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Everything posted by senkoking

  1. Has any one fished Cayuga lake for bass recently and would like to share the hot lure and hot spot?
  2. Thank you for the help everyone!!!
  3. I am going to start fishing jigs for my first time. I was wondering what is everyones opinion on jig trailers?
  4. Is 6.4:1 or 7.0:1 better for cranking?
  5. I have a 6 foot 8 inch Shimano Cumara, power is medium, and the action is extra fast. Would it be any good for crankbaiting or is it to stiff?
  6. What are some good baitcaster and spinning setups for under $180?
  7. I fished a tournament there in the beginning of the year. It seems like if it is sunny out u have to fish out deep, but if it is cloudy or rainy fish the docks. They sometimes hold big ones.
  8. I hear tubes are great lures, so i want to start using them. What are the best tubes and colors?
  9. I am going up New York this weekend to fish a tournament on Kueka Lake. The water is very clear and i will probably be fishing alot of weed beds. What would be the best bait for this?
  10. What is good braided line for flipping and pitching?
  11. Thank You for the help everyone
  12. I just start flipping/pitching and i cant catch a fish for the life of me. I am throwing jigs,tubes, and sweet beavers. Any tips?
  13. Has anyone read any bass fishing chapter books?
  14. I use Bandit crankbaits, but most of them keep swimming sideways. Any tips to fixing this?
  15. What is the best Presentation for a Senko? Such as T-rig,wacky, weighted no weight?
  16. Thank You for the help
  17. Are scents on senkos any good if so which ones? Also which color is your fav.?
  18. does it matter who they r made by
  19. what are some good Flippin' Jigs and good colors?
  20. The bass season is about to start and i need a new line. Last year i used Berkley Vanish, but it wasnt very good. Is BPS XPS worth me buying?
  21. P-line or BPS XPS- in 8lb,10lb,12lb,and 14lb.On a spinning and casting reel. For just about everything.
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