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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. I found 2 places selling the Tatula 7' MR for $98 and change. At least one was free shipping (Sears). I don't think you will find a better rod at that price. I personally feel they are a good value at full price ($150). It is hard to beat the Tatula SV as a first reel for a beginner. It will shorten the learning curve. A little research will show they aren't just for beginners. Another reel that will shorten your learning curve is a T3 with Magforce 3D braking. Will have to buy used. I have only used an Exsence DC, but if all Shimano DC reels handle the same way, then a DC is another great reel to learn on....but even used a DC reel will put you over budget when you add the rod. We are lucky to have so many good rods in the $100-$170 range. Reels in the same price range are very good. New I can suggest a Tatula SV, Tatula CT or Lew's Tournament MB. No doubt there are also other suitable reels in that price range, but I have no experience with them....even though I own more reels than I should.
  2. Many would say that a 6'6"-7' MF or MHF makes for a good all around rod. I agree. However, I would also argue that something like the Tatula 7' MR (Regular action) would also be a good choice. It and a Tatula CT would run a bit over $200. A Fuego CT would cut about $30 off that. I think the Tatula would handle crankbaits better, yet still have the necessary power to set a hook with a rubber worm...although I don't think worms are made from rubber. BTW, welcome to the forum.
  3. And I would argue that just like when fishing, there are those that can make a $250 guitar sound pretty darn good while others couldn't make the $2k+ guitar sound any better than fingernails screeching on a chalkboard.
  4. Besides the obvious. I have an original Cielo spinning rod that hasn't been used in several years. It is probably the best looking rod (and most expensive per MSRP) of any rod I own. However, it doesn't get used because I really like baitcasters. Next year I plan on breaking out a couple spinning rods to learn Ned rig and drop shot fishing. I'd like to use the Cielo for something. I just have a hard time trying to think of something to use it for that I wouldn't prefer to use a baitcast reel for. Rating is 10-17# and 1/8-1 oz. Currently has an Advantage 2000A spooled with 30# braid. I could...and may...use it for its designated purpose, but I have several casting rods that I want to experiment with next year to see which is more sensitive. All are casting rods. I suppose adding one more rod to the mix wouldn't hurt. Anyway, I am hoping to get some unusual suggestions from you guys and gals.
  5. Mojo is a very nice rod. Never handled any of the other three.
  6. I didn't see a 6'6" MF Fury so you will have to look to another brand. I feel I've always gotten good value for my money with Fenwick. They have a 6'6" MF HMG. Regular price is $100, but you can find one on ebay for $90. Are you limiting your budget to the same price as the Fury...about $110? BTW, welcome to the forum.
  7. I've answered this questions a few times. Maybe I should put my answer in a separate file to be cut-and-pasted for the times it comes up after this. Like many I grew up casting right, reeling left with spinning gear. Stayed that way when I got into baitcast reels. A nice, no longer made reel came up for sale...in right hand. I figured I better not pass it up. Taught myself to cast left, reel right. Now I will use either hand to cast regardless of which side the handle is on. If ultimate accuracy is required, I cast right handed. Not sure if I will ever get as good with the left hand as the right hand that was used for so many years.
  8. You are definitely better with a baitcast reel than I am. There is only one braking system I can use with all brakes off....Magforce 3D...and I am positive there is still braking affecting the cast as there is no way I can cast with "zero" brakes.
  9. TackleTour, Reels, What's in your reel collection, 3rd page, Teal101. I'm sure he would be glad to answer that question.
  10. Nice! You didn't fool around.
  11. Welcome to the forum. This is a question you could have started a new thread for rather than digging up one this old. I have accidentally pulled a brake completely off. Not something I would intentionally do as I can't think of any possible benefit for doing so.
  12. Check with DVT. I had him build a MHF Senko rod for my daughter....except in casting. She wanted a short rod (6') and in pink. Senkos was all she would fish. Unfortunately she hasn't been out in several years.
  13. This was the OP's only post and he never visited the thread after the day he posted it. So suggesting any reel is a waste of time if you think you are going to help him. However, there will be others reading the thread now that it has recently brought to the top again. Personally I prefer to suggest gear to someone that might actually read my reply.
  14. I personally feel you are going to have a hard time finding one rod to do all that. Trolling 1-1/2 oz. and throwing small Rapalas and twister tails with the same rod is not something I think I could do. However, my skill level isn't all that great.
  15. We know that statement doesn't apply to you.
  16. Why not? Many Shimano reels are considered set-and-forget. They often get suggested for beginning baitcast users. I don't know about the new models, but my Curado 201E7 and Chronarch 100B and 101A are very reliable casters.
  17. I can only give you an opinion based on my personal experiences with baitcast reels. Unless you are an expert with one, casting 1/8 oz. is hard even with a reel designed for that weight. I've been using a baitcast reel 99.99% of the time since I got back into fishing in '09. It took a Pixy for me to get down to 1/8 oz. and it isn't a true 1/8 oz. as it was a spinnerbait of that weight that I tried. You will need a rod able to load with those weights. I would suggest sticking to a spinning reel for anything below 3/16 oz. unless you are willing to spend the money and take the necessary time to practice for light lures. Naturally some people are more talented than others. Maybe you are one. The brake systems work together. Normally a person sets the centrifugal brake and forgets it...unless usage and practice allows them to be lowered. The magnetic brakes are what I adjust depending on conditions. I try not to adjust spool tension once set, but occasionally it needs minor adjustments as well depending on the reel and the fishing conditions.
  18. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-pty-pty_converter&hsimp=yhs-pty_converter&hspart=pty&p=braid+abrasion+test+youtube#id=1&vid=ede4764a7454375f71e6cadc67b526c9&action=view I didn't find the video I originally watched. There are a few videos on the link above. 30# braid breaks almost instantly when dragged across a concrete step. The second video compares 150# braid against an equal diameter mono (30#) and then against 80# mono. In both cases the braid beat the mono. So the moral of the story is do not fish with light braid...such as 50#-65# if looking for abrasion resistance.
  19. As far as abrasion resistance goes, braid is on the bottom of the list, not the top. Apparently you've never watched the video of a guy testing braid by pulling it across a stone. Braid cuts very easily. Which is why a lot of people prefer to use a leader in those circumstances.
  20. Take a look at the ALX rods as well. Picked up 2 on Black Friday. Won't get to use them for a few months. Nice looking rods that get great reviews. Sensitivity is suppose to be excellent....above their price point.
  21. I fish from shore 100% of the time except when visiting relation in Florida. I can suggest a couple other reels since you asked if there were any others. The Primmus Xi HS and the Okuma Helios Air. I get excellent distance from both. Do you fish right hand or left hand? The Air sold for $270. I can't believe ebay has a new LH for $109.13. This is a lot less than I paid for either of mine, and I felt I got a good deal at that time. I'd jump all over this deal except I not only have too many reels already, but took advantage of the TW closeout on the SV103 and have one on the way. My first cast with the Helios Air amazed me. I wasn't expecting that kind of distance from a reel I had never used before....especially on the 1st cast. The Primmus has been a great reel for me. Whenever I visit Florida I have to make minor adjustments to all my reels because my casting stroke goes from standing up with no obstacles to sitting in the front of a 14' dinghy where my backcast gets abbreviated to avoid catching my buddy...which causes problems until I can make adjustments....usually 3 days before I settle into the new stroke. The Primmus is the only reel I never had to make an adjustment to. I set brakes at 3 out of the box and set very loose spool tension. Haven't needed to make an adjustment since then. Both are very light reels at less than 6 oz. Both launch a 3/8 oz. lure a good ways. Pair either reel up with an Okuma Helios rod, and you will have a combo that weighs less than 10 oz. total.
  22. According to fishnkamp...14# Fireline. I bought a spool to try based on his posts. Haven't spooled it yet. I've got 15# Sufix 832 Ghost on one reel. Jury is still out on it. Maybe a little too soft? I do like the 30# I have on a baitcast reel.
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