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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. Personally I would start looking at the Team Pro Magnesium Speed Spool TML1SH ($217.84 at Outfitters World) up to the $350 Team Lew's Pro-Ti SLP Speed Spool.
  2. Definitely! Except I would like to not be so shy the next time around.
  3. First.... Of those two I only have the Tournament MB. It is a user friendly reel with dual brakes. I feel certain you will get some Daiwa and Shimano recommendations.
  4. I seriously doubt you could buy a bad new reel for that kind of money unless it was a lemon that slipped through QC. In which case simply exchange if for another. Personally I think it comes down to personal preference. Hopefully you can try a few on a rod to see which feels the best to you. I've always bought mine sight unseen. Luckily I am not picky about how a reel feels. I will say I immediately liked how a reel from the unmentionable company felt on a rod. That is unusual for me. If you can live with a 6.3:1 gear ratio, right hand, 5.9 oz., 10/140 yd, hand tuned at the factory reel then I could also suggest a Pinnacle Primmus. Love mine. Enough so that I bought 2 more when they were being closed out at a site for less than 50% of original price. Also some great deals can be had on the used market...if you don't mind used. I just received an Exsence DC for less than your budget that looks in excellent condition. I also got an older (blue) Patriarch XT for $65 (a $250 reel) that was also in great shape. Haunting the "For Sale" forums is bad for my health....not to mention my bank account. EDIT: Holy Batman!!! Just got an email from Sierra Trading Post. Left hand Okuma Helios Air for $109. This is a $270 reel. I've got two. Fantastic reels. A review. https://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/helios-air-review.html
  5. Who cares about looks? Just because our wives have to match shoes and bags to the clothes they are wearing doesn't mean we have to adopt their habits. The Okuma Helios has green accents and is a very good rod for the money.
  6. I had to do it. 7' Medium was down to $149. Shipping and tax still made it under the $199 they had been asking.
  7. There are some nice spools for the 50E series. You can spend about what a used Pixy will cost. I haven't ever looked, but I imagine DIY would have a reasonably priced spool for that reel.
  8. I've tried going this route. (Not with a Lew's, tho.) Personally I think you are better off looking for a used Pixy.
  9. I've never had that kind of problem even after fishing the same reel for hours.
  10. I use a Uni Knot with every line/lure. I have straightened out jig hooks with 30# and a steady pull. No line slippage at all. I don't see how a reel's brakes kicking in could cause any kind of a problem. Them would be some kind of brakes.
  11. Spinning or baitcast? Shallow or deep?
  12. What are you looking to spend? There are so many good rods to choose from today that it is very hard to select just one. Personally I too have come to prefer baitcast for everything I can use one on.
  13. Great! Glad to see it is coming together for you. Won't be long before you will be lowering spool tension and brakes. You will see an improvement in distance. I predict you will also be owning a few more baitcast reels.
  14. Wow. Six year old post. I can see cabin fever during the winter, but now? The OP probably either has 20 rods laying around by now or he gave up fishing. For others I'll just say that I didn't buy my first crankbait rod until a couple years ago. Before that I used whatever MF I had in hand. This year for the first time since starting to visit relation in Florida, I used a MF (spinning rod) instead of a MHF (casting) for casting worms into the lily pads. I had neglected to take a baitcast reel set up with braid. All my fish this year were caught on that rod. An older 7' MF Jig & Worm Elite Tech, an older Stradic and either 30# or 40# braid. For one rod doing it all, I would suggest a MF with an extra pool for added versatility. Naturally braid on one and a nylon type on the other. As much as I love baitcast, I would pick a spinning rod since I fish from shore and this would let me cast in tight quarters much easier than with a baitcast rod.
  15. I am like a couple others. Would not like to fish all those lure types on one rod. MH is going to be a little tough for light finesse. Also like a couple others, if I had to do it all with one rod it would be a spinning rod. And with the exception of this spring, I haven't used one of my spinning rods in several years. However, for fishing from shore in any circumstances I personally would make out better with a spinning rod. I need less room to cast with a spinning rod versus a baitcast rod. Awful hard to make a smooth cast when space is severely limited. This is no problem for a spinning rod, but is just asking for backlashes with a baitcast rod. At least it is for me as I find myself being jerky when in limited space. Jerky = Oh crap!
  16. So....high maintenance?
  17. Never used a Quantum reel. I do have a couple Tour Edition and Superlite rods. Personally I like them.
  18. Shimanos are often said to be set-and-forget reels. I have some that are. I have a few Daiwas that are also set-and-forget reels. When I get into the lightest lures that I use on a baitcast reel, I find I have less problems with several of my Daiwas than my Curado 51Es. Some people have the opposite experience. I think a lot of it is what you learned on and what you use the most. I learned on a Daiwa and have more magnetic braked reels than centrifugal braked reels. Not all magnetic brakes are equal. I do like dual brake reels. Tournament MB is a nice reel. I have older Patriarch XTs that if they backlash it is definitely me. My older gold colored Carbonlites (a dual brake reel) does as well as my TD-Z 105Hs with 3/16 oz. Shad Raps. I set the brake dial and spool tension out of the box on my Primmus and haven't had to touch it....yet.
  19. Let us know what you think once you've had a chance to fish the rod.
  20. Don't know yet. Either Major Craft Benkei/BG 1500 or Fantasista Regista/2000 Procyon. MC been out once. Regista not at all yet.
  21. I haven't used this version of the Fuego, but have the original Tatula and Tatula Type R. My understanding is there is very little difference between the Fuego CT and Tatula CT. I have reels from quite a few brands, but admit that overall Daiwa is my favorite, so I guess you could figure out which one I'd recommend.
  22. https://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/okuma-b-series-62816.html EDIT: There are a few videos on the EVX B line as well. https://www.google.com/search?ei=EuVoW8TmPOOZ_QbJ2JbIDA&q=okuma+evx+b+review&oq=okuma+evx+review&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i71k1l8.
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