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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. I'd look at the two most popular brands. My guess is Daiwa followed by Shimano.
  2. Because their minions spammed this site and any mention of them is now forbidden.
  3. We must not be reading the same threads. I see Lew's being recommended all the time.
  4. I believe Jack is asking about the original Tatula. Sorry Mr. Klassen but I can't help with that rod. I do have 5 other models from the original Tatula line. All I can say about them is I think they are excellent rods for the money. Two have a Regular action. I have become fond of that action since getting my Tatulas.
  5. I own more Daiwas than any other brand. However, I am a lot like Mr. Franco. I have favorites from several brands. Alphas, Zillion, SV103, Exsence DC, Primmus, Helios Air, Patriarch XT, TD-Z 105H, Chronarch 100B, Curado 201E7.
  6. Yup. A great knot. Knot easy for me to tie freehand.
  7. Not to burst your bubble..............but that is what happens on every thread that asks for input on reels (or rods). Lots of good stuff out there today and with thousands of people on this site you are going to get more options than you can shake a stick at. Sorry, but I can't help you with any of those reels. The closest I have is a President XT and an older Stradic MgFB. Of the 4 you listed I would love to try the Tatula LT.
  8. I've been using 8# and 12# Siege with a Uni Knot...5-6 wraps. Never had a problem. OP. Are you sure it is the knot breaking?
  9. You should be proficient at both. Very handy. I can be reasonably accurate with either hand using a roll cast. A cast I never learned until after getting into baitcast reels. Overhead casts are still a bit awkward on the left side. I am right handed and grew up casting right, reeling left with spinning reels. A backhand cast left handed is worse. When I visit Florida, my brother-in-law usually positions the boat so that it is best if I cast left handed. A roll cast is harder to do because of how low we are sitting to the water. Because I'm not that accurate yet left handed, I am forced at times to cast right anyway......but my casting stroke has to be shortened causing problems. Being accurate with with either hand would be a big benefit to me. Therefore I need to practice more with the left. Another benefit of using reels for both hands is giving the rod arm a break. Some lures can put a strain on the rod arm after awhile. I find I enjoy switching even when this isn't the case.
  10. Google "Anyone like the Garcia 1600 & 3600 reels". I have something of a reel addiction myself. Had been wanting to try a small round reel so when a package deal came up for three 1600C Black Max reels I jumped on it. I was impressed at how well they cast. I was able to cast a small fluke on a 3/0 hook straight into a pretty stiff wind. Backlashed once when I cast too hard. Not bad for a reel with no brake adjustments. My understanding is there are brakes inside....if you want to tear the reel apart. You won't like these small reels if you have a fat thumb. Mine isn't fat yet takes up the whole spool width. However, I do prefer my low profile reels better and now have a couple that will handle light weights as well as the 1600C does. (Or maybe better. )
  11. You need to supply more information if you want suggestions for what you fish and your price range. So Budget? Jig weights? Type of cover? Rod length preferences? are just 4 to get you thinking.
  12. Nice fishwizard! OP, I am partial to Diawas. Love the Alphas platform. A Pixy would also be nice. Prices have come down to within your budget. However, there are a lot of reels that should work. The Tournament MB is an option. I know I am in the minority here, but I like my Okuma Helios. Even better (and lighter, 5.8 oz.) is a used Helios Air. Since I am mentioning unpopular reels, I'd also recommend the Patriarch or a used Patriarch XT. Love my Primmus Xi HS....5.9 oz. Bet no one else will recommend any of these reels.
  13. Of those reels I have the Tatula. My reels from the other companies are different models. Hopefully someone that has used them all wll be along shortly to give you an answer.
  14. My local Walmart doesn't carry them. OP, hopefully ww2farmer will reply. He is quite familiar with the Shocks. Too bad my local Walmart doesn't carry them. At that price I could overlook the rod's color.
  15. Be extremely careful. It is a slippery slope.
  16. I took your comment in the same vain as the one I gave you. Tongue in cheek. A little humor hurts no one and occasionally livens things up. The emoticons should be enough for anyone to realize I wasn't being serious. I don't know about too much line. I seldom use a spinning reel any more. This year I shipped 3 rods to Florida. One was a spinning rod. The reel I used had braid filled to the lip. I used it every time out to throw weightless worms into slop because I didn't bring a baitcast with me this year that was already set up with braid. Never had a problem. I had some braid with me, and had planned to change the line out on one of the bc reels, but was too lazy and the spinning reel was working fine. I keep another spinning rod there that hardly ever gets used when visiting. The spool is filled the same way. I gave that combo to my brother-in-law before coming home as he only fishes spinning and did not have a MH rod. I'll have to remember to ask if he had any problem with line coming off the spool when it shouldn't. Three years ago I got enough line twist in 4-5 hours of fishing with the same lure that the braid on my baitcast reel had to be changed. And this was with 2 other rods with me being used on occasion so maybe 3 hours of actual fishing with this rod/reel.
  17. I forgot to check the original post date. Unfortunately with the spread of Cabin Fever at this time of year lots of old threads get brought back to the top. This thread is still viable, but one with someone asking which reel (rod) to buy 5 years ago....not quite so much.
  18. I use the same line on 2-3 reels. I like it. Line is easy for me to see which I also like.
  19. I've always considered myself an expert caster. I can backlash any baitcast reel. Spinning reels are pretty tough to backlash. So I second the congrats. OP, sounds like you have some major line twist with the braid on the spinning reel. Certain lures can twist the ever lovin' out of even braid if tied without some kind of swivel. Ask me how I know.
  20. Only time you should have a digging in problem with that line is after making a few casts with a lure that doesn't keep much tension on the line when retrieving. The line winds up being too loose on the spool. I would make a long cast, pull off more line, and keep tension on it while reeling it in. That should eliminate the digging in. I have to do it every so often with lures like an unweighted worm. I use 40# braid.
  21. Not a surprise. The SV spools are hard to backlash for a reason. The Fuego CT got a "Best Value" rating from TT.
  22. I wouldn't be too sure. Tried it once with just my hands. After that I taped one end down to make my life easier. I don't use leaders. This was laying down a base with mono for splicing on braid or fluorocarbon...at home. Don't think I could do it freewheeling in a boat. The Alberto does make for a nice thin knot. I like it. I suppose some day I should sit down in front of the TV and practice tying it freehand.
  23. I bought a BG 1500 to put on the rod I got for that type of fishing. The BG gets excellent reviews. Nice looking, too.
  24. I keep the drag loose to string my line, but it still takes me longer than 15 seconds. Course my eyes never were much good. I don't think my fingers are quite as nimble as they were 50 years ago. True. It is a hobby, not a profession, but I still prefer to be fishing rather than switching reels around or even tying on different lures anymore than I have to cuz I don't get out all that much. It has taken a few years to get where I am at now in terms of gear. I have spare spools for 3-4 reels, but have yet to switch them out...for the same reason I don't switch reels while out. Home is the place for that.
  25. Awesome! Wish I had done that before teaching myself to cast. Would have saved a lot of time. Started with a spinning reel 64 years ago. Switched to baitcast reels 9 years ago and haven't looked back. I enjoy them a lot more than spinning. Couldn't really say why either. Hope the baitcast reels are easier on your wrists so you can spend more time on the water. Be careful, tho. It can get costly.
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