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Mike O

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Everything posted by Mike O

  1. Take it from an old oil guy, Marathon refineries are some of the best in the country. All major oil companies do swaps around the country where they do not have local production/refinery pipeline operations and this is standard practice and relates to operational cost. When you pull into a branded station there is no guarantee the oil company made the fuel, but yes their additives are usually in it. The station that sells the fuel has more to do in maintaining quality after production. Filters maintained/correct filters hoses, tanks not leaking drawing water, weather tight. As far as ethanol it is possible the gas you buy does not have it and likely the pump is labeled ethanol as a CYA to insure the legality is covered for any fuel purchase. Ethanol is actually a positive in the winter as it controls small amounts of moisture that can turn to ice in the fuel and plug filters in below freezing temperatures. Ethanol or not is really not much of an issue unless the mix is incorrect greater than 10% ethanol. There are cheap ethanol test kits on the market now if you have a concern. This is a very simple test.
  2. Shorter the leader you can use the better. Longer leaders are harder to cast and casting distance falls off. Longer leaders gut hook more fish. Longer leaders make sense when fishing some weed growth. Sinker is in the weeds and bait is on top. Seldom is a long leader a necessity and should be considered last resort. Good Luck and best fishing!
  3. Born in 1955. Best early memory of Bass wade fishing around 8 years old waste deep in a gravel pit. I was throwing a wooden frog colored Creek Chub Darter, an old lure left in an old box, around some vegetation. Fishing it on a state of the art Mitchell 300 that my dad traded for a case of home brewed beer, really good stuff! I was jerking it and a nice Bass hit it and came up jumping, then burrowed deep pulling hard spitting the bait. When I looked at the lure the hooks had completely been pulled out of the bait. Hooked on Bass fishing ever since!!!
  4. Biggest mistake new comers make when begining to pitch is pulling the bait down and flipping the rod tip with the wrist, INSTANT Back lash. It is critical to allow the bait to pendulum and staying in contact of the lure weight as you lay it forward. Start out with no wrist stiff arm and let the rod do the work. More distance can be gained with a side arm pitch after learning the basics. Pitching is the best cast when fishing docks and cover. Better than flipping and can be used with spinnerbaits and crankbaits. Thats why all the pro usually have this skill!
  5. Where's all your fishin friends when you need them ?? I wish I could help?
  6. Disregrd looks and buy some Muk Luks from Baspro. Comfortable and dry. When it is cold and wet nothing beats these and they will last.
  7. Need to look at Cul-M-Rite. Look at the new clips that do not poke holes 10 for about $45. Neat because they are legal in all states and they do not have the floats that fish stress frompulling around. They also have little loops at the end of the ropes that slide onto a balance beam in case your digital scales fail - Cooolll Mike O
  8. Steve I will be there for a couple weeks fishing northern BASS open and north FLW American (Old Stren Series). I have a Legend Alpha 211 and have a few days with an open seat. Love to meet you and have you aboard. Fishing is much more fun and productive with some company. Leave me an e mail at mikeo20@verizon.net and I will see if I can access yours to leave a message.
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