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Everything posted by thinkingredneck

  1. As John Geirach said, "There are two groups of anglers, your group and the +×÷holes." My pet peeves are jet skiers not seeing kayaks, and people who litter, especially line and styrofoam.
  2. Enjoy it while it lasts. Bass can change what they like, in my experience.
  3. Very similar deal for me, except for the golf part. I have accumulated a bunch of different gear and fly tying stuff. Moved around, and it seemed everywhere I went I needed a different setup. Salt, Trout, Salmon, steelhead, panfish, bass, etc. It has been fun. Jack of all trades, master of none.
  4. Zoom trick worms. I have a metric crap ton of them. I have a hodge podge of hard baits and spinners. I have a lot of BPS brand, cordell, storm, and rapala
  5. Check Batlow's tackle. They have several brands
  6. Good luck. Read some of Ned Kehde's writings about midwest finesse and simplicity/frugality.
  7. I have caught some there with a shake head with Junebug trick worm. If clear I would go with GP or Watermelon red flake. There is a creek channel toward the middle. You are correct though, every square foot has great structure. Keep at it.
  8. Hit the pads. Any place that is different, like an indentation or pocket. I agree on Junebug. Also Scuppernong and Candybug. I think glitter flake helps.
  9. One of the saddest things I ever saw was a guy who liked to fish who opened a bait shop and slowly lost his retirement savings.
  10. I fish muddy and stained water. White or white chart for moving baits, yellow on top, junebug, candybug and green pumpkin plastics, black and blue jigs. Plus about twenty other colors.
  11. I also think you should change up colors. You want something dark, something gaudy and something natural. You need black, brown, tan, green, purple, red, maybe pink or yellow, white. Don't limit yourself. You need some with glitter and some plain. Don't forget Junebug!
  12. Plastic worms are still my favorite way to fish
  13. Do you use brass, lead or tungsten weights?
  14. Yeah, but I hate when it gets pulled down on every cast
  15. What is cracking a tube?
  16. Start with a trickworm in standard colors. Junebug, black, green pumpkin, watermelon red flake, scuppernong, gràpe, Candy bug (my favorite), tequila sunrise, etc. Bill Murphy said in Giant Bass, to have brown, green, purple, black, blue. That covers it. Try different weights. I like 2-0 or 3-0 offset round bend hooks. I like Gamakatsu. You may need heavier braid in slop, but 8 lbs is strong enough to fight bass in moderate vegetation or open water. The only problem is it may dig in on a BC reel. Not familiar enough to know if yours is a spinning reel or BC. I second the little lucky strike hook tail worms and u-vibe speed worms. Don't forget lizards. Creme scoundrels are a good worm also. So are Mann's, both old school. Some prefer straight hooks for better hooksets, , but they hang up a lot. Some prefer EWG hooks. A little harder to hook, but they hold them well and don't hang up. G-locks hold the worm better. Some days Bass want one color or shape, another day it's different. Before you know it you have a ton of plastics. Hope this helped and have fun.
  17. To keep a worm or creature up I use a swivel that runs from the line to the underside of the hook below the nose of the worm. Keeps the nose from sliding. No real difference in action or hookup rate.
  18. I usually fish a reservoir but may hit some "farm ponds." I have used my regular gear. Do you normally down size for smaller water?
  19. Thanks. Will try them.
  20. Do any of you use tubes for Large mouth bass? They sell them at our local BPS. Seems that all I ever read about is using them on SMB. If so, where and when?
  21. Always some sort of buying and selling. Only so many places to put money, I guess.Maybe Warren Buffet will buy it.
  22. Try a lizard, trick worm or zoom u vibe worm.
  23. I spent a whole summer fishing nothing but junebug. I would switch type of worm: trickworms, U vibe, Ole monster, anaconda, swamp crawler, finesse, etc. Some days one would work better. Truthfully I haven't caught many on tx rigged creatures. Now I have branched out some.
  24. I have two small boxes for the kayak. One reliable and one that I valley "experimental". The reliable one has Trick worms in Candy bug and junebug. White spinner baits, black and blue Arkie jigs w matching trailer, horny toads, lizards, a couple square bills, jitterbugs, and a couple Johnson spoons. My experimental box has some topwater salad spoons, grubs, and swimbaits. Will post photos. I also have some new rage tail stuff from last year. I sometimes fly fish the pads.
  25. This is one of the most vexing questions. Lots of conflicting opinions. Last year I tried mono, braid and fc , all straight, plus braid with leader. Caught fish on all. I like the feel of braid with bottom baits. I have had no knot issues with the Alberto knot when I use a leader, and a leader gives me more confidence. I hate the knot going through the guides. I guess I am conflicted (or maybe afflicted).
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