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Everything posted by TennesseeShad

  1. The 7.1:1 also has a lot less torque than a lower gear ratio will.
  2. Depends on whether or not you take it off yourself. I have an 87 Mariner 150. When mine went out I took it off and took it to a local Electric motor shop. He rebuilt it for 75 dollars and I had it back in about a week.
  3. I like synthetic as it burns cleaner. Just make sure either way it is tcw3 rated.
  4. I have seen them. They look really good. Interested on feedback as well.
  5. 10" Berkley Power Worm - Black
  6. I fish with them weekly on the TN River system and no rust yet.
  7. Another vote for mend it
  8. Tennessee Shad followed by Orange Craw
  9. Sorry if this has been asked before but I searched and can't find it. I recently bought a boat with a 45 horse mariner. It came with two four blade props. One has 12p on it and one has 13p. Can anyone tell me what these numbers mean. Thanks in advance.
  10. They are designed like that to keep your line off of the sharp edges when tying your line to the split ring.
  11. Bandit 100 Series Orange Craw Strike King Series 5 Firetiger
  12. Berkley Big Game 12lb. mono Vicious Fluorocarbon 15lb.
  13. If the parts are usable in another reel I usually hang on to them and if I just don't want them anymore I give them away.
  14. I know they have them around here in bookstores such as Barnes and Noble and Borders.
  15. Depends on whether or not it is a good day or a bad day.
  16. I go through several bags of strike king rage hawgs in the spring (bama bug) and then lots of berkley powerworms in the summer(motoroil, watermelon, black).
  17. Bandit Orange Craw Bandit Solid Black Strike King Gizzard Shad
  18. Rip Rap is the rock placed down levees, dams, roadbeds etc.
  19. I have been using it for about 4 months now. It is great and the only breakoffs I have had have been my fault. Handles really well.
  20. I have been using one for several months now. I have the 7 foot MH action. So far it has held up very good. It is lightweight and sensitive. For the price you can't beat it. Plus it holds up well to abuse on the boat deck.
  21. I got an 87 Mariner 45 Horse. It has an external oiler that has never had a drop of oil put through it. Always took the extra minute and mixed the oil. Heard two many horror stories of them failing at peak times. I change the fuel line every two years as well as the impeller. Never had problem one. However I must admit that I want one of the new Mercury's with the built in oil reservoir but as long as this one runs fine I can't justify getting anything new.
  22. I would have to go for about 10 of everything.
  23. Here in Memphis they had Bandit and Norman Crankbaits on clearance. Bought several 100's, 200's, 300's as well as DD14 and DD22's for 3 bucks each.
  24. I go by depths that way I don't have 3 of the same color right next to each other and then have to wonder what is what.
  25. Given the option I would go with the Lowe. I think they are much better built and ride much smoother.
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