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Everything posted by Gale1980

  1. no problem! heres a couple examples of how it has helped me. one i was just cruising and seen a large rock pile in a wide open area. i marked it made one cast and caught a fish. most guys would run past this spot a million times and never even think twice it was in an open area where most boats cruise through. another spot that it helped alot. i was fishing some downed trees in a spot and didnt get a hit. i made a pass to see if i could get some good shots of the trees. i noticed more trees further from shore isolated from the rest of them. i moved out about 20-30 feet and bounced some cranks through them and nabbed about 5 or 6 fish!! again another spot i wouldnt of even thought to hit without the si. this stuff is worth its weight in gold. i cant wait till i have a year or two of seat time with it!!
  2. you will love it! mine has paid off already and have only been on the water with it 4 or 5 times. i have caught fish in places i would have never even thought to fish. when people say they have not caught more fish because of these units its simply because they either are clueless of fishing or dont take time to learn the unit BOTTOM LINE
  3. i have the medium size ram mount was like 40-50$ i think. its solid as an f-ing rock on my 997. those mounts are built like tanks! when you get some snapshots post em up i cant wait to get some more water time with mine!! we just had ice out so its on!! wed. will be my first day on the water this week im dieing already!!
  4. go big! i got the 997 and it is JUST RIGHT! i wish i could of got the 1197 but im maried.....
  5. wow what a pretty day today hopefully the rain and warm weather tomorrow will melt ALL the ice away!!! i checked a couple of my fishin holes today and it was a beautiful site OPEN WATER!!
  6. i dont think so it just didnt look like any logs i have seen a couple guys say it looks like a boat... from the front it does look like a hull of a boat but the back looks funny
  7. not sure what this was..?? lunch time some bait and maybe some crappies?? a wall it looks like?? settings need tweaked and rescan pic is a little fuzzy boat ramp
  8. went to powerton today...... should have stayed in bed lol. all i caught was probably a cold lol.
  9. yep power plants ect...
  10. fishing was kinda slow water temps are down from a few weeks ago i boated 5 all day... 4 were 16-18's and 1 was a dink. there was also everyone and their brother there today. every bass in t he lake seen 50 lures today lol. i dont know how many times someone passed me then started fishing right in front of me..... it was a zoo but it's to be expected on a day like today.
  11. looks like lunch time
  12. some shots from sangchris today a wall of some sorts need to tweak settings and re scan for a better pic
  13. 4:45 cant get here soon enough im ready for sangchris!! should be a beautiful morning!!
  14. i usually put in at strakas on sangchris and fish the by the warmest water. i have not fished the lake much though so who knows?? i have not explored much as i have only fished when it was cold so i kinda wanted to get to the point lol.
  15. i picked up a curado myself and love it! definitely my favorite reel right now. i will be picking up some more as soon as i can! i have always used shimano spining reels but never a baitcaster till my curado. my 8 year old has a citica that got me to buy a curado after seeing how nice the entry level reel felt.
  16. i think i got one more trip to sangchris in me. this weekend is looking promising highs in the upper 40's!!! woo hoo!!! i got a whole weekend off its f-ing amazing 2 days of fishing!!! sangchris one day and powerton the next it looks like!!!
  17. ill tell you what boys and girls judging by our forecast coming up magic will be happening soon!!!!! i cant wait to hit my fishing holes!! please go away ice!!
  18. i dont belong to any clubs myself...
  19. well i was in the same boat about a month ago. i chose hb for a few reasons. #1 reason was customer service. if i am unloading thousands of dollars on equipment i dont want a runaround and 2+ month wait to get resolve. #2 was the lawsuit issue. when and if it goes through i assure you the hb pictures will pick up that little bit of clarity that sets them apart lol. #3 price i got my 997 for about the price of what a hds5 and ss would be. 8.4" widescreen vs. a 5" no brainer. #4 2d sonar hb wins hands down there are some recent comparisons on another site and the evidence is clear. i really dont think you can go wrong either way i am a hb owner and i admit the low has a better pic. BUT will seeing 8 branches of a tree compared to 7 catch me more fish....?? i doubt it. low owners of course will say hb sucks and hb owners will say low sucks..... im neutral but i will say if i had to do it over again i would still buy the hb
  20. i just ran a small inline spinner sunday have not really fished it much but thats what i had the most luck on
  21. just got back from powerton day was hit and miss. boated a 17" largemouth a 16 1/2" and 16 1/4" smallies. also snagged a 6lb carp by the tail man o man did i think i had a beast of a fish on lol
  22. from what i have seen so far (been there twice) the entire lake is about the same lots of flat bottom with some small trees in the water
  23. Yep 25 HP, but I have been on the lake and seen boats with larger motors so I beleive little is done to enforce. i have been running my 60 but i mainly idle or max about 5mph. just use comon sense if some one is blasting around 60mph im sure someone will call the law
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