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Everything posted by bwillis

  1. So yesterday I was fishing down at the river, after about 15 minutes, I went to step down off a rock, my foot slipped, and I landed hard on the side of my right foot. I went to the VA Urgent Care, turns out there was no fracture, just a sprain, but it got me wondering, have any of you guys hurt yourselves fishing (other than hooking yourself and things like that)?
  2. I got the day off from work, so I'm definitely going.
  3. If anyone has an open seat, I could probably get the day off from work, I missed the last get-together because of my annual 2 weeks for the army, so I definitely wanna make it to this one.
  4. Baby Brush Hog in Watermelon Candy or Mardi Gras on a Spot Remover
  5. Fished down at Horseshoe Pond in Concord for a while yesterday afternoon, caught one that came up, looked at my lure (Rage Tail Space Monkey), waited for me to wiggle in a little more, then grabbed it. That was all I caught there, but I managed to bag another one down at the boat launch near NHTI. I get my truck out of the shop on Wednesday, but until then I'm fishing from shore.
  6. Hey Shane, how's the fishing on Crooked Pond? I went out there sometime in late April for like an hour and didn't have any luck, and I haven't had a chance to get out there since.
  7. I prefer Zoom and Berkley lizards, but I picked up some Rage Tail lizards the other day that I haven't had a chance to use yet.
  8. I picked up one of the Rapala digital scales at Target for $17, it's pretty accurate, at least up to 5 lbs. I hung a 5lb weight on it and it was dead on. Only problem is it reads pounds, like 1.23lbs, rather than pounds and ounces. I did step on it last week, not sure how accurate it is now, but I haven't caught anything since then worth weighing.
  9. I almost always throw plastics rather than hardbaits because I have more confidence in them and it's quicker to change them out if the one I'm using isn't working. I do want to use more hardbaits this year than last year.
  10. I know I don't know you, but could I borrow a few bucks?? JK, congratulations dude.
  11. http://www.takemefishing.org/fishing/fishopedia/how-to-fish/when-to-fish About a third of the way down the page, it talks about water turnover.
  12. Congrats dude, I just started throwing spot removers w/ a baby brush hog last weekend and landed 11 LMB in 2 days, biggest one going 4lbs 6oz. I also had another that was at least 5lbs break off on shore and flop back into the water.
  13. Horseshoe Pond in Concord, Turee Pond in Bow, Turtle Pond in Concord, all have some pickerel in them. It's a short walk from the parking lot to the pond at Horseshoe, and there's no ramp, but you could get a boat in there. Turee and Turtle Ponds both have concrete ramps. There's also a beaver pond on S Curtisville Rd that has a lot of BIG pickerel in it as well, but I don't think you can put a boat in it.
  14. Thanks, it is Freese's Pond. I've never looked at it on a map, I just assumed it was Pleasant Lake cuz it's right around there.
  15. Thanks, it was pretty sweet, here are some pics: 4lber 2lber Another 2lber
  16. I stopped at Freese's Pond where it crosses under rte 107 for about 40 minutes earlier, landed 5 LMB and had another that was at least 5 lbs break off and flop back into the water before I could grab him. Biggest fish was 4.38lbs, and the rest were all over 2lbs. All fish were caught on a baby brush hog on a black 1/8oz spot remover.
  17. I managed to get out to Horseshoe Pond in Concord for about an hour before work today, had a couple nibbles that were probably pickerel as well as a nice sunburn on my neck, but that was about it. I'm in Portsmouth all weekend for military duty, but hopefully I can get out Sunday afternoon if the weather clears.
  18. I managed to get out to a little pond near Sewalls Falls in Concord, I fished from shore for about an hour or so, managed to catch a 2.25lb LMB and found 2 ticks on me there and 2 when I got home. All in all a good day though.
  19. Beef Jerky, Peanut granola bars, Diet Coke, and water
  20. Finally got back from AT in California Friday night. I'm working all weekend, but plan on getting out on Monday.
  21. Chuck Norris cannot love, he can only not kill When Chuck Norris goes swimming, he doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norris
  22. http://wildlife.state.nh.us/Fishing/bathy_maps/umbagog_errol.pdf try here
  23. Got out to Swains Lake in Barrington yesterday, no bass, but I caught 2 yellow perch on a 3/4 oz lipless crank. Went out to Purgatory Pond today with eloo, he caught a decent sized pickerel, and I had one that came off near the boat that I'm pretty sure was a pickerel too. Weather doesn't look like it's gonna hold up tomorrow though, so I'll have to find something else to do.
  24. Anyone fish at Swains Lake in Barrington? I have reserve drill in Portsmouth this weekend and I was thinking about hitting that place on Saturday afternoon.
  25. Reel very slowly while keeping the weight dragging on the bottom
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