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Everything posted by chris090981

  1. I plan on taking a trip down to Florida from Michigan next week . Rodman Reservoir seems like a good lake to possibly catch a trophy largemouth . Anyone know what the best boat launch for me would be . I got a bass boat . I’ve read some of the launches are sometimes un-launchable . Also any advise on where to go or not go .!? Was reading lots of stump fields . Any advise is greatly appreciated !!! Thanks in advance ,Chris
  2. Anyone ever bass fished there ? Planning a trip in late April for bass . I've never been there . Any tips ?
  3. I can get underneath it . I just did 2 days ago using washers so its more support and lock nuts . It was solid until I hit 10,000 3 foot waves . It's a newer z7 so I don't want to mess it up worse . Unreal how brutal Lake Erie is .
  4. Recently fished a tournament on Lake Erie . The waves were brutal and made the holes that attaches the motor to the bow bigger causing the motor unsafe . Is this something I should take to the professionals to fix ? Or would JB weld fill them holes in ? Thanks
  5. Pros / cons of both and which you have ....
  6. I have a nitro Z7 that I'm taking the lowrance's off for the hummingbirds I took off old boat . I have a HB 998c SI , a HB 858c DI and I'm buying a 3rd HB for the flush mount dash . Also getting Minnkota Terrova trolling motor . Wanted to put the SI on trolling motor , the DI at console and buy the 798 SI for flush mount dash but I guess you can't have the SI on shoot thru hull . I really want to have SI at trolling motor but I need it at dash too . Any suggestions ? Thanks for your time fellas ! Much appreciated ..
  7. All of my rods are $200+ except for my senko spinning rods ! Look no further than Walmart online ! Daiwa Megaforce 6' m rods . I cannot find a more expensive rod that compares to it for the situation . I've tried ! I use it for skipping docks . The 6' rod gives you a very accurate cast . I have 1 reel for skipping docks and I just bought 4 rods in fear of them discontinuing them . You won't regret this $20 purchase . Phenominal rod
  8. Anyone ever use these rods ? Looking to buy a few but would like some input . Thanks
  9. Anyone have any of these ? ThInking of buying a few . Reviews would be appreciated thanks
  10. I have all shimano citica reels with quantum KVD rods .. Is there a better setup I could be using ? Reel ? Rod ? Line ? And most importantly jig ? Thanks
  11. If you dream of fishing the classic oneday fish em if not then don't
  12. You need to get your mind right before you go there 1st off ! You need to research online as much as possible . Just look at the previous reports from march for the past 10 years or so and go from there ! I'm confident in any lake I go to . Drop me off and blind fold me because I'm not there to not catch fish !!! Figure it out and go for it !!!!
  13. That's exactly what I'm getting at . I'm seeing 22 and 23 year olds winning these things and there's gonna come a time where I won't have it anymore . Its not rocket science . I've had days i couldn't figure it out and I've had days where no one could touch me . It's a right time right place thing and the more of these opens you fish the better your odds !
  14. Yea I was referring to gas , lodging time off work etc ... The 1250 entry isn't much of a difference from the 350 to me . It's the time outta work and all the rest that adds up to the majority . I've fished bfl's everstart series etc so I'm pretty familiar with how it goes . But I'll kick that co-angler thing around . Thanks for the advise
  15. Yea I see where your coming from but I can't see spending around $1200 per tourney fishing co-angler and playing the beat the bank game . I did a lot of tourneys when I was younger as a co-angler and 9 outta 10 of them beat banks . And if you get on with someone good theirs not many leftovers . And when I out fished the pro , well that says everything , we weren't on fish ! I appreciate all the info though ! It's such a great sport !
  16. Now are these opens setup to where you have to fish all 3 ?if you got lucky and snuck a 1st in and missed 1 outta the 3 would you be inelidgeable for the boat and classic seat ?
  17. considering fishing a northern open this year. The only thing i'm skeptical about is my 1988 Basstracker . It sat in a garage for 20 years then i bought it 3 years ago .. The boat is sound! 18 foot though ! Anyone ever fish these ? Any rules about old boats ? It has 150 merc , and a kill switch ! Any help is greatly appreciated !
  18. Lately i've been really concentrating on being more precise reading a fish finder .. I've always been extremely good at estimating .. But with a fish finder , I'm not sure what i'm estimating distance wise .. Is there some sort of formula i could use on estimating exactly where them fish are ? Ex... Let's say my transducer is mounted in the back of my boat , I have a hummingbird with a 5" screen , There's 1 fish on my screen and it happens to be on the rightside of the screen , Therefor the fish is almost off my screen , Is there a way to guesstimate how far that fish is behind my boat ? And how far to the left or right of my boat's position could it be ? Thanks for your time !
  19. Yea , Bass is good eatin ..... If you live in a tent ! :-/
  20. Stratos 375 , I'm kind of looking at it like i'm doing better than most with a college degree being a salesman in this time and day ... The more i make , The more i'm able to fish ! There are more roads to take now then there were then in the fishing industry .. Ex: A.B.A weekend series could run you 5000-10000 with a possibility to make the classic .. Flukes do make it sometimes ( like this year) .. But let a versatile angler through those doors , And look out ! Everybody's got their own season and strengths .. Live by the sword, Die by the sword ! For those of you who have a certain strength , Set it down and learn something new ! You will never succeed until you do !
  21. Try a 3 inch swimbait .. Storm or berkley ! You don't need the real expensive ones ... A 5 pack for $3.50 outta do the trick .. Try a rattletrap as well .. I say swimbait and rattletrap because it will be easier to reel up hill and not get snagged !
  22. Norman speed clips to change fast moving baits quicker .!? Yay or Nay ? Reason i ask is i read an article on a pro's website , But $ talks ! So i'd like to get some opinions from some average joe's !!!!!
  23. Her name is Wells(Pam Martin-Wells) If you are going to use her for an example please get her name correct. I know she will appreciate it. o.k sir ! Will do !
  24. Pam Martin West took 22nd place in the Bassmaster Classic on Lay lake this year .. Beating out names like Boyd Duckett , Randy Howell , Alton Jones and Denny Brauer ! She did have an advantage of knowing that lake very well ! I wish my woman could fish ! I wish she could cook too ! hahah
  25. Do you keep every fish you catch ? Show and tell kinda guy huh ? Well keep showing and eventually your local lake won't have any fish reports to tell about !
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