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Everything posted by new2BC4bass

  1. If I ever started fishing live bait again, that would be my least expensive rod. Most expensive would be for a versatile rod. Hopefully with enough sensitivity for fishing jigs.....if I ever get into jigs more than I am now.
  2. Very nice post there Mr. Farmer. I especially liked that you added rods you DIDN'T like (and why). Should help out many.
  3. Me and the Bait Monkey are kissing cousins. I don't fish a frog much, but have a rod dedicated for it. The Tatula 7'4" HF. Own several Tatula rods and never paid more than $100. OP, if you went with this rod I'd go with at least 5/8 oz. frogs. It will cast 1/2 oz., but won't launch them. It will launch the 5/8 oz. size. I've got a MH or two that I want to try with the 1/2 oz. size frogs. The Daiwa Aird X is a low cost option that gets some pretty good reviews. For about twice that price the Daiwa DX-Type lT Frog rod with its 1/4 oz. rating should be more versatile than my Tatula frog rod.
  4. In my opinion.....yes. Remember there is no industry standard. Some MH (or any other power) rods fish in their rating. Some can handle lighter (than rated). Some can handle heavier. Pick a rod you like. Either look for reviews on it, or ask here for opinions from people that already own the rod. The vast majority of my rods...and all of my reels...have been purchased sight unseen. I depend on opinions of members here and other fishing sites. I've only been disappointed once. Sadly it was a rod I didn't research first. Lesson learned. EDIT: I have to add that I've become a fan of Daiwa's Regular action rods. Not my first choice for a dedicated jig rod, but very versatile, IMHO. A Mod-Fast or Med-Fast is a good option if you plan on using a lot of treble hook lures yet it still should have enough power for single hook lures as long as you don't go too beefy with the hook.
  5. Nice to hear from an actual user of the combo.
  6. Delegating lures below 5/16 oz. to your spinning rod changes your casting rod and reel choice. (Rods especially.) Pretty much any casting reel should handle 5/16 and up. Pick one that feels good to you when mounted on a rod. My daughter is almost as tall as I am and her hands aren't too much smaller than mine. She could probably use any reel I do. If your hands are small, then you might prefer a small reel. A thread on small reels for an 8 year old. Read smalljaw67's post on the Supreme XT. He has always given me good advice. This is one of the reels you can find at FFO at a very nice price. That and the Patriarch. Both very nice reels. With a 5/16-3/4 oz. range you are going to want a MH rod in most lines. A few Medium power rods can be found going to 3/4 oz. Don't know how well they would handle that weight. A few less than 7 foot rods to research. I've read good reviews on all of them. (Rod line...not necessarily each particular model listed.) Ark Invoker 6'10" MHF Daiwa Tatula 6'10" MHF (not the XT) Dobyns Fury 6'6" HF Okuma EVX 6'8" MH-Mod-Fast/Fast (unusual action nomenclature) If you can handle a 7' rod, the Okuma Helios is a very light rod. Great price on the Helios here. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Okuma-Helios-Mini-Guide-Cast-Rod-7-MH-1pc/34742965 Liked my Helios 7' MF enough to buy a second one. Don't need another rod, but thinking about getting one of the 7' MHF rods anyway. Hard to pass up that kind of deal on such a good rod.
  7. Well, a lower weight of 5/16 oz. changes the whole ball game.
  8. But I highly doubt a 734C would work very well for what the OP wants to throw. No doubt it is an excellent all-around rod....for a bit heavier weights.
  9. As I stated, I have only been out a couple times this year. I had several other new rods (and reels) with me so didn't get to spend much time with any of them. It is a well built rod. Not fancy, just solid. I like it so far. Bought it because it is suppose to be a very versatile rod. Been working a second job for over a year now. Even though I wanted to get out on the few good weekend days we've had I was just too tired. Doesn't help that I have to drive 35-50 minutes (depending on where I go) to get to a lake. I don't have a way anymore to take my Porta-Bote with me so I am stuck fishing from the bank where fishing pressure is very high. Which means I don't catch many (if any) when I do go. Very depressing.
  10. Yeah. I have bought several rods and a couple reels from Walmart Online. You have to be lucky or else keep an eye on the price of the item you want. It has a tendency to go up and down.
  11. Too bad Fenwick doesn't still make the Elite Tech Smallmouth series. I have the 6'10" MF. It is rated 1/8 -5/8 oz. and is absolutely one of my favorite rods (if not the favorite rod) at this power. It would be the cat's meow (bee's knees?) for you. They sold for $129 (list), but would have been about $200 with a different name on them. Fantastic rods for the money. You could try a WTB ad on a few forums. Obviously I won't part with mine. Dobyns list 1/4 oz. on the low end. Everyone says they fish lighter than listed. Maybe someone else can comment on their ability to cast 1/8 oz. I only own one Dobyns and it is the 703 CB Glass. Wouldn't mind owning more. Phenix is another company whose rods are said to fish lighter than their listing. As mentioned, the Falcon Bucoo is another option for rods fishing lighter than listed. Speaking of 1/8 oz., can you cast that weight with your son's Curado 200B? I ask because 1/8 oz. is pretty light for a casting rod. I have no problem with #5 Shad Raps (3/16 oz.) on a few of my combos, but 1/8 oz. is very tough for me. I need more practice. For me the rod becomes very important at 3/16 oz. and less lure weights. You are now in the "finesse" range. A few rods for you to research....in no special order. Major Craft Dan Iovino 6'10" ML-EF 3/16-1/2 oz. iRod Genisis II Harold's Lone Star 6'9" MLF 1/8-1/2 oz. Hammer 6'9" Medium Moderate 1/8-1/2 oz. Falcon BuCoo SR 6'6" Med-Mod 1/4-1/2 oz. One that you would have to find on sale to meet your budget is the Villain 2.0 6'10" ML-EF....a $200 rod Got mine around $155 shipped from jet. Glen's Army Navy has them for $156, but I have no experience with that store. Tackletour has been impressed with the new Villain 2.0 line. Originals weren't all that great. My ML spinning rod is ok., baitcast rod a disappointment. New models are another animal entirely. Reels are something I'm not sure I can help you with. Depends on your ability. Some guys/gals cast 1/8 oz. on reels I doubt I could, but then I am not all that great a caster. Most of my reels are older models, so may not be what you are looking for. A used Pixy would be my first choice. TD-Z 105H and Carbonlite (gold ones) are reels I have used to cast 3/16 oz. (and 1/8 oz. spinnerbait) with. I imagine I could do it with a Curado 51E, Scorpion 4x4 SVS or Alphas/Sol. For sure with a Tatula SV even though I haven't tried it yet with mine. (Got to rely on other opinions occasionally. ) I've read of others casting 1/8 oz. (or maybe even less) with reels such as the Tatula CT, Curado 70, various models of Lew's and the unmentionable company. Wow. You are right. Way too many choices. Tough to narrow the field down to one or two choices. EDIT: If interested in the 6'10" Villain 2.0, keep an eye on Amazon. I have seen the price down to $130 on some models. Beautiful looking rods. EDIT2: FFO is having a buy one get second one 50% off sale. Pflueger Patriarch $105 ($200 reel), Supreme XT $80 ($150 reel). I personally feel they are underrated. Ask smalljaw67 about his Supreme XTs. One of our Moderators fishes Pflueger reels. I really like my older Patriarch XT. Use it all the time with unweighted 10" ribbontail worms and 3/0 hooks.
  12. No help from here. Since about this time last year I have bought at least 7 rods and I think around 4 baitcast reels. (Hard to keep track anymore.) I am trying not to buy reels as I still have several more than the number of rods. Consider yourself fortunate. I don't sell any of my gear. The reels were all used, but still not cheap. Two Exsence DCs, a Steez and upgraded Purple Alphas. I almost bought a 7' MHF Okuma Helios last week, but managed to talk myself out of it. Whew.
  13. I have 2 DSG and 2 Walmarts within reasonable driving distance. I buy my lures at Dick's. Mostly when on sale. Walmarts in my area suck when it comes to fishing gear. Sales on said gear are non-existent. Reels I buy online. Have purchased a few rods from Dick's. Got a fantastic deal on a new Mojo (current model). Marked $109 for a $130 rod. Rang up as $70. Wish they'd had more, but I only found this one.
  14. I have fished 3/8 oz. jigs on an original 6'6" WJS Daiwa Cielo spinning rod. VERY nice rod. I've used 1/2 oz. jigs on a 7' MHF Quantum SuperLite spinning rod. Seemed like a good rod. However, I don't like fishing those weights on a spinning rod. I gave it and the 1600SS on it to my brother-in-law that I fish with while in Florida. I almost never used it and he fishes only spinning rods. Had nothing to do with feel and everything to do with how it felt casting that weight. By the time I got this rod I had gotten use to fishing with baitcast almost exclusively. I can't comment on the "feel" between casting and spinning. Although I am aware of how versatile jigs are, they are a lure I seldom fish. I know.....................my bad. If I ever retire, maybe I'll have the time and patience to try them more often.
  15. Can't help with rods in that price range. You might look at the ALX 7'4" Zolo Heavy Dragger. I bought the Deputy and Toadface last year as Christmas presents for myself, but haven't been out fishing more than a couple times this year. Depressing. Liking them so far. I have a Gen1 STX-L that I like a lot. Been a very good reel for me. The Gen2 models were suppose to be even better. Gen3s were a disappointment to many. I read good things about the Gen4s. Not trying to talk you out of a Daiwa. I own more of that brand than any other. I don't think you need the SV model unless you plan on skipping with it. However, the SV is a very nice reel. It holds more than enough 12# co-polymer for me. I can't make 100 yard casts. I also like its finish. I wouldn't go with 30# braid without a leader if the area you fish requires a line with abrasion resistance. I'd go at least 50# braid in that case. Braid is not known for it abrasion resistance. Heavier is better. As stated, braid should help with hooksets on your current rod. A brother-in-law fishes 40# braid on whippy spinning rods, and misses few fish on hooksets using 5/0 hooks and 10 inch ribbontail worms. He doesn't use any leaders.
  16. Yes. Absolutely. Almost anyone concerned about getting maximum distance would bypass an SV spooled reel. It has more braking force than a non SV spool. Their are plenty of posts where the poster preferred a Tatula CT to a Tatula SV for a general purpose reel. The SV excels at lighter weights and skipping. I haven't confirmed that with either of my reels yet, but that is what I read all the time. I felt my first SV reel was over-braked. It also was backlashing pretty easily. Took a trip to a tuner where he not only upgraded the reel, but did some work on the spool. Great reel now. Did not have that problem with my next SV reel (a Tatula). I also feel I am getting pretty good distance with both.
  17. First to the forum. I am not familiar with any of the Lew's combos. How much are you willing to spend? Looks like you need a rod with a softer tip (more along the lines of a crankbait rod). What is your preference for rod length? I really, really like my Tatula rods. I have the 7' MLR, but you may prefer the 6'9" MLR'. I have come to enjoy their Regular actions since getting my first one. Although listed as a ML I would consider their ratings to be more in line with a Medium power rod (1/4-5/8 oz.). How light a lure do you plan on casting?
  18. I could be wrong (no surprise there ), but I think the SV braking is probably what makes it a good skipping reel rather than its light spool weight.
  19. One of the benefits often cited for micro guides is longer casts. Personally I am not good enough to notice a difference. When I first started using my first Aetos (older model), the trigger hurt my fingers after awhile. Guess I got use to it because I don't notice it now. Very nice rods otherwise. Beautiful, too. Could look at an ALX Deputy. They have smaller guides, but not the real mini ones. I also like my Okuma Helios rods. Walmart has the 7' MH for $102.46 (2 left). Of course you will need to pay tax. Definitely get in store delivery, and take the rod out while their. One of mine arrived at the house broken. Had no problem getting a refund so I could order a second one. After that I decided I would rather get in store delivery so I didn't have to wait in the Customer Service line. Usually pick-up line is much shorter and quicker.
  20. I could be wrong, but I think Mike was referring to the OP's post. "Fast" as in action. "Medium" as in power. The only time I have seen Medium referring to action is in some rods rated as Med-Fast. I have never seen a rod listed as having a Medium action. Hopefully I am not misinterpreting Mike.
  21. Not a fan of white rods either. Normally I don't let colors bother me if the gear is good. Unfortunately there are exceptions. White rods being one of them.
  22. Dang...........that's a nice "little" fish! Who cares about the reel.
  23. Musikfest starts the 2nd week of August every year. Take a vacation and fly here for it. I will gladly let you try a few. However, be aware there will be a security guard near so that none leave with you.
  24. I finally broke down and bought a dedicated crankbait rod a few years ago. Before that I used MF. I don't do deep divers. Also you have to realize that there are no set rules for actions or powers. My understanding is the Shocks have softer actions because they were built for braid. Also quite a few rods listed as crankbait rods have a Fast rating. Pretty sure 2 of my crankbait rods are listed as having a Fast action. EDIT: Research. Should find posts by ww2farmer regarding fishing treble hook lures on Shocks.
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