Saturday had to be one of the best days of fishing on Lake Mineral Wells, TX, that i can remember. First, still dark out, i could see the bass hitting shad on the surface, so i threw a Pop-R and hooked one within a few minutes, but it threw the hook. :'( My dad hopped a little hair jig around some moss and hooked some schooling crappie. We didn't catch anything else until we rented the jonboat and paddled over to this cove with lots of stumps. There i threw a crappie rig with minnow under a pencil bobber that produced a nice sized bass on light spincasting gear and 6 pound line. We went back to the shore to turn in the boat and i found this pea gravel area that produced 3 crappie, a nice sized bass, and countless other smaller bass. all these were on live minnows. it got around noon and my dad and i were tired, so we got cheeseburgers, went home, and took a nap. Nice.