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Everything posted by d3bf48

  1. Avid 6'3" MLXF. Like someone else stated, a perfect rod for river smallies.
  2. river 2 sea standn yabbi or any craw with floating claws.
  3. Running some unexpected rapids in my sit on top kayak. Flipped me over and I hung on to my kayak as I was carried downstream. Ended up getting smashed up against a big boulder and for a few seconds I was thinking I was going to drown but adrenaline kicked in and I got my self out. Another was last year, one of the first days out in my kayak after I bought it. It was an unusually warm day with not a cloud in sight. My kayak is a sit on top so my legs are fully exposed. I was wearing shorts and I didn't put on sunscreen and was out for 8+ hours with my legs getting blasted by sun. I could feel them getting burnt but thought, "whatever, it's just my legs, they could use a little sun since they never get any". That was the whole problem, my legs NEVER see sun. The day later my legs were red and painful. A week later they were so swollen I could hardly walk. They were actually filled with a "hard, mushy" liquid. I could take my index finger and push on my shin and my finger would slowly create a 1" deep dent on my shin.
  4. Definitely try to get up North. IMO, stay away from the Dells, it's like the Disneyland of Wisconsin. Tons of tourists and water is crowded. If you want relaxation, get on a lake somewhere up North and enjoy the peace, quiet, and the great northwoods. There are tons of lakes and it's not unsual to be the only boat on the water. Let us know where you are thinking and I'm sure some people can comment. Hayward is pretty neat and there are some fun things to do in town (fishing hall of fame, some good pizza). Might get a shot at a big muskie too.
  5. I started with using a citica 200e and then got a chronarch 50e and I thought the 50e casted lighter lures much better.
  6. I recently ordered a spool of 8lb Yo Zuri Hybrid from a well known online retailer. First thing I noticed was that there was dust on the inside of the package. Was kind of wondering if the line was old?... Oh well I was excited to use it so put it on my chronarch 50 and started fishing. Well I have been using it for a week now and already have broken off twice on hooksets. I have it matched with a medium power XF rod so it's not like I'm using too heavy of a rod. I used 4lb test almost exclusively the past two years and have NEVER broken off on the hookset. It appears to be breaking at the knot. I don't know if this line has awful knot strength or if it's old, but I can break it off quite easily with my hands. With 6lb CXX I have to at least try when breaking with my hands but this stuff is almost effortless. I am wondering did I just get a bad spool or is this line typically weak at the knot?
  7. I fish them on jig heads, hook with split shot, or drop shot. I actually use the 2" a lot and do well on both smallmouth and largemouth. Have had some incredible days with largemouth on clear water lakes with the 2" black ones.
  8. I feel ya. Had a weird day myself. First, I see some white trash dudes pull out a huge snapping turtle with thier catfish gear. They sat their tormenting it for a while before trying to cut it's head off. An hour later I see someone hit a goose with their car while it was crossing the street. And finally, I had a huge smallmouth on that somehow broke my 8lb test. I think I had a bad knot but couldn't believe it. Hopefully it can toss the hook or survive with it in it's mouth.
  9. Not live but I use Case helgies, both the big and small ones, for smallmouth and largemouth. The small ones are absolutely killer early season on clear water. Google search case plastics.
  10. Cool info. You should have bought a Shimano Chronarch 200/50e from Bass Pro for $140 during the reel trade in though. $10 more than your limit but $10 well worth it. Well the trade in is over so I would say Citica from gander or bump out an extra 40 and get the Chronarch with rebate for 170
  11. Water temp has been around 35-40 the past few weeks in Northern Illinois. Was fishing in the snow yesterday and lost a nice one, guides were freezing too fast to fish a long time though.
  12. Tournament ZX from cabelas. I have 2 symetres and a pflueger supreme and I wish they were all ZX's
  13. What do you plan on teaching?
  14. Tackle industries 9' XXH http://www.muskytackleonline.com/acatalog/Tackle_Industries.html
  15. The WM's in the Chicago area are getting Falcon bucoo and KVD rods from what I've noticed. Funny thing is that they are smashed up against walls, tangled up with dozens of other rods, and some even still had the foam packing blocks taped to the tips. Like others have said, I'm sure they will be trashed in no time. Bent/damaged guides, scratches, and probably a lot of weakened spots from being banged around.
  16. My favorite rod is my St. Croix Avid 6'3 mlxf. Tons of fun on smallmouth
  17. Your St. Croix and curado with 80lb braid is a good set up. Would be perfect for jerkbaits IMO. You might want a longer rod if you throw big bulldawgs and double 10 bucktails. Tackle Industires 9' XH telescopic rod would be my choice. Add a shimano calcutta 400te if you have the money.
  18. goodluck, hope all turns out well
  19. I only go to dicks for sales. I stop in Cabelas and BPS a lot but usually only buy something if it's on sale. Usually shop around online for better deals
  20. Stopped in wally world for some coolant and checked out the fishing dept really quick. pleasantly surprised to see falcon bucoo micro guides in 4 different models. nice, hopefully more to come
  21. I got one from gander a couple years ago on clearance so not sure if they still have them. it was filled with tons of different plastics. only downside is I can't find out what some of them are and they work really well!
  22. stanley finesse jig with the hales craw bitsy bug with paca craw to match booyah pro boo bug w paca craw
  23. Dude there is no way I could see any of the Walmarts in the Chicago area doing this. Every fishing dept. I have seen is in the back, completely unsupervised and every rod on the rack is always damaged in one way or another. I think people just go through the aisle and f*%& up the rods for fun. Would be cool though because I always end up w/ walmart store credit from returning things.
  24. do a search for hook size chart on google, I know I have seen them before. You should be able to match it up onto the screen as long as it's 1:1 scale http://www.go-saltwater-fishing.com/image-files/fish-hook-size-chart6.jpg
  25. The three in my area just keep adding stuff, every time I go back the clearance rack is jammed full. I have enough jigs, rapalas, plastics, etc for the next 5 seasons.
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