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About jerkw8nonajerk01

  • Birthday 02/04/1977

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    Glen Allen

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  1. I have been throwing a BPS pro qualifier for about 9 mos. my first one. I love it. I have used my fishing buddies citica which is great....if you know how to throw...opening the reel to make adjustments in the beginning will become frustrating. Granted once you get it down you should be able to make adjustments on the spool tension dial. but you'll be doing the centrifugal dance for a minute. I found that the centrifugal and magnetic combo on the P.Q. to be easier to use. Again I love the citica my buddy has...just not when i first started. Don't waste your money on really good line yet either...you'll be eating up line for a little while.
  2. Hi Glenn I was hoping you could direct me to this FAQ..not to say the discussion here is not helpful...i'm just a FAQ dork and pretty much learned the game from them here...thank you for any help
  3. good info...I was looking at curados and citicas online. Probably one of the two.
  4. I have stripped out 2 Daiwa Excelers(casting) horsing fish from slop...to me this just says its crap and I'm tired of sending them off....can anyone suggest a decent priced reel that handles braid well for just straight horsing em
  5. My favorite apt pond is the one on nuckols between strayer and addison....catch good fish there all the time...wellsley, innsbrook in the back..they are all pretty shallow though so the heat doesn't help
  6. hey...this is a great topic guys...I am landlocked and my little ponds become FULL of weeds..great info.. I usually stick to a frog but will try some of the presentations mentioned here...i really like the sound of the GYCB creature rigged backwards...this sounds deadly....what about getting wacky rigs through it??
  7. #1 madd maxx in busta slime(black and red) #2 scum frog little bigfoot ....as far as missing hooksets..i had to break down and spool up some braid 65 pd.....my hook up percentage went way up...like double...just try it I was way skeptical because I didn't want to dedicate a set up for just frog fishing...but after breaking down going to 7ft med hvy with the braid really made a differrence...thnks greentop
  8. I like my pq..use it just about exclusively I also have daiwa exceler..
  9. that too cool....nice coloring post when you reassemble please
  10. I'm currently using a pro qualifier 6'6 med power fast action. I looked online on performing a backbone vs tip check and it is where most mh are as far as taper at med power. I've only had it a week and maybe a couple of those misses weren't the rods fault... :)
  11. You guys are great..thanks again. I think I get caught in the numbers too much I just notice alot of MH start at 3/8 for lightest bait and like I said I'm usually not that heavy. But...also bank fishing..med hvy would do better on those longer hookset right?
  12. Med or Med Hvy? What I plan to fish with it Rattle traps(rarely) spinnerbaits(rarely) topwater(alot chug bugs,buzzbaits worms and plastics(75 percent of the time) most of my baits are in the 1/4 -5/8 at the heaviest. I am bank fishing 95percent of the time max depth 13ft. I like the feel of medium but don't wanna cut myself short on power...hmmmmm..and med heavy is a bad topwater rod right?? I don't know...... :-/ :-/
  13. If you can spend 60 on a new sedona or used for that matter. I love mine.
  14. Good intel fellas..I actually picked up a baby chug bug and i love it. speaking of spooks...i must fish em wrong..do strikes come on the walk or the stop? what prey does walk the dog mimic? I ve never had ANY luck on spooks...but never fished a small one. just the larger..and i think it may have been too large in comparison to forage..anyone like the spittin image..its crazy...you can walk the dog...pop it..if you give it a small sweep it skitters on top spitting the whole way... i like it
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