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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. Pflueger does sell some good reels, but it doesn't matter how good they are if you don't like them. Always buy what you like. What reels grab your attention?
  2. Thought this might be an enlightening thread for some. I posted in another thread about snapping off a 1/2 oz. jig while using 30# braid. Seems some may consider this unlikely. The same line has straightened out jig hooks with a steady pull.
  3. Yes. In my youth. They have a dark streak down each side. Remove it. Even then they are very "fishy". Only once have I eaten carp and felt it tasted decent. My parents knew this couple that were farmers next to Lamoka Lake. The wife canned the carp. It actually tasted okay.
  4. I don't like the slim, but I do like catching both Pickerel and Pike. I don't keep fish anymore (except when visiting relation in Florida as it is expected for a fish fry we have before heading back home), but in my youth we kept legal fish for food. Pickerel are tasty. We didn't keep any Pickerel below 20 inches or Pike below 30 inches because of the Y-bones. I personally feel they put up a better fight than LMB.
  5. They taste fine. Very white meat that doesn't taste all that "fishy". My father would never keep one below 20 inches because of the Y-bones.
  6. I've only been here 9-1/2 years, but I can tell you that I'm not the only one to snap a lure off with braid. I would have cried if the tip got snapped. It is one of the rod's I spent the least amount of money on, but has the highest MSRP of any rod I own. An original Cielo spinning rod I bought on closeout.
  7. If it is a normal cast. I had 30# braid wrap around the tip of a MH spinning rod....and failed to notice it before the cast. Only wish I could cast that far. A new 1/2 oz. jig went sailing off into the wild blue yonder.
  8. From what little I know about DC reels, I would have to agree with the above. Mine is spooled with 12# AN40 and will only be used on MH rods. I don't use 1/4 oz. weights on a MH rod even though it is rated that low. None of the lures I have used thus far with my DC reel has caused any kind of a casting problem.....as long as I don't go below Max on the drag setting without making a cast control adjustment. And no, I don't have the greatest thumb control where I could use Min on the drag setting without first tightening spool tension.
  9. You've got to realize that 3.5 oz. is very light for a factory rod. Nor is it all about weight. Just ask Dobyns fans. Dobyns 735C weighs 5.7 oz. per TT review. The reel used has significantly more affect on the overall weight of a combo. You could mount a reel weighing around 4.5 oz. or one weighing almost 10 oz. (some older reels like 9.8 oz. Curado).
  10. As stated, Shimano has been making DC reels for several years. I find it hard to believe that the newest iteration doesn't function at least as well as older models. I know they have put out different versions of DC, but only have experience with one...an Exsence DC. Nor do I believe is it a problem due to a learning curve on this side of the ocean. The curve is very short. At least with the Exsence DC. I've never even seen another DC model much less fished one. One of the settings for the Exsence is a drag setting...from Max to Min. As long as the setting is on Max drag or any of the other 3 settings there is no need for a thumb. And this is with spool tension set like a Daiwa...to the point there is a bit of side-to-side play. I couldn't say whether or not this is true if you skip with it. I've yet to try skipping.
  11. Now that you mention it I do remember reading this before. I am only familiar with the 100HN.
  12. Glad you got it sorted out. Like I said, I was impressed with the distance I got from the first cast.
  13. Absolutely. I assume you are talking about this one. http://tackletour.com/reviewdaiwaprocaster.html I bought one on closeout for my grandson. I wound up with it since he had no desire to fish with a baitcast reel. It isn't a small reel and it isn't light. However, it is very well built for the price. Feels solid. Casts quite well. Although a bit larger than today's reels, it palms well...at least for me. I put it on a 6' MH rod dedicated to short casts with spinnerbaits so it hasn't seen a lot of use as I'm almost always fishing from shore. I think you will be very pleased with it given its age and price. Should give you years of service.
  14. I will agree the brake dial is somewhat hard to turn, but you only need to change it as you get use to the reel. I hate side plates like the Helios has. I have several other reels (different brands) that open the same way. Ugh! Guess I was lucky with my reel. Been using it straight out of the box. No problems. I haven't noticed an inconsistency in braking, but that could be me as I don't notice little things much. I do like to pair a light reel with a light rod. Light is nice, but it has never bothered me to use a light reel on a heavier rod. I don't understand the needing light line and Medium power rods. I spooled mine with 12# AN40. Three of the rods I know I've used it on so far are all MH...7'2" MH-EF older Endurance, 7' MHF Jupiter and a 7' MHF Rainshadow. Don't think I have backlashed it yet, but have had a few overruns.....all my fault as far as I can tell. Oh yeah. I've also used it on a Helios 7' Medium. Light! I do have my brake set higher than you do. Maybe that is one reason I've not had a problem with backlashes. I still get excellent distance. As good or better than my other reels. Might have to worry about tossing lures into the bushes on the other side of the river if I lowered the brake too much.
  15. I remember using a cane pole, but was too young to even realize they came in different lengths.
  16. Looking forward to your review tomorrow.
  17. I like the KISS method. Unfortunately I didn't. Although (for the majority of my setups) I use 12# mono/co-polymer on MH and 8# mono/co-polymer on Med. and either 6# or 8# on ML rods, I have way too many brands laying around. I bought 3000 yard spools of 8# and 12# AN40 so eventually I will be keeping it simple. Might not make it before I die, tho.
  18. A brother-in-law (uses spinning reels only) that I fish with thinks baitcasters cast further.
  19. Fishnkamp, I am glad to see that I am not the only one that likes the Escalade. I always liked how they felt in store. They were never on sale whenever I stopped at DSG. I was told they didn't need to put them on sale because they had no problem selling them at full price. I wanted a Medium, but when I finally got around to buy one Online, they were all out of Mediums. So I got a MH at the store to give to my sister-in-law as her first baitcast rod. Naturally I had to put a reel on it and try it out. Went back to Dick's and bought one for myself. Pretty tough to beat this rod at $50.
  20. I wouldn't laugh if I were you. It is definitely no laughing matter. The Bait Monkey is the reason I have 60 plus baitcast reels. As you can probably guess....I ain't laughin'.
  21. Tackle Warehouse ships in a long heavy duty cardboard tube. Probably the thickest wall of any I've received in a tube. I received a rod in a tube similar to yours. Don't know if Pillsbury still sells dough in a tube that you twist to open, but that is exactly what my rod tube looked like. I definitely was surprised to find the rod in good shape. I've received a rod in a tube that was in perfect shape. Opened the tube to find about 4 inches broke off the tip because the seller never put anything around the rod to keep it from sliding back and forth inside the tube. Private seller. To say I was upset is putting it mildly. Anyone that has had a rod shipped to them should know better. At least the stores put something around the tip to protect it even if the box it is shipped in is a piece of crap.
  22. I like my original Tatula rods a lot. The 6'10" MHF might fit the bill for you. I got mine for less than $95 with free shipping. Couldn't find any at that price at the moment. When you decide on the rod you want, you need to check prices daily. Sometimes great deals can be had, but you have to be there at the right time. I have several models of Fenwick, but not an Elite Tech Bass model. The 7' MHF is $123.95 with free shipping at Glenn's Army Navy...a $150 rod. There is also a 6'9" MHF model if you want shorter.
  23. Let's see if this link for TT will go through. http://tackletour.com/reviewabufantasistafnpc706.html It is on the lower priced Fantasista Premier. The Regista originally listed for $200 more so it should be a better rod. Good luck finding some reviews. You can find a couple on the Premier, but a review of the Regista is almost impossible to find . Here is the only one I found..other than a couple videos that just show the rod. http://tackletour.net/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=76398 Sierra Trading Post has the 6'10" ML and 7' Med. casting rods on closeout for $200. I've yet to spend that kind of money on a rod, but am tempted by the 7' Med. I bought a used 6'10" ML spinning rod for my all around finesse rod. Beautiful rod....as it should be for that kind of money. I haven't even spooled the reel I have for it yet so I can't give any kind of review of the rod. I will say that the tip looks a little slower than a true Fast. It also feels like it has a fair amount of power for a ML once it gets partway down the blank.
  24. Pflueger baitcast reels seldom get mentioned. I am glad to see there are a few others that consider them worthy. I have felt they are under-rated every since buying my first one. Can't help with the regular or XT Supremes. However, several of the guys that posted are very reliable. Smalljaw67 in particular has given me excellent advice several times.
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