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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. I am looking to try some of those techniques this year. I picked up a used Benkei 6'7" LF spinning rod rated 1/16-1/4 oz. for my Ned Rig rod. According to seller this is a bass specific rod and not a whippy JDM trout rod. I bought a 6'10" MLF rated 1/8-1/2 oz. for my all around finesse spinning rod. Because of a careless error one night, I now have a 6'10" MLF baitcast rod as well. Can't have too many rods, tho. Now to find the time to use them.
  2. I personally would rather fish a MH in weeds. Many are rated 1/4-3/4 oz. Since you don't like a stiff rod, I wouldn't look for a MH in lines that are known to fish a bit heavy....such as Abu and St. Croix. Look to Falcon as a possible MH choice. If you can go over the $150, then take a look at Hammer. If you are looking at buying a Medium power then this is a very nice rod. Check out Tackletour's review of it. Okuma Helios 7' M list $179.99 Amazon $121.34 No idea if the handles on any of the rods would be to your liking.
  3. A few other frog rod posts on this site. Other fishing forums also have frog rod threads. See if any suggestions trip your trigger.
  4. It appears this rod is no longer available. My understanding from what I have read here is that this line is no longer being made. Cabela's has 4 models left in stock. The 7'5" isn't one of them. I did a quick check on ebay and couldn't find one there either.
  5. I never mentioned 2-handed, but the vast majority of my casts are done that way. Nor did I mention that being able to switch to a reel with the handle on the other side can sometimes be very beneficial because it gives the other hand a rest. After a winter of not fishing, cranking a spinnerbait over and through weeds can take a toll on the rod hand.
  6. You are going to get a lot of recommendations for a Diawa Tatula CT/SV or Fuego CT. I'm a fan of Diawas. Slightly over half my reels are Diawas, but there are other good reels out there. What are you looking to spend? Some choices no one else will mention are the Pflueger Supreme XT in the $150 range, a Patriarch XT in the $250 range, a Lew's Tournament MB (mine was less than $110 from ebay). As always Shimano has a couple nice reels. A favorite reel of mine is the Primmus Xi HS. Light, smooth, good looking and casts very well. Seems only a couple of us on here use one. Liked my first one well enough to pick up two more when an Online store was getting rid of their stock.
  7. Read ww2farmer's post in this thread for some good information on the Aird X rods by someone who is using them.
  8. No, but check out TackleTour's review of an Invoker spinning and casting rod. Both received a best value award.
  9. Sorry. I wasn't thinking. Your way is the way the majority had to fish for a long time because left hand reels were few and far between. I doubt many would be willing to change after doing it that way for years. It seems to me that now left hand reels are much more prevalent most guys coming from spinning...right handed, casting right hand, holding rod right hand and reeling left hand....are going with left hand casting reels because that is what they are use to. The largest population is right handed. I expect one day left hand reels will be the prevalent reel. First we have to get rid of the old fogeys. Whoa! Hold it. I am an old fogey. As someone that grew up that way (spinning rod/left hand reel), I am more comfortable casting with the right hand. Reeling with either hand makes no difference to me. Holding the rod with either hand makes little difference to me. Casting with the off hand does make a difference. I taught myself to cast left handed because I wanted to be a more rounded caster. Sure I could cast right handed and switch...and sometime do depending on accuracy needed...but I enjoy casting left handed. I'm just not that accurate yet. However, if I am going to spend what amounts to a good sum of money to me, the reel is going to be a left hand. No offense meant to you or anyone else.
  10. Have to disagree with this. I am right handed. I prefer to handle the rod in my dominant hand. I'd be surprised if the majority didn't feel the same way. However, it is not hard to crank with either hand for most. BUT....casting with either hand isn't quite so easy. At least for me. Side arm roll casts equal no problem. Overhead casts are a little more awkward for me. Of course my rather advanced age may have something to do with my disability learning the overhead cast with the left hand. Accuracy suffers. OP: I've not used the President or the Supreme XT. I do own Pflueger reels on both sides of those prices. AFAIC Pflueger casting reels don't get the respect they deserve. A fellow member (smalljaw67) liked his first Supreme XT enough to go buy a second. This gentleman has used much more costly reels. His advice has always served me well.
  11. I don't like to go more than $100 either. I don't pay MSRP. Having said that I have to admit that I've got about 5 reels I bought used in the low to mid $200 range and my most expensive was a new reel for $300 on closeout. Was $500 MSRP. Most expensive rod (my cost) was another used purchase for $175 and I now know I overpaid. Rod is excellent, just was more than a used rod at its original MSRP should have been. Now my most expensive MSRP rod cost me a whopping $75 on closeout....a $300 rod.
  12. Can't add anymore than what has already been said other than to say.....
  13. Spinning reels: Daiwa, Pflueger Baitcast reels: Diawa, Shimano, Lews, Pflueger, Abu and the Pinnacle Primmus is a favorite, but have not used any of their other models. Spinning Rods: Fenwick, Abu, Diawa Casting Rods: Diawa, Megabass, ALX, Fenwick, Falcon. Have a Major Craft and Abu that are new-2-me but seem very good so far. I agree that Fenwick should bring back the Elite Tech Smallmouth series even if they have to raise the price. They had to be one of the best values ever. The original Diawa Tatula rods are another great rod at their price point. I wouldn't mind seeing Falcon bring back the Expert series, but wouldn't be able to buy one until they went on closeout again. Really like the one Dobyns casting rod I have.
  14. Never heard of Hook Spit Performance Rods before. At the $50 mark I would look at the Daiwa Aird X 7'3" MHF. Walmart currently has it for $50.30. Might find a couple dollars cheaper on ebay.
  15. Sounds like you just bought yourself another frog/jig rod. Good deal. Hope she enjoys it.
  16. I've got a few rods. Never tried those extremes with any of them, but I'd not be surprised if none handled both those weights very well. I bought a Light power rod to learn how to fish Ned Rigs. Many use ML or M. I'd be using a Heavy for 1-1/2 oz. Personally I wouldn't attempt to cast a Ned Rig on rods similar to the 734C, but then I don't have the skill of most of these guys (and gals) on here. 1/10 oz. plus plastic would probably still be under the 1/4 oz. rating for the rod. However, ratings are guides. Some rods handle more (or less, or both) than what is listed on the rod fairly well. Only way to know is to try. I've never used a Fury so I don't know how true they are to their ratings. Be sure to let us know if you find a rod capable of handling those extremes. I'm sure there are many people that use only one or two rods that would like to know about such a rod. I'm guessing the sensitivity on your rod isn't all that great. Is it an Ugly Stick?
  17. I was going to talk you into buying the Antares until you mentioned a $100 limit. I also fish from shore and like to be able to reach way out there............but I couldn't tell you which reel casts the furthest. I've never taken them to a park where I could make some honest measurements. Sounds to me like you've done your research, you know the reel you want and now it is time to spend your money. Welcome to the forum.
  18. You did say no set budget. If $135 is too much, look at the used market. Try to find an older gold colored Carbonlite or the Prolite. The Prolite is the finesse reel, but I have no problem casting #5 Shad Raps (3/16 oz.) with my Carbonlites. If you don't mind a round reel, look for a 1500-1600 series Ambassadeur. My Black Max 1600C does very well with light lures. It also casts very well in a strong wind. You should be able to find the above reels in the $30-$60 range. If you can find one. So far I've only used one of my three 1600Cs, but have no plans to sell one of them. If you are willing to spend in the $140-$160 neighborhood, look at used Pixy or TD-Z 105H. Pixies are easier to find and are the reel which TackleTour compares other finesse reels to. It wasn't all that long ago you couldn't buy one for less than about $220. More for the Pixilla....which is a tuned and upgraded Pixy.
  19. I prefer mono/co-polymer lines.....AN40, Siege, Mean Green, Elite but have used many others that work well....Trilene XL, Izorline XXX, Sunline Super Natural, Cajun Red Cast. Hard to go wrong with PowerPro or Sufix 832 for braid. Sufix Performance is a very good low cost braid. I am currently trying some Fins. Suppose to be made in USA. BTW, Welcome to the forum. Lots of great information to be found here. Check out some of the articles and tackle reviews.
  20. Don't know a thing about the rod, but WOW....nice find. I had something similar happen to me at Dick's Sporting Goods Store. A new series Mojo had a $109.95 tag on it. Figured ok, not a great bargain but better than the full price of $130 and I had been wanting to try one out. It rang up for $70. I smiled all the way home. Not nearly as good a deal as yours, but still nothing to sneeze at. How about a review on the rod once you've had a chance to use it for awhile. I never see any mention of Castaway rods. I seem to remember some of their rods were well thought of years ago.
  21. My boat doesn't have a deck. This is the 4th year it hasn't been used. I fish with relation in a 14 foot dinghy when I visit Florida. No deck on it either. I have 2 rods when there that always have the same type lure on them...a spinnerbait and a weightless 10" ribbontail. One rod often has an F-11 Rapala. One a crankbait. I sent a frog rod down this year. Carried it, but weather was too cold for it to be of any use. Maybe next year.
  22. Give Mike a call if it doesn't work. Good luck.
  23. When I asked a few years ago what size braid I should use on a MHF spinning rod, many suggested 30#. So that is what I went with on a 2000 size Daiwa.
  24. I haven't started switching to Daiwa, but already have a lot more Daiwas than I would like to admit. And there are plenty more I'd like to have.
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