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Everything posted by davehu

  1. great job.those will work
  2. also delmart molds lurecraft. i have a how to get started video on delmarts site. i use a micro wave and pirex cups and have poured 1000's of baits. lc sells rtv molds and are cheep and easy to pour. my best 10 in curl tail is rtv mold and it catches some monsters. bears has a great forum and some great pourers that are not afraid to share there sercets on pouring.
  3. need any help i can pm you my ph number
  4. got a lot more than that. mold poor. i started fishing hand pours about 7 years ago. i was buying them from a guy in florida. the action is second to none. worms are boyant and float off the bottom and the fish can't take it. store bought baits are loaded with salt and are made from cheap plastic. now i do add salt to senkos and tricks but curl tails shakey heads craws,drop short worms i leave the salt out. really helps the action. don't get me wrong store bought baits catch fish. the last few years a few big companys started copying our hand pours and made them for there pros. now some sell them. not sure how than can hand pour 10's of thousands of baits. i guess there using the better plastic we use. this will be my 4th year using my own baits and its pretty cool catching them on somthing you made in the basement.lol
  5. bears is a good place to start. has a great forum with a lot of good pourers on there. its not hard. little pratice and you will have more baits than you know what to do with.
  6. http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m60/davehu/?action=view&current=03c4f413.pbw
  7. up to 9
  8. i need to have ten posts before i can post pics
  9. nice jigs
  10. great work
  11. nice baits. i caught some nice bass on the baits i got from you last year. ;D
  12. i will post some. baits . i pour all baits i fish with and have not bougt a store bought bait in 3 years. if i do buy baits its from other hand pourers.
  13. thats me Z, daveh was already takin so had to put another letter in. this is a nice site. hope to learn a few things on here to catch some green monsters. ;D
  14. i see a bunch of crank bait makers on here but was wonder if anyone pours. i have been pouring for about 4 years and no longer buy store baits. i have been trying to get zbass to show me some paintin tricks on cranks. oh well new to the site and really just wanted to say hi. ;D
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