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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. So was it the type of smack that NFL players give each other, or is there a "fisherman's smack" the rest of us need to know about?
  2. Welcome aboard, Joe!
  3. Welcome aboard!
  4. Welcome aboard, Eric!
  5. Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome aboard!
  7. Welcome aboard! I would call your local county office. Also, your neighbors should be able to give you some info.
  8. Looks like Facebook was stuck in the clipboard buffer!
  9. Al Lindner Larry Dahlberg Jeremy Wade
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. Never been in your position; however, depending on the kayak, you should easily be able to fit it in the spare spot easily. I'd think a boat trailer would be too long to fit? Inflatables are always a choice, as suggests @greentrout. Assume security of said boat/kayak is not going to be an issue stored there?
  12. Welcome aboard, Luc!
  13. Welcome aboard! Sorry can't help with your question.
  14. Excellent catches! Nicely done
  15. Darren.

    Red Worms

    I haven't had "great" success with worms in the red spectrum as far as fully colored. Where I *have* had success is with red flakes in the worms - i.e., watermelon red flake. I use that color in a variety of soft plastics. Good stuff, IMO.
  16. Welcome aboard!
  17. Darren.


    Welcome aboard!
  18. Welcome aboard!
  19. I use drop and Ned all the time in the shallows to the deeps. Haven't thrown a Neko in a long time.
  20. Darren.

    1st Post

    Welcome aboard!
  21. Nice update. I can attest the BM (bait monkey or some other moniker...) can be beaten. I've been pretty good thus far, too. For the most part....
  22. Darren.

    New Pb

    Congrats! Looks like a hawg-beast to me
  23. That adds some clarity, Tom. Thanks.
  24. Right, that's the assumption. Is interesting that is somewhat of an open-ended "question", if you will, in the rules. I was more or less throwing the question out there to....
  25. Curious. The "Intentionally foul hooking or snagging a fish" leaves room for "Oops, I didn't mean to snag or foul hook that fish"... I foul hooked a 6 pound bass once, never saw the fish until i got it into the net and then realized it was hooked in its side. Explained why it felt much bigger. But I didn't intend to foul hook it. What's the determiner for intention? Just curious....
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