As an owner of the Native Ultimate 12, I can wholeheartedly endorse it.
But I was able to get some butt-time (albeit in-store) in it as well as the Wilderness Systems Commander. My butt preferred the Native, but that's me. YMMV.
Before I decided on a hybrid yak, I was really gunning for the Moken Angler. Google it and you'll find a lot of reviews. Again, you'll want to sit in as many as you can, whether it be in-store or on a demo day. You may hate my suggestions, so find one that fits what YOU want to do.
It's like getting fitted for a suit. You can buy one pre-made that fits ok, or you can buy one that is made for you. In kayak terms, one that you decide where you want stuff rather than the yak maker. My Native is one of those. I customized it according to my terms.
Best of luck.