We have a lot of reservoirs down here as opposed to lakes with a lot of
bank fishing opportunities. Hampton has Bethel Reservoir, a nice spot
tho I've never fished it personally. Actually, I did with my kids at a family
picnic. No fish caught. There are bass tournaments there on occasion.
Sandy Bottom Nature Park has a fishing pond with a pier. No shore
fishing that I know of except from the pier. Jon boats available.
Up route 64 is an easy jump to Lee Hall Reservoir, part of Newport News
Park. Great spot to fish. Off route 17 in NN/Yorktown is Harwood's Mill
Reservoir, also solid. Both Lee Hall and Harwood's Mill have bank fishing
but you will need to acquire a bank fishing permit there. Not expensive,
but you need it *in addition to* a fishing license. not sure about Bethel.
All these spots have docks to fish from, and Jon boats to rent.
Further up route 64 is Waller Mill Reservoir. There's a park entrance fee
of like $2.50, but fishing is free from the fishing pier. No actual shoreline
fishing there. Boat rentals available.
Now saltwater is another matter. Lots of places to fish around here .