If you're looking for material for this article still, I'm 24, a professional, and never thought about acquiring sponsorships until now.
While turning a hobby in to a profession is the life-goal of every soul that has ever existed, I've never toyed with the idea of becoming a professional angler. Many consider making money a hobby to fuel other hobbies.
Being that I don't have a resume or game plan to become a pro angler, here is an outside input: sponsorships are viewed as a free ticket to stardom.
I've played professional paintball years ago and sponsorship hunts were part of the game that made things seem worth while. When spending countless hours on the road, time in hotel rooms, and money that should be used towards rent; you expect the industry to give something back to you. This isn't a "true" notion, however, as the individual is nothing.
Personally, I don't believe that anyone should be paid to go fishing. The idea is silly to me. For such a cheap sport that you can spend hours with well in to age, who needs sponsorships? Fish to fish. The sport gives you enough without having to be paid.
In regards to myself, I think people should pay me for everything. I'm marketable (musician with speaking presence), well versed in speaking and writing, and my intentions aren't ill. Sponsor me.