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Everything posted by d3bf48

  1. Biased comments like these really show your level of maturity and knowledge. It's great if you want to support homeschooling but to stereotype public schools and teachers is ignorant.
  2. http://cida.usgs.gov/wdnr_regs/apex/f?p=wdnr_fishing_regulations:lake_regulations:0::NO:20:P20_WBIC:131100#R770266518172521259 open all year
  3. House/pet sitting for wealthy relatives. Giant house and all the food to myself for a week wasn't bad.
  4. Its a decent fishery, especially for Illinois. Smallies like rocks and current.
  5. I use the 400s for musky fishing. Two seasons of abuse and they are still smooth. Cant say that about any other reels I have used for musky.
  6. Google is your friend- look up some reports on the side effects of those energy drinks. Get sleep and exercise
  7. Cabelas has chronarch Es for 150
  8. Post any deals for cyber Monday here.
  9. You can add an infinite number of other things to the list; just check any of Raider's posts.
  10. Where at in N WIS ?
  11. attention ***** ... sounds about right
  12. cool story bro, we feel bad
  13. Moved from Northern Illinois to Northern WI. No longer deal with crowds. Nothing better than having a class A musky lake to yourself on a summer evening.
  14. Teacher... June, July, and August where are you ?
  15. If you're going to make up a story, at least make it entertaining.
  16. I made something similar a couple years ago and slayed some monster smallies in cold water! Looks good
  17. I have seen it on puddles... wind
  18. Sums up most your posts pretty well.
  19. Before I knew what bass were I was fishing a lake where people threw all the carp on shore to die. Me and a buddy first time out and we threw several dozen bass on shore thinking they were the carp. Now I know better
  20. Were you bullied when you were younger? Usually those who were bullied exhibit behaviors like this. It's like a revolving door, keeps going around and around. You were picked on by someone, then you in turn pick on others to boost your self-esteem. Oh well, tough cycle to get out of. I am lucky enough to have thick skin, never got caught in the trap. But congrats on the rings, I bet you were an intregal part of the team.
  21. Sounds like you need a pat on the back as well, you deserved it.
  22. Way to attribute their success on you. Pat yourself on the back while you're at it.
  23. Sorry, but blaming this kind of stuff on giving everyone trophies and no winners/loosers is pathetic. I would bet none of those kids from original post play sports or are involved in any extra-curricular activities. The point of no winners/loosers is so kids have FUN. The more fun the have at an early age, the more likely it is they will stick with the sport or activity when they get older.
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