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Everything posted by thinkingredneck

  1. My DSG had very complicated sales. You have to be careful and read the signs. Seems each brand has a different deal. Still my favorite brick and mortar store, and on my way to work.
  2. I can say I have been disappointed in some rods, but never regretted them.
  3. I hate the timeshare salespeople hounding me. Also, their emphasis seems to be on bps brands.
  4. Some stay shallow all summer, but sometimes I don't find them either.
  5. It is different for customer's too.
  6. I had one and it always felt crowded and hard to move around ln. However, it may fit your needs.
  7. Will elaztec react with a chatterbaits skirt or other silicone skirt?
  8. Hey, you are finding fish. That is the hard part! I used the improved clinch knot for years with no problem, but now I prefer the uni knot shown above. It is more versatile. You can use a uni to snell a hook, tie on a hook, join line to a reel, can use a double uni to join a leader to line, etc. It is good for stiff line. Just slobber on it (That is southern for moisten with saliva) when you tighten it dowm. As stated above, the hook gap should be twice the width of the plastic. Watch Glenn's videos on rigging. It is a good idea to use a swivel and leader on a spinning rod to prevent line twist. That is a swivel between line and leader and not a snàp swivel. IMHO. Swivels have lb strength just as lines do. Avoid the cheap brass ones for Bass. ANY GOOD NAME BRAND HOOKS WORK, JUST BE SURE TO USE SUPERLINE HOOKS ON BRAID AND REGULAR HOOKS ON MONO. Now go catch some fish! Welcome to the forum.
  9. Thanks for posting this.
  10. I don't do well on the Ned. I have only used it in very muddy water. I like the concept, though.
  11. Jann's has a chart you can print, I believe.
  12. I love them. What type wood do you use?
  13. Not an expert, but I catch fish on untried jigs. I am to ignorant to modify mine. Figure the manufacturer on quality jigs knows more than me.
  14. I have put moisture absorbent from pharmacies in mine and it really helps. I also hang mine on a pool noodle on the yak and don't put them back until they dry. When I get home I set my boxes one on the top of the fridge which dries them out well.
  15. Watch Glenn's videos on setting up a baitcaster. The advice above is all good. Get a half oz spoon to practice with.
  16. Got a devils horse and a Sammy. Also some Mann's jelly worms, and little george. Caught my biggest bass ever on one 30 years ago.
  17. I have been casting some 3:16 Mission Fish in 5 inch. Can't get it to feel right. Should I be using braid, mono or fluro? What type gear? I expected to feel it on the line like a swimjig or something.
  18. Lamiglass, Okuma. BPS Tourney specials have been serviceable and reliable. I just picked up a used American Rodsmith and Ozark rod at an estate sale. They are 6 ft but easy to use in a kayak. MH and sensitive for bottom contact plastics. For sheer toughness, get an Ugly stick. I really like Ugly Stick spinning rods.
  19. I think using the lines that you use is the only good way to test this. I have used the Alberto with no problem. I have had some issues with the triple surgeon's. Also, as I fish heavy cover and muddy water, I use a leader so I can break off. I usually break off at the hook, probably because of abrasion. Half the time I will get a pig tail back meaning the knot gave.
  20. I had even more old school baits than I thought. Fits the profile, I guess.
  21. Check out Smithwick. Looks like one of their rogues, possibly in a "tiger minnow" pattern.
  22. Some people are born retailers. I believe that. Is there a local fishing club? Are their crappie in the lake. If so, offer hand tied jigs, Slater jigs, etc. If your wife has a successful cake business, y'all understand perishable stock.
  23. I guess stuff that has been around 40 years, Tom. That would be my late teens. Before Whopper ploppers, Ned rigs, etc.
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