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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Nice work, Gman.
  2. Sure you could go for that. There are any number of combos that would serve you well for the task you are thinking of. You don't have to drop a precious coin to get one, for sure. And as Packard indicated, you might find some gold at next week's Bass Pro Spring Classic.
  3. I'm also not a fan of the T knob. I've perused ebay and japantackle.com for replacements on the event I end up buying one with a T. Currently casting my gaze at the Lexa spinning reel, all models come with at T.
  4. A hearty welcome!
  5. Andy! Welcome to the site!
  6. Well, if I may be so bold, you may NOT want a rigged fishing kayak. Here's why. Some yaks are rigged by companies who talked to a bunch of fishermen and took the aggregate vote as to where stuff should be placed (rod holders, etc.). You may not fit that aggregate. I.e., you may say, "no, I prefer to put my rods over here". So that said, if you find a suitable kayak, rig it up for fishing after you've fished in it for a while. Where would YOU like things to be? Where do you find yourself wishing the rod holder was? Stuff like that. On my current yak, the Native Ultimate 12, I use a milk crate to which I've attached several pieces of cut grey PVC for rod holders. The way I want them. So you can save a few coins by buying a NON-fishing kayak and rigging it on your own. Does that make sense? Hey, if that doesn't jazz you up, then by all means, get one that is pre-rigged for fishing. Some folks love 'em! In that case, may I recommend the Moken series of kayaks. They are solid, have a built-in rear wheel for carting the yak to and from. If your budget is under a grand, even under $500, then you can certainly find something used on the web, or at a kayak store. I bought mine at a yak store and the folks there were awesome. They didn't try to squeeze me into something THEY wanted to sell, rather they sold me what I wanted.
  7. I was thinking the same thing - I've noticed when I'm cold to the core, that it usually precedes getting sick. EDIT: Of course you were just cleared, but it may be leftovers, if there's such a thing (not dinner).
  8. That's sobering.... I've considered pouring my own wacky jigs, but this is certainly making me think twice. Rather spend the start-up cost on other things, frankly. Don't fish them enough to even warrant the cost.
  9. I'll just throw a welcome to the forums your way!
  10. I think this is some good advice. Although I'm a fan of lesser-poundage braid on spinning gear, you'll do fine with 20 lb for just about anything you'll encounter.
  11. Agree with the others, good all-around choices that should serve you well.
  12. Yeah, the action is pretty awesome on the BPS version, too... wish the fish were in on that action, tho.
  13. That's a frickin' BEAST! Wow.
  14. I'd say I've - at one time or another - been influenced by all the above. Today, probably talk with friends and read forums to get tips. Although I tend now to be more specific, tailored to my personal fishing style. I.e., If I'm primarily a soft plastics guy, I no longer jump all over a friend's recommendation of a new crankbait, etc. That's been a money pit in the past.
  15. Gosh I hope you're wrong, Fish!! (on the 20,30, or 50 year thing). You're right that too many kids are glued to TV, other electronics....
  16. Welcome to the forums, Joe! Lots of us kayak folk here. Happy to exchange knowledge.
  17. I think you'll find it 50/50. There are a lot of 832 folks on the forums, I'm a Power Pro guy, have used Sufix braids, but have chosen to pass over the Super Slick. I have talked with a buddy who loves S8S for both fresh and saltwater trout fishing. Put it this way, there are great things said about both lines, probably moreso than bad things to be said. How's that for a muddy answer?
  18. Yes. <sigh> I think I still have the bag... Personally I found it to be, uh, less than productive, although it sure looks like it would work. Now maybe during spawn it'll enrage the Guardians of the Nests! Now I have to find that bag....
  19. Well, our newly totalled '93 Toyota Corolla had around 275k Just picked up a 2003 Toyota Tundra which has 153k. Our 2001 Honda Odyssey has 155k or thereabouts.
  20. Blasphemy, indeed! Perhaps I need to spend more on her so she'll ignore my little fishing hobby.
  21. On the topic of the OP, it is crazy that I've not received my Spring Classic flyer yet. I know folks in the area who have... Has me thinking if my wife is in on the conspiracy. Me: Hon, did I get a BPS flyer today? (every day for past week) Wife: Mmmm, nooope.
  22. It is ridiculous. I'm all for capitalism, but geez. Brace for record big oil profits again in 2014.
  23. Too much. But definitely a future, at least in Congress...
  24. I don't. Personally don't think I like the extra bulk added to the already decent-sized knobs on my Lexa.
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