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Everything posted by StingerJon11

  1. if you dont believe people should be paid to fish do you believe any professional athlete should get paid? fishing is a sport just like everything else there is an elite group of people that are considered "pros" and for that they should be rewarded. when you say a "cheap sport" it makes me think you have never seen a twenty dollar luckycraft jerkbait or a 300 dollar gloomis rod heck skeeter has a new boat now that i think is around $70,000 although i may be wrong on that exact number but this sport is not cheap at all especially if you want to compete on a higher level don't forget the $30-50k for a truck to haul the boat.. What i'm trying to say, as its on topic, is that sub 18-yo kids shouldn't be looking for handouts. I believe fishing is a fun leisure activity and if competition is your thing, enter them on your own dime. You'll get the recognition if you deserve it. Making a name for yourself isn't difficult on the local level. I feel marketability comes by making a name for yourself on a local level. If you deserve it, things will snowball. If you can't make a name for yourself and be in that network of people who know you locally, do you really deserve a sponsorship because of your resume? People also consider poker a sport.
  2. bahahaha. don't forget kurt's most anti-climactic victory in the history of cinema... he takes out the main villain like one would a simple security guard.
  3. That's why unicorns are no more. :'( In seriousness, not all people view bass as members of a forum based on bass fishing. It is all in the context, really. To play devil's advocate, I know a lot of carp fishermen who absolutely only catch and release. I think that those fish aren't good for the fishery and should be taken to a woodchopper. The mindset is different, however, as they think that those fish are magnificent. What i'm saying is that to most, a bass is just another fish. I am personally indifferent.
  4. I really think you are full of which part?
  5. sounds about right. there was a tournament that was finishing up when i caught that fish. i woulda won big fish for the day had i entered.
  6. didn't have a scale on hand. on shore with 2lb test.
  7. lol. again, agreeing to disagree. this is the best movie of all time.
  8. on the brightside, at least its not a DUI increase make a claim, change carriers. that's what its there for.
  9. I'm a maker's mark kinda guy. A good book is always handy when I bait fish (rarely). Reading never puts me to bed, though. I'll rack my brain all night on good reading. Something about watching TV and zoning out puts me right to bed. Dont know what it is.
  10. has anyone actually done this? My friend keeps telling me about how he has stabbed catfish with the old flashlight trick over a bean. every time we go camping, i've never seen him make it work. how accurate is this method? sorry if this is off topic.
  11. As one of the many younger anglers out there, I'm really in to bringing a piece of home in to the wild (when it gets too cold to be on the water). Some of you might think "is this one of them confounded ipod doohickeys?" In essence, pretty much. My weapon of choice is my pocket projector. It allows me to watch movies in the tent before bed. I've always had issues falling right asleep even when my bones hurt from being away too long. Gotta watch TV before bed. I got this one as a christmas gift. it is an aaxa p1 pocket projector http://www.aaxatech.com/products/kp190_p1_pico_projector.htm Its more of a toy than a tool. It only works in dark areas. You're out of luck with the lights on. What are your camping novelties that give you a sense of home?
  12. i can vouch for this. I fish 2lb test on a micro rod when fishing for fun (I keep it in my trunk).
  13. I ask this question because the group I fish with (mainly a few friends) is starting to plateau in growth. We'd like to hook up with other anglers out there to learn more and share tips.
  14. I live in Orange County and fish pretty locally (in to the Inland Empire). What are my options in finding an affordable quality club that can improve my skills and build my network?
  15. very wise group here. i'm more top gun and go for the 10lb kicker. I find the smaller ones along the way.
  16. well, i've lurked the forums for long enough. i finally joined and started participating. i'm from lower california and the lake fishing here is far and few between. Ocean fishing is much better, however, my home is with the green monsters. as its a hobby, I only throw 2lb test. I've lost many battles but i feel that the lighter line really keeps me on my toes when fighting. Largest i've landed on 2lb test is a 7lb hog out of a boating lake (from shore, even). I've caught larger fish on heavier line, but none this fun. I plan on learning much more here and sharing what I have to share as well.
  17. Youtube is a way better bet than a local station. Even on a local station, you need a big budget to pay for gear and crew. Local stations won't accept fuzzier sound quality than they already provide. Youtube will put you on a national level. It is how a few television shows started out.
  18. Priceless How did people learn how to fish 20 years ago? haha. Definitely follow in these footsteps. I just joined the forum as well and will be trying a few new tricks this weekend.
  19. about 10 over 4lbs in 5hours drop shotting in southern california.
  20. ya'll missed "catfit"
  21. If you're looking for material for this article still, I'm 24, a professional, and never thought about acquiring sponsorships until now. While turning a hobby in to a profession is the life-goal of every soul that has ever existed, I've never toyed with the idea of becoming a professional angler. Many consider making money a hobby to fuel other hobbies. Being that I don't have a resume or game plan to become a pro angler, here is an outside input: sponsorships are viewed as a free ticket to stardom. I've played professional paintball years ago and sponsorship hunts were part of the game that made things seem worth while. When spending countless hours on the road, time in hotel rooms, and money that should be used towards rent; you expect the industry to give something back to you. This isn't a "true" notion, however, as the individual is nothing. Personally, I don't believe that anyone should be paid to go fishing. The idea is silly to me. For such a cheap sport that you can spend hours with well in to age, who needs sponsorships? Fish to fish. The sport gives you enough without having to be paid. In regards to myself, I think people should pay me for everything. I'm marketable (musician with speaking presence), well versed in speaking and writing, and my intentions aren't ill. Sponsor me.
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