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About davehu

  • Birthday 12/15/1955

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  1. my buddy is sponcered by snaggproof so i get some free custom color ones that he makes at there shop. so snag proof all the way.
  2. i melt down a 100 pack of berkly power baits no problem
  3. i pray for cloudy, light rain and some wind in the summer months. great for buzzbaits and spooks.
  4. just tryed this last friday. we got on the water a 5am. fished 2 hours and no hits. you name it i trye it. it was hot and the lake was still. i had a knock off flike shake worm mold for over a year. decided to pour some last week for friday. i already had the jig and the worm tyed on a pole. threw it out and on first cast caught one. then another. caught 5 bass and one big catfish. my buddy thought i was throwing my full round trick witch kills them in this lake. showed him the bait and he never seen one before. talked to other guys and they had no luck. guess i will be making some more. at 5.99 a pack of 8 for the real ones i know i won't buy them. lol heres what mine look like and a lot cheaper and have great action on the drop. http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m60/davehu/Picture001-15.jpg
  5. you can get a map of the lake and show the depts. you can fish points and back out. should be deeper out from the points.deep diving cranks pig and jigs and 10 in tr worms. also if you have weeds get a snagg proff frog and fish them in the hotter months.
  6. big worms and deep diving cranks. pig and jig and hit the water after dark.
  7. yes you can thats how i started 5 years ago. just heat slow and have good ventilation. good way to learn to pour open baits. once you do that then get you a gallon of the real stuff.
  8. i add it to the cooked plastic then the finished baits.
  9. last year was the first year i made crappie baits. caught a lot of crappies on them. also catch a lot of early season bass on them. had a big bass on one. got it close to the boat and broke my 4lb test. i have been pouring bass baits for a long time and a buddy talked me into crappie and gill baits and they work.
  10. 12ft crappie poles for dipping minows in hard to reach spots 8-)
  11. i pour a few differant types. and will post others. heres my 2in curl tail in my favorate color. http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m60/davehu/Picture060-1.jpg
  12. also if you teak any recipes or make your own write them down or you will forget.
  13. NOW that's funny. lookin good
  14. this is the one i use. i use lc 502 and calhoun softtener. on the colors and glitter it depends on what colr bait you want to make In a 2 cup pyrex measuring cup mix: 1 cups of Calhoun Plastic. 1/4 cup Calhoun Softener Add colors (before heat or after) put in the microwave till the plastic is ready to pour (follow the microwave instructions) then take a teaspoon and slowly stir while adding in 1/2 cup of salt (salt works best when its gound in a blender tp a light powder). when everything is mixed thourghly put back in microwave and heat and stir in 30 second intervals until plastic is hot and the consistantsy you want. Pour from measuring cup stirring after every 1-3 cavities
  15. not sure about table salt. i think i read no iodine salt. i use to have that mold easy to pour. i have lc rtv mold just like it somewhere i will sell it cheap. on my trick worm recipe in 4oz of plastic i use 20 dashes of salt dels salt and lc measuring spoons. these are a must for glitter and salt and hilite powders. i use a half of cap of softener and they sink just like the zoom trick. put glitter in after you cook plastic and color in before. the anise from lc sucks. i buy pure anise online. i think bear sells the good stuff.when using salt stir alot.sounds like alot to do but once you get the hang of it it is pretty easy. and write down any recipe you make or you will forget them.
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