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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. Beautiful jigs.
  2. Didn't know where else to post this question so hope it is okay here. How does heat affect plastic baits? It didn't take me long to decide I hated hauling my lures back and forth between either the basement or garage to the car so I started leaving everything in the trunk of my car all year long. Am I ruining my plastics?
  3. Never used an SV Zillion, but my Zillion 50th Anniversary is one of my favorite reels.
  4. Thanks, but not necessary.
  5. Oops. Guilty of a senor moment. Didn't pay attention to the SV part. Mine is a standard Steez.
  6. How does it balance? Completely forgot I bought a used one for myself as a Christmas gift. 6.3:1 ratio. Still in box. I want to use it on one of my best rods. Either the Diablo, Hammer MH, ALX Deputy or a Falcon Expert.
  7. Senko weights are tough to find. A 5" Senko weighed .4 oz. Using a little extrapolation I would guess that a 3" with 1/0 hook would weigh around 1/4 oz. Most of the reels today should be able to handle that weight. I do have a few baitcast reels I would not use for 1/4 oz. lures.
  8. I picked up a used Exsence DC just before the weather turned. Got out with it once. As long as I leave it on Max, PE, F, BB or SP there is no backlash even with the spool set very loose. No thumb required. Japan tackle calls it a no backlash reel. http://japantackle.com/shimano-exsencedc.html Not true as any setting below Max and I can backlash it.
  9. I have no idea which reel will be staying on mine. I put a 50th Anniversary Zillion on it first. An SV103 is another possibility although I think I will try one of the original Fuegos on it next.
  10. I read this article several years ago. I was thinking it had said not to remove any material. Somewhere around the 4th page the author tells you the grits he uses. http://super-tuning.home.mindspring.com/i1.html Personally I am not a tinkering type of guy. I let the professionals do their thing.
  11. OP For me the rod is major for light lures. The reel isn't so important for 1/4 oz. up. However, personally once I get below 3/16 oz. the reel also becomes very important. Some guys with many years of experience can cast 1/8 oz. on a MH rod. I can't. Like John said, fluorocarbon is not a good line to learn on for light lures. Also a lighter line will help get more distance....which may keep you from throwing too hard. I would suggest dropping down to 8# mono or co-polymer if light lures is going to be what you plan on throwing most of the time with that combo. What do you consider light?
  12. You do not remove material or the reel could be ruined. You polish. Please consider letting someone like Mike that knows what he is doing do any tuning. If insisting to do it yourself, check out some youtube videos on the subject before starting. There are also a few articles on the web describing the correct procedures. I've purchased quite a few used reels. The only two I had problems with were due to people working on their own reels when they didn't know what they were doing. The last one cost me more to fix than what I paid for the reel. However, I did have it tuned and upgraded while it was there for repairs.
  13. It is left hand. Received one picture by phone. Appears well used. Nothing major. Not nearly as nice as the last one I bought, tho. Finish not critical for me, but I want to give this to relation so I want a nicer looking reel. May give one of mine. If you are interested, look at the 2nd page on that other well known forum that sells rods and reels and boats.
  14. This is not nearly enough information. If both rods carry the same rating and action, then it shouldn't matter. You will get a longer cast with the longer rod....all else being equal. You will move more line with the longer rod. If fishing from shore, the shorter rod would be a better choice if you fish near trees or other obstructions that would inhibit the cast.
  15. Sears. 7'MR Says $98.72 on my screen, but I have a card with points available so maybe that is making a difference on my computer. Jet 6'10" MHF $93.28 bassresource won't let me post either link. Search google.
  16. No, but I'd like to be. Have a rod, but it has never seen water yet. Always seem to be more interested in my baitcast reels. Plus a beginner like me needs lots of casting room. Something not always available from shore at public spots.
  17. Try half that. Good reel at $150, tho. I've always thought the original Fuego slipped through the cracks somehow. Seems to be underrated by most. Paid $75 for the last one I bought. Very good shape. Plan on giving it to either my brother or his wife. Neither have used a baitcast reel, but are willing to try. Know where there is another for the same price, but haven't seen a picture of it so no idea what shape it is in. May have to pick it up if it looks nice.
  18. I went to Google and did a search. I believe these prices will stay the same on the rods...at those 2 stores. Reel prices on ebay often change from day to day. Today the best I could find for the Tatula SV was a bit over $132. Two or three days ago I found one listed for just under $125.
  19. Of those two, the vast majority will suggest the Curado. However, there are a few (very few?) people here that have used the Supreme XT and feel it is an excellent reel for the money. I haven't used either of those models, but I do have reels from both brands. I like them both and feel Pflueger baitcast reels don't get the respect they deserve. smalljaw67 likes the Supreme XT a lot, and one of the moderators also uses a few Pluegers and likes them. I have used the older Trions and Patriarch XTs and found both to be very good reels for the money.
  20. You can find a Tatula 7' MR at Sears for less than $90 with free shipping and a Tatula 6'10" MHF at jet for $93.28 and I believe shipping was free (I bought one from them). You can find a RH Tatula CT at Walmart Online for $89.95, a LH for $89.74 with free shipping on ebay. I seriously doubt you will find a better set up (new) at that price. If you want to spend a little less, look at the Fuego CT on ebay for less than $70. If you can add a few dollars more, look at the Tatula SV for less than $135 although I have seen one go for just under $125. EDIT: These are the original Tatula rods that list for about $150. You won't be disappointed.
  21. to bassresource. I have no experience with Ark rods. They almost never get mentioned here. I could find only two reviews, one on Scout and one on TW.
  22. The OG Zillions have 36mm spools. This doesn't mean you can't use a 34mm spool, but you will need a set of spacers.
  23. Can't comment on travel rods. Just wanted to say to the forum.
  24. I don't have any $400 rods, or $300, or $200 (my cost), but I do have way more rods than I should. My wife complains about how many. I tell her they will likely still be usable after I am gone. She can't say that about any of the thousands she has spent over the years.
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