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Bank Beater

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About Bank Beater

  • Birthday 03/06/1973

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    <p>Kansas City</p>

Bank Beater's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. 8-)So how did your trip go? I am trying to convince my brother-in-law to get down that way in the next week or so. I love that lake! way better than fishing smithville all the time.
  2. Maybe this should have been posted in the ladies forum. I don't know squat about fishing fashion. Are you required to where a Jersey? can't you just wear a t-shirt? 8-)
  3. What this sport needs is a Danika Patrik (sp?). Belive me if the sponsors find a woman that has the ability to compete with these guys They will throw money at her. Inturn having a woman compete at the elite leval will show girls around the world that they can do it and it is worth while. Some of these girls will grow up to be tournament fisherman and as more flood into the sport they will get more acceptance. I belive that this is what BASS was trying to do when allowing the champion from the WBASS a classic birth. Give girls someone to look up to in the sport. Most of the complaints that I heard from the elites was that she was given a classic birth from a trail that they did not have access to not that she was a woman. I am a nurse and am not gay. I agree that perceptions and social roles need to be changed. The interesting thing is that 1: men don't complain that they wern't encouraged to play with dolls and most woman (my wife included)don't complain that they wern't encouraged to fish. Until that changes I don't see much change coming about. Buy the way my 7 seven year old daughter has decided that she wants to learn to fish this year to be like her DAD. I cant wait to spend time with her on the water and maybee turn her into Danika Patrik, if she wants. 8-)
  4. I Fished USA bassin on stockton lake last year and did qualify for national tournament (unfortunatly we don't have GPS in our boat and feel that lake is a little more than we want to take on). It is a great way to get started because it is inexpensive and fising in the divisional tournaments is a lot like fishing bass clubs. As you work up to the regional and national tournaments you relize you are part of a large trail and get to feel what it is like to be in those big tournaments. They also have a trail set up for younger members. 8-)
  5. Does the cleaning solution on those wipes affect his fishing? They can have a strong purfumy oder and I bet that gets on his baits! Then again maybee huggies will sponsers him after this video and Provide him some special ones that are scented like Gulp. 8-)
  6. What do you guys look for when looking at a topo map. Primarily creek channels that swing close to points or other structure?
  7. You never know how this will work out. If it warms up at all those bass could really turn on. Remember that water temp is not the only predictor of the bass life cycle. It also has to do with the angle of the sun and what bass in that region get used to. If they are used to bieng prespawn at this time of year it won't take much of a warmup to get those bass moving. 8-)
  8. I didn't know anything about the program a couple of years ago. I was purchasing a reel and the salesman had me buy a $4 reel first take it to costomer service to get voucher and bam $50 off. only give up old reels that you are sure nobody would want.
  9. I am currently reading, Knowining Bass The Scientific Approach to Catching More Fish by Keith A. Jones. It is very indepth but sometimes reads like a text book. After a long discusion about anatomy of the basses taste and smell abilities it comes to the conclusion that some flavors can help catch bass but that sight is still the primary mode that the bass uses to feed so this is only somewhat effective. It also talks about knowing what you want your scent to do; get bass in the general area aroused or get a bass to hold on to your bait longer. Scent physicaly can not do both due to dispersal rates. Bass cannot ever track down your bait based on its smell. My conclusion this is that Like all things in bass fishig their are times and places for both. Therfore no single thype of scent is needed but multiple based on the qualities of the scent. 8-)
  10. I love Beaver baits. I use the YUM version but I think they all work about the same. I use them mostly in the early spring when water temp. are low and you want a bait that doesn't have as much action. T-rig it with a 1/4 oz wieght and toss it out near cover or rock structrure. SLOWLY bouce it back to the boat. As The water warms up I have less luck with it and switch to a brush hog that has lots more action, But if the bass get real lockjaw I will swithc back. hope this helps. 8-)
  11. I havent been to many of the lakes father south but Stockton lake is one of my favorites. It is in the middle of nowhere so don't plan on any restraunts bieng open after 0900 and only a few gas stations. If you want more non fishing stuff to do branson area and table rock can't be beat. That time of year the lake should be just starting to warm up some and the fishing could be on!!
  12. Thanks, I might do that. Where do you guys fish? What does the club do?
  13. Hello all! I started bass fishing about 3 years ago and fished my first tournaments this year on stockton and smithville. I still have a lot to learn but feel that I have come a long way. I have been looking through these forums for about a year and have got some great information from them so thank you. I decided that it was about time I tried to share some information.
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