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About qyjmh

  • Birthday 12/29/1983

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    <p>quincy, il</p>

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  1. thats what i tell him, the fish didnt dissapear into thin air.. there still there and we intend on catching them.. no matter how this trip goes i still call it better than work or sitting at home, or fishing around here right now.. i just really like this lake, it will be my 8th time down there couldnt think of anything else id rather do this time of year
  2. should be there sunday march 20th through the next saturday. my dad is freaking out because of the low water and lack of grass. Also the lack of real good reports, im still more than up for the challenge! i just have to keep his mood good.
  3. ill let the pictures tell you my opinion on the ice
  4. zoom magnum trick worms in any watermelon color for me, red, candy or seed.. also like the magnum more because i can fish it completely weightless wacky as with the regular i use a small finishing nail in the nose.. im a little partial to the trick worms for a good reason, caught my PB 10lb13oz with a watermelon red
  5. havent had the steez combo out yet, cant wait! had the other zillion on another 7'3 carrot but i broke it late last year. now what do i do with my last 4.9.1 zillion??? i have an extra 6'6 LT daiwa but havent convinced myself to use it again...hmm decisons
  6. thanks, should be a good ol reliable boat. oh and yah cant wait to see this snow gone!
  7. My first boat.. we picked up a 1990 pro 17 today, gotta say for 20yrs old its not to bad. i have no excuse to not go now during the week, on the weekends its on to the skeeter (some reason my dad wont let me teke her out all the time on my own) just gotta do some good cleaning on it and set it all up for my tackle and preferences, espcially a butt seat, i cant stand to sit down all day that low. should be a good year
  8. 7'6 carrot stix 4.9.1 7'2 carrot stix 4.9.1 6'6 LT daiwa 7.3.1 all zillions, very pleased
  9. nice fish, i have a love hate relationship with that lake. i have a 12hr drive to get there though
  10. wow nice fish, i just kept scrolling down the page with a grin on my face
  11. she kept yelling at me to go catch bass so i cant let her down right? only got to go for 2 hours sunday and caught two, cant complain much when the second one was this size. caught on a zoom magnum trick worm watermelon candy no scale, guesses? i say somewhere in the 6 range, she was healthy and heavy. then again i built two decks this weekend and im sore so everything feels heavy
  12. fork is cranking them out this year, we saw a lunker at the minnow bucket back in there live bait tanks waiting to be picked up. havent broke that 13 barrier yet but it was cool to see one at least
  13. my dad went there saturday and said it was almost the muddiest hes ever seen it and didnt fish long. if rains keep holding off here it should clear up nice. I dont know if your on facebook or not but cannon dam general store has a page on there with updates quite a bit.
  14. ill be there at the same time 27th-3rd
  15. you always know when glades is hot because it looks like a crowded parking lot of boats! done good there though when it was that crowded, tons of grass through there. Have you ever went past the entrance of glades and had any good luck, we were thinking about trying up farther this year but not sure?
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