rated 1/8-3/8 oz. I've cast 1/16 oz. Roostertails on it with no problem. It was my main rod 35-40 years ago catching anything from small sunnies to decent size pickerel. Unfortunately I haven't gone fishing for panfish in a long, long time.
  8. I have to say I don't understand this. Maybe you got a bad reel. I had one of my T3s out after work yesterday. Started on Longcast and 6 brakes. Went to zero brakes. Loosened spool tension until it just started to have a little side-to-side play. Even made a couple casts into the wind with this setting. (Wind wasn't strong.) Never a problem. Not even loose line on the spool after a cast. Was getting good distance even with the initial settings. Reel has 12# Siege on it. 1/2 oz. chatterbait. 7' MHF Aetos. It is obvious to me that even with the least amount of brakes I can set, this system still applies some braking. No way can I cast other braking systems with zero brakes on. I've got reels from something like 7 different brands using several different braking methods. (Including 4 Daiwa methods) I personally feel the MagForce3D is the most foolproof system. I haven't used a Shimano DC...too expensive for me. I have never used a T3 for light lures. I have other reels for that application. Maybe that would make a difference.
  9. Here's one for $107.89 (free shipping) which is what I paid for my 7.5:1 left hand model. https://www.ebay.com/p/Lews-Tournament-MB-Speed-Spool-LFS-Series-7-5-1-TS1SHMB/1430532539 They are nice reels, but I haven't used mine enough yet to make an assessment of how good it may be compared to my other reels. Actually that can be said for the last several reels I bought. Just haven't been getting out.
  10. This bothered me too on the first Aetos I used...a 7' MHF. I had gotten so I didn't care for 6'6" casting rods, but smalljaw67 raved about the 6'6" MLM so I bought one on closeout. Maybe I am getting use to that little stub because I love this rod. Don't recall noticing a problem with the trigger. I also picked up a 7' M-MF on closeout over the winter. Will have to pay attention to the trigger (on all my Aetos rods) next time I am out and see if they still bother me.
  11. Use whatever line you want. For us to make a suggestion it would require knowing rod power/action, techniques you will be fishing, cover, etc. and even then it would be a personal preference with 10 guys more than likely giving you 10 different suggestions. Congrats on the reel. Sounds like you will like it. I've a few Abus. but not that model, and mine are older models. They have been good reels for me.
  12. One of the used Hammer rods I received had the insert out of the tip. It came off with a lighter. Doesn't need to get very warm. A little hot glue, a little heat from the lighter again...and it was good to go. BTW, Hammer sent me a pack of four for free.
  13. I just went looking at Walmart for prices. Hate the color of these rods, but you guys may talk me into one yet. Walmart Online currently has a 7' M spinning rod for $9.
  14. I was expecting to read some kind of question. I will say that you are no where near the caster I am if that is the best backlash you could accomplish. Also I'd like to mention that a sheet goes a long way with some girls.
  15. Two very nice posts, but I doubt they will get much love on this site. Personally I am about done buying reels. However, I've been thinking about giving my brother and his wife a couple baitcasting setups since they have only used spinning. Maybe I should invest in a new Pro Max for them instead of a couple of my used reels. After all we should be adding to our arsenal, not downsizing it.
  16. Good to know I hadn't set mine wrong. Not had the chance to reset per fishnkamp's outline. Now I won't bother since mine seem to be working okay for me. I'm willing to try most anything if I think it will improve my casting....salt over the left shoulder before first cast, sweaty sock in right pocket, walk clockwise around a black cat, etc., etc. Heck, I'm even willing to practice more.
  17. Three is pretty young, but I am glad to hear he is into fishing with his dad. Not only his size but his strength is going to play a big part in his ability to handle longer rods and heavier reels. In my opinion a spincast reel puts more weight on the top of the rod making it harder to hold it in the correct position. You might want to consider an underspin reel for him to use for the next couple of years. I have zero experience with an underspin so can't offer any suggestions. Walmart carries quite a few and has several short rods. Also look to Amazon. I would change out the line before using the reel, tho. Word has it the lines can be a little on the crappy side.
  18. Read fishinkamp's post on setting up a Daiwa correctly with MagFarce Z. Also I question that a reel with an SV spool is the correct reel if shooting for maximum distance. My personal view is that it applies too much braking if looking for maximum distance. At least the way it comes from the factory. Another thing is you may not have gotten a typical specimen. I only have one reel with an SV spool (an Alphas SV105). I was totally upset with how it performed....given the opinions everyone else seemed to have of this reel. Distance wasn't good and it backlashed easier than any other reel I own...and I own over 50 of several brands, with Daiwa being the majority. I had not only watched videos on setting it up correctly, but taken advice from people on this site. I wound up sending it out to a professional. Now.......I've only had it out once since getting it back, but it performed more like I expected it to. I was told to expect spending a bit of time getting use to how it now handles before I could expect to get the best out of it.
  19. I'm no expert either. I use 12# mono or co-polymer on the vast majority of my MH rods. Works fine for me.
  20. This. It might be a low cost combo, but I wouldn't call it junk. The Silver Max is often suggested as a low cost option for a first time user not wanting to spend much money. I've had good luck with the few Berkley rods I've used. May have even used a Cherrywood back in the day. Just don't expect to feel a fish breathe on the lure as it passes by him/her.
  21. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful.
  22. Not all braid is equal. Some are smoother than others. I noticed a big difference when I re-spooled Sufix Performance with Original PowerPro. Much noisier and you could fill the braid as it went throughr the tip.
  23. I only use braid for slop. Otherwise I am a mono/co-polymer guy. 12# is my MH rod line of choice. I like AN40, Siege, Big Game and am trying some XXX. There are plenty of other good mono/co-polymer/hybrid lines....CXX, Platinum, Yo-Zuri, McCoy, etc. Pick your poison.
  24. Read fishnkamp's post in this thread.
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