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    Grosse Ile, Michigan
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
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  1. Lake Charlevoix is a big ass body of water. (17,260 acres) On a calm day, your boat should handle it. If it gets angry, be careful. Very clear water as well. Photo was taken last winter and he's standing on ice. Lots of info. here. https://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/search/58454791/?q=Charlevoix&o=date&c[node]=59
  2. Line snags the front treble often!
  3. Are you that Folksy in real life?
  4. I find you can break the bill by slapping the water trying to clear weeds.
  5. Spoke with a custom rod builder last summer. Got on talking about spiral guides. His opinion was it was pretty much a fad a few years back. Said he hadn't built one in a while.
  6. Nicely answered.
  7. With baitcasters, I just keep the knot off the spool.
  8. What topwater was Chris Lane fishing on the last MLF episode?
  9. Air Force. '69-'73
  10. Company Commanders! Nice.
  11. Never! I tried them many times with zero bites. I hate how, when retrieving, loosing 10-12 feet of a cast until it reached the surface.
  12. Possibly the live well is filling. Typically, the water discharge locations are different, live well vs bilge.
  13. Customer service is a huge plus. When I had my Ranger, you could call them direct. With Skeeter, it's all about the boat dealer interface. You cannot call Skeeter for parts. Some dealers are better then others. I found out the hard way.
  14. I've owned R-72 Ranger and currently own 20i Skeeter. Ranger- Limited storage but the boat was easy to pilot, launch and recover. A bit of a wet ride at only 17 feet. Skeeter - Great storage. Small live wells. Difficult to drive (porpoising). A ***** to load on the trailer. (No power loading in Michigan). Dry ride at 20 feet. I have overcome the porpoising and trailer loading issues but it was quite a learning curve.
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