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Everything posted by bassinbob54

  1. We call those fish warmouths here in NC..they look like a bream with a bass mouth..
  2. We call those fish warmouths here in NC..they look like a bream with a bass mouth..
  3. heck yea i've been obsessed many times and eventualy got over it..but this bass fishing is different. Maybe im not obsessed, just very enthused about it.I dont know. Last year i fished almost 300 days, missing only the worst weather and not even all of it! hmmm is that obsessed? I'm 61 years fish almost everyday and have since i was 6 years old. Oh yea btw i ran my business the same way for 35 years and nobody ever acussed me of of being obsessed then and it was very sucessful, so i dont consider myself to be obsessed...its just that i LOVE bass fishing. Hey gotta get to the lake the bass are hitting crankbaits and jerks and its nearly daylight....no way am i obsessed...good fishing
  4. heck yea i've been obsessed many times and eventualy got over it..but this bass fishing is different. Maybe im not obsessed, just very enthused about it.I dont know. Last year i fished almost 300 days, missing only the worst weather and not even all of it! hmmm is that obsessed? I'm 61 years fish almost everyday and have since i was 6 years old. Oh yea btw i ran my business the same way for 35 years and nobody ever acussed me of of being obsessed then and it was very sucessful, so i dont consider myself to be obsessed...its just that i LOVE bass fishing. Hey gotta get to the lake the bass are hitting crankbaits and jerks and its nearly daylight....no way am i obsessed...good fishing
  5. heck yea i've been obsessed many times and eventualy got over it..but this bass fishing is different. Maybe im not obsessed, just very enthused about it.I dont know. Last year i fished almost 300 days, missing only the worst weather and not even all of it! hmmm is that obsessed? I'm 61 years fish almost everyday and have since i was 6 years old. Oh yea btw i ran my business the same way for 35 years and nobody ever acussed me of of being obsessed then and it was very sucessful, so i dont consider myself to be obsessed...its just that i LOVE bass fishing. Hey gotta get to the lake the bass are hitting crankbaits and jerks and its nearly daylight....no way am i obsessed...good fishing
  6. thanks guys..and btw i have been back repeadly over this week and thier still on that flat and all i do is wait um out and them wham fill the boat. plus a buddy went with me and he was catching them on shakeyheads but not the numbers on the cranlbait.
  7. another fat one
  8. one of those swesome fall days on the lake and i pulled in the back of a creek with a big flat,real windy no bass feeding pretty dead looking except i noticed large pods of baitfish looking like small oil slicks visible yo the naked eye. So i shut down dropped my trolling motor and just started to fancast the area with a small crankbait thats proven deadly in the past for me under these same conditions. 30 minutes later nothing at all is happening and then suddenly the wind dropped back and it was on! Bass started slashing thru the baitpods and these were 4 and 5 lb fish too! Back to back big 5;s with many 2 3 and 4;s mixed in. What a great fall bass treat that was. Great day on the water
  9. when that happens i just pick up another bait that runs about the same depth but a differnt color really does seem to make a big difference..good fishing
  10. We have this clown that comes out on his dock whenever anyones fishing there and takes a sledgehammer out and smacks the hell out of a metal pole suck in the bottom of the lake. Scares away all the bass and most of the fisherman...hows that for dock etiquette?....good fishing
  11. I feel so lucky this time of the year since down south we dont winterize we fish more because its finally cooler and we also have a couple of steam plants here that produce warm water discharge or "hot holes" so that even in the coldest weather theres a warm place for active fish. So anyway after you winterize and restring and retie come on down here to NC and lets go bass fishing
  12. I feel so lucky this time of the year since down south we dont winterize we fish more because its finally cooler and we also have a couple of steam plants here that produce warm water discharge or "hot holes" so that even in the coldest weather theres a warm place for active fish. So anyway after you winterize and restring and retie come on down here to NC and lets go bass fishing
  13. I feel so lucky this time of the year since down south we dont winterize we fish more because its finally cooler and we also have a couple of steam plants here that produce warm water discharge or "hot holes" so that even in the coldest weather theres a warm place for active fish. So anyway after you winterize and restring and retie come on down here to NC and lets go bass fishing
  14. if theres any docks or piers that would be a great place to look for bass esp if theres little other cover
  15. thanks and yes i did have a good time, very memorable..
  16. I fish a lake that has so many rude anglers my fishing buddy refers to it as the mean lake...lol..i just move away from those guys its really not worth the trouble to argue with them thier ignorant as well as rude
  17. i,ve noticed around here in NC, where we are haveing a hot indian summer that the shad still are moveing to the backs of the creeks with the bass following.Maybe its got more to do with the shorter daylight hours instead of the air temp...
  18. If you dont go can i take your place?...
  19. welcome from lake wylie nc..
  20. The other afternoon i pulled into a creek to try and get out of the wind and as i eased my boat back farther i saw some schoolies attacking the shad so i started casting a red eyed shad lipless towards the schools and catching small ones at first but suddenly the water all over the place erupted with big bass feeding and they were slamming my red eyed shad like they wanted it...it was one of those special moments on the water and to make a long story very short in less than an hour it was all over and i had boated 19 bass and had a few others shake off and these were 4 lbers!..I always put the fish i catch from schools in my live well to be released when i leave that spot and this time both wells were overflowing with nice fat bass.Really a great day on the water..good fishing
  21. hey nice fish, can i ask you how you fished the pointer? I use it a lot during the winter here with a slow cadence and it really works good but i've not tried it in warm water.
  22. I'm glad you found it ..wish i could find my loomis stick i threw out of my hand 2 weeks ago :'(
  23. Bet you love that curado ..i love mine..congrats on the fish and many more to come...good fishing
  24. Since my boat is my tackle box i pretty much carry everything i need and a lot i dont..
  25. I've had that happen too and i found out if i speeded up my cadence they bit instead of follow..good fishing
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