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Everything posted by Gale1980

  1. wow, the curado paint it sweet changes from green to brown to blue in the sun! i love the looks of it..
  2. I highly recomend a shimano crucial CRC-76H flipping stick. i have used a handful of frog rods and this takes the cake! tough as nails and can't beat the lifetime over the counter warranty.
  3. i snapped my x610mh thursday. i set the hook in to a 21" football and heard a popping noise. i did still get him in the boat though ! went to my tackle shop and they switched me out no questions asked (2nd time). first time was user error lol......... d**n sunroof! i use it for texas rigging exclusively. i have used a few nice rods for worming and this definitely takes the cake. i also have the 7'6" heavy flipping stick for froggin and it is a beast for frogs. it has the backbone to pull a whale out of thick cover lol! best frog rod i have used to date. it was a no brainer as the 2 previous frog rods i had wore out and gave up the good fight.....
  4. get a core it will hold up fine, very sturdy gears. don't let the light weight fool you it's a beast!
  5. drill a hole there are kits that can be purchased cheap 5$ish area do a google search of boat drain kit
  6. i dont think of it as a superstition but....... i have only had bad days when catching a fish on the first cast! if i do or dont catch on the first cast i still approach each day the same.
  7. how about just hook it to the reel? thats what i do and most people i fish with do if there is no hook keeper on rod.
  8. happens quite a bit to me with frogs..... ticks me off to no end lol!
  9. they collect dust in my boat.... can't just sit there like that. absolutely the most boring technique in the world....
  10. i usually say "there he is" or when reeling in a stick ect.. something to the effect of "he's not a real big swimmer" or "he's not a big fan of swimming" or "he's a non swimmer"
  11. i use spro pretty much exclusively and have yet to experience the "sinking frog". i would assume the ones that sink have some sort of defect...??
  12. i use 12lb siege on all mono applications. have had no issues and have never broke off once with it. A+
  13. i caught a little maybe 13" bass on a brush hog. the fish picked it up and swam off quickly with the bait. which tells me it was competing for food. he had a large scar and a messed up mouth. my buddy then threw a crank in the same spot literally seconds after i released him and caught him again lol same scar and same messed up mouth...... judging by his mouth he has been caught several times...? maybe not the brightest crayon in the box
  14. i have a sahara myself and i second that! very nice little reel smooth as butter and not bad on the pocket book!
  15. fish till it freezes then head to power plant lakes the only thing that slows me is my sons hockey season
  16. spro and sumo frog for me. if the sumo's held up a little longer they would be in a class by themselves. they get the hooks hung up after a while and poke holes in the sides.....
  17. not so much on the pekin or peoria lake (river fishin)... pekin lake is a mud hole also. banner marsh is a favorite of mine and i also fish a private lake quite a bit. just depends how you would want to fish. banner is muck and weeds my favorite lots of froggin water!! the private lake is open water with lots of laydowns and no weeds whatsoever.
  18. im from pekin its about an hour and a half away or so. i have an open seat from time to time. if your willing to make the drive im willing to put you on some fish
  19. one thing i didn't see mentioned was. ignorance... maybe these guys had no clue what they were doing was rude...??? even with a 50k bass boat and jerseys that doesnt make them tenured or knowledgable fishermen. i have had this happen a few times and i just calmly say something to them and most go away. it would suprise you how many don't even know what they did is wrong. the ones that do and stay i just ask them next time if they wanna ride and fish together it will save some gas...
  20. i would consider my self a frog conniseur (sp.?) and my go to frog is a boze sumo hands down! i have used snag proof, spro, tru tungsten, bps....ect..... the boze holds up great has a SUPER soft body and is probably the highest strike to hook ratio of any frog i have fished PERIOD! i have yet to lose a weight out of one of the boze frog either. i do however use the spro pop frogs when im fishing sparse cover and they do great but dont hold up as well.
  21. i'm with the rest they pretty much summed it up. when i frog fish though i do the atomic hook set lol. i try to put the fish in the boat on hook set 40 yards out lol!!
  22. i usually take a samich, gatorade, some chips, some seeds (david nacho or bbq), and some sorts of a snacky like a candy bar ect....!
  23. Everyone fall off the planet lol?
  24. ill sell you a complete 997 for 1400$ im me if interested
  25. this is just payback for hitting your dad in the nuts! i know i got snapped at for a knee or an elbow to the groin more than once when i was a little one.
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