just tryed this last friday. we got on the water a 5am. fished 2 hours and no hits. you name it i trye it. it was hot and the lake was still. i had a knock off flike shake worm mold for over a year. decided to pour some last week for friday. i already had the jig and the worm tyed on a pole. threw it out and on first cast caught one. then another. caught 5 bass and one big catfish. my buddy thought i was throwing my full round trick witch kills them in this lake. showed him the bait and he never seen one before. talked to other guys and they had no luck. guess i will be making some more. at 5.99 a pack of 8 for the real ones i know i won't buy them. lol heres what mine look like and a lot cheaper and have great action on the drop.