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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. I have 3 of the SS Tournaments in 2 sizes. Other than that my oldest Daiwa is a TD-X. I have an Ambassadeur 5001C that is over 40 years old. A 9' Fenwick rod is over 50 years old. Made for fishing nightwalkers.
  2. I make my own since I work in a machine shop. The only problem is....time. Hard to find it in order to run off the spacers. I have 2 sets left over from a previous run made from PVC. Do you want a set to try? I have some Teflon bar ends saved that I plan on making spacers from. Never made them from Teflon before so I don't know if that material will hold up very long. (Maintain size to hold spacer in reel. I make a press fit which is why one size doesn't always work for every reel). EDIT: I made some for a gentleman on another forum. He had purchased a set from Japan. Cost $50 and he tells me they aren't near as nice as mine....which are free. He sent me his reel and spool, so the spare spacers I have are made to fit his combination. I can also try a set in my reel to check fit.
  3. Check out Sufix Performance. DSG has 100yd spools of 10-50#. 50# is $9.99 rest are $8.99. Loses its color fairly fast, but that doesn't hurt its performance. Lot quieter thru the guides than regular PP.
  4. Did he also offer to take the rods off your hands at a much discounted price? You are at the right place to find out the truth. This guy obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. Wait! Maybe he meant the rods were too much for the small bass in MD. If you agree, ship them to me. I will pay shipping costs. Lure ratings on a rod aren't always accurate. I've got at least one rod that won't handle the low lure rating worth a darn. Some rods handle weights quite a bit over their rating. The only way to know for sure about yours is to experiment. You have purchased a couple fine rods. Enjoy them.
  5. I was given a U.S. Trail with a 103 spool from a Steez. Need to make a spacer first, but am looking forward to giving it a try. Unfortunately my thumb isn't as educated as yours....or many others on here. Also at my age I am very forgetful.
  6. Yup. Quite a few crankbait rods are rated Fast
  7. Don't know if you are looking to buy from the same guy I did on another forum, but if so buy with confidence. Mine won't see any use for several months, but I can relay some information I gathered a few years ago. The 100 is the reel you want. The 103 is for lighter baits and one common thread with this reel was that it could be a wild child. No such problem with the 100. I seriously doubt you will regret getting the 100HLA. The option for various spools is one you shouldn't need given what you plan on using it for. Of all the Daiwas I have, only one gave me trouble and it is one everyone else claimed to be almost backlash proof. Yet it was my worst backlashing reel before sending it out for a tune and upgrades.
  8. I can vouch for the reel. Not about its longevity as I haven't used any of my reels enough to wear them out. But I can vouch for how nice it casts. Liked the reel enough to now have 3 of them. Never tried one of their rods although I would have liked to. Price of the DHC7 is way more than I can afford. Even the DCH5 is on the high end for me. Not many places sell them. You can find the DHC7 7'1" HF for 53% off ($190 while others run $335-$350). A great deal if you need that power. OP, I am about the same height and can tell you that you should have no problem handling longer rods. The only thing is a longer rod may be hard to land a fish with from a kayak...from what I have read. I've fished from a little 14' dinghy and used 7' rods with no problem and I am sitting almost even with the water.
  9. Nice. Another line to try. I can see why some people pick one line and stay with it. Very easy to wind up with 10 different brands if you want to try all that others recommend as being great.
  10. I'd like to be able to buy locally at good prices, but that ain't ever going to happen in my area. Well, maybe Dick's Sporting Goods occasionally, but I'd prefer to support a mom and pop shop if possible. ebay is your friend. What ratio do you want. Here is an 8.1 for $67.95 and is left hand. https://www.ebay.com/itm/2017-NEW-DAIWA-FUEGO-CT-100XSL-LeftHand-8-1-1-Baitcasting-Fishin-Reel-FGCT100XSL/132143459587?epid=1866895283&hash=item1ec45d2d03:g:1b4AAOSwk~NZ2GnB Left hand 7.3 for $67.20 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Daiwa-Fuego-CT-7-3-1-Left-Hand-Baitcast-Fishing-Reel-FGCT100HSL/282590374783?epid=567573038&hash=item41cbb2eb7f:g:h~YAAOSwJLJZe30h:sc:USPSFirstClass!18018!US!-1 Left hand 6.3 for $64.95 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Daiwa-Fuego-CT-6-3-1-Left-Hand-Baitcast-Fishing-Reel-FGCT100HL/282590436616?epid=1603926622&hash=item41cbb3dd08:g:B-QAAOSwqklZe4sd:sc:USPSFirstClass!18018!US!-1
  11. Why wouldn't you look at a Fuego CT if you like magnetic brakes?
  12. OP, isn't your username a good example of an oxymoron? Sorry. Couldn't resist. I am a hick from the sticks of Pennsylvania. Similar to fatmaple I have a 9' glass Fenwick that was primarily used for live bait...nightwalkers, crayfish and small leeches. I did use it 40 plus years ago on occasion to throw small Roostertails and Beetle Spins. I used 4# at that time and had to put a 10# leader on the rod because it would snap off the lures on the cast with the 4# mono.
  13. You are the second person in a couple days that has mentioned how great a rod this one is. I do hope the OP was able to get a new rod last year.
  14. All the rods you mentioned get good reviews. Love the one Orochi XX I have, but it is not a Dropshot rod. From what I have read, the Helium 3 is a great rod. ALX rods are getting excellent reviews. I wanted a better rod than what I normally buy, so I took advantage of the Black Friday sale and bought 2 ALX rods from TW. It will be a few months before I get to use them, but I can tell you they are a very clean build.
  15. WOW! Even better than what I paid for mine, but I don't think I need a 3rd one. Better hurry, tho, as there is only one left.
  16. I hope the lakes treat you better on that end than they do on my end.
  17. Thanks. What brand(s) did you replace Rapala with?
  18. Why? I buy almost all my lures at DSG when they have a sale. Lots of times that means Rapala. What do you hve against them? I do buy Strike King as well.
  19. Congrats. The new model or a left over old model? I didn't care for the looks of the original Mojo, but after reading all the good reports on the new model, I wanted one to try regardless of looks. I honestly can't remember if the new model looks different, but it is growing on me. I don't mind the color at all. Problem is I got it just as the weather was getting cold. Looks like it will be a few months before it gets put to good use. This old guy has gotten so he can't stand the cold anymore. You won't regret spending a little more than you had planned.
  20. I doubt we have any control over that. He is like Santa Claus....he knows all.
  21. Agree with the above. One reason I wanted to try baitcast reels when I got back into fishing was because of 1) reel weight and 2) reach to the line. I have 2000/2500 size reels on what few spinning rods I have with the exception of a Light rod which carries an older 1500CU Daiwa that doesn't hold much 4# mono size equivalent braid. It will be getting 2# equivalent braid next time the line needs changing. Your rods will do you well. ww2farmer is a fan of the Shocks. A search should yield some good reading on them. Personally I have a hard time getting past their color scheme. On the other hand I have an old Lightning spinning rod that has caught more fish than all my other rods combined. I think it was 14# mono that I once tried on a spinning reel. Didn't like it. However, what I (and others) like means nothing. Use what you like and are comfortable with.
  22. Whether or not a rod can handle its full rating range is something I would have to deliberately pursue in order to give a definitive answer. I'd say yes from what little I have read on that subject. I prefer not to fish either end if avoidable. I almost always carry at least one each of ML to MH. 1/4oz. would be fished on one of my rods rated down to 1/8 oz. If I know I will be fishing 3/4-7/8 oz., I will be carrying a rod rated to at least 1 oz. My Heavy rods don't see much action, so a chance to use them is always a plus....so even though a MH might be rated to 1 oz. I like taking a Heavy.
  23. I am very fond of my Tatula rods. I've read good things about the Cronos rods. Never touched an iRod, but some on here have mentioned the Genesis II are very good rods in that price range....as are the Sierras. I liked my Medium Helios well enough to buy a second one. Wouldn't mind adding a MH.
  24. I guess some do. At one time a friend in my area I meet because of this forum used all St. Croix. Don't know if that is still the case. As for me, I have rods from quite a few different brands....St. Croix, Hammer, ALX, Dobyns, Fenwick, Quantum, Shimano, Daiwa, Abu, Falcon, Airrus, Field & Stream, the unmentionable, Phenix, Powell, Megabass, Hurriccane, All-Star, Berkley plus a couple customs. EDIT: Looks like a lot of rods, but 10 brands are represented by only one rod and 6 brands by 2 rods.
  25. Wow!!!! A post after my own heart. Forget these guys with a 20 word post. Can't help with your choices. Best of luck narrowing it down to one or two rods. My finesse rod is a 40 plus year old Lightning.
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