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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. Lovely spot, to be sure. I've only caught perch recently on "accident" while targeting bass. Of course these buggers will bite a variety of lures.... Caught my share, though, up to 2 pounds (huge)!
  3. Welcome aboard, Adam! Nice rod/reel combo there.
  4. If you haven't yet made a decision on this, I'd pick the Lexa. I've got Stradics, and a Lexa 2000SH. They are all excellent reels. And in all honesty, I really like both, but I might pick another Lexa if I was in the market. Or if I had more money, it would be between another Stradic and Daiwa Procyon EX or Ballistic EX. As for size, I'd say you wouldn't be wrong with either a LEXA 2000 or 2500. They're close in size, but the 2000 has a paddle handle while the 2500 has a T handle. I prefer paddles over Ts.
  5. I keep my setups simple - braid for mainline on every one of them. 10lb on spinning, 20 on baitcasting. Then I tie on a leader of varying type (pure fluoro, copoly, etc.) depending on what I want to do. A leader can be anywhere from 24" to way more than that... I find braid so much better to manage than spooling straight fluoro, mono, copoly. In fact, I got out for about 1.5 hours today and I was casting a small swimbait on one of my baitcasters when I hit a bridge during a cast. What a backlash. I haven't had one like that in a long time. But fortunately I had used electrical tape (cast as far as you can, then walk off another 25 or so feet. Place a piece of electrical tape on your spool there.) which saved my bacon and allowed me to pick out the braid. If that were mono, I'd probably had to have cut it out.
  6. I don't have one at my house, but a buddy does and he swears by it. Don't know the brand, but now-a-days there are numerous outfits for different sized families. I've heard nothing but good about them and have considered upgrading at my house, but my layout makes it a bit of a task as I want to have a gas unit, but no gas at that side of the house.
  7. Nice fish. 10 points. 10 points deducted for posting the video.
  8. I have one Lexa 100, and it was my favorite baitcaster until I bought a Shimano Chronarch 50e. That said, it is a fine reel. I need to get mine serviced as the anti-reverse pawl got mangled due to a problem that may be limited to a small number of Lexas. The reel, during a cast, would often engage the spool bringing it to an abrupt halt. I had to learn to hold my thumb on the thumb bar to keep it from engaging. It happened one too many times, though. I took it apart and bent the pawl back into shape, but it still needs replacing. I can still use it, though. I've read of a few others having this problem, but not sure it is wide-spread in the reels. I wouldn't let my experience scare you from a fine reel otherwise.
  9. There are many opinions on braid brands, so do your research and choose carefully because braid isn't cheap. Our opinions here are just that, opinions. Opinions based on experiences. Not all the same. Over the years I've tried several brands and keep returning to regular Power Pro (yellow). That's my preference. Others don't like Power Pro and prefer Sufix 832, or Daiwa Samurai, etc. You probably can't go wrong with any of them. And since you are just starting out with braid, you may stick with the first brand you try. Also, for me, I always tie on a leader be it pure fluorocarbon or a copoly line.
  10. Welcome aboard, Jordan!
  11. Fortunately I didn't even listen that far. My eyes and ears were gone by that point. Gouged out by the aforementioned spoon.
  12. I just dropped the spoon I gouged out my eyes with... But I couldn't hear where I dropped it because I also gouged out my ears.
  13. Sweet! Nice day on the water!
  14. He's got a great site. Like him and Henry Margusity at Accuweather... Hope it does NOT come to fruition. Not a fan of extreme temps on either end of the scale.
  15. LOL. I caught a 3 pound bass last year that must've been in the middle of using the crapper when he decided to eat the worm I threw at him. Got him in the kayak, right over my lap to measure and weigh 'im and GOOD GRAVY what was that STENCH!! I turned his belly toward me and yeah. There it was and there it fell. On my lap. Wet bass crap. Talk about an awful smell. Fortunately I was done fishing - he was caught at the boat launch where my truck was... So I can relate to your story.
  16. There is no Black Friday...there is no Black Friday...there is no Black Friday....
  17. EVIL! <splashes holy water on screen> <more eye twitching a la Inspector Dreyfus>
  18. Fun thread. Just use what catches you fish! I looked up the ESPN story on Pat Cullen, a trophy bass hunter, but the URL is DOA. Anyhow, Pat caught an ungodly amount of 10 pound bass on Ugly Stiks! Great article, obviously his methods are not for everyone, but hey, there it is. I enjoy some of the (for me) high-end gear out there. My highest being a single St. Croix Avid rod, two Shimano Chronarch 50e reels, and two Stradic 1000FI reels. To be honest, I love the lightness of the Stradics, but there's something about the Lexa 2000SH I have that wins me over. Whatever it is attracts me to Daiwa spinning reels. My Lexa baitcaster, not so much. The Chronarchs? Nothing cheaper I have meets or beats them. Chronarchs simply rule, plain and simple, LOL.
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Welcome aboard! Lots of us kayak fishermen/women here.
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Wasn't a divorce deal, was it? I remember when I lived in Texas that a rich couple divorced and the wife sold the hubby's Mercedes for $5,000 in a spite move. Sad situation, but oh to be the lucky one who finds it first!!
  23. Pretty much agree with you here. I usually weigh a fish if I'm curious whether my guess was accurate or not. Or if I'm just not sure what it could be. Generally, I just release most bass that are not "chunks" either by girth and/or length (as opposed to weighing every one). I'm pretty good with my guesstimates as I've tested (as mentioned above) the guess. Those who use spring scales, even the Boga scales only get weight to 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz or to the pound. My PB was at the 7 and 1/2 mark on my spring scale. Digital scale would have been more accurate, but not necessary to weigh my PB (IMO).
  24. Go with the FS12T. Fishing is really much better from a SOT. This is not just my opinion, but in speaking with other kayak fisherfolk, and part of the reason most fishing kayaks are SOT or hybrid models with open cockpits. I'm smaller than you, and started with a 10' SOT. It is very maneuverable, but when I upgraded to a 12' Native Ultimate, life was SO much better. Now if I had a 10' that I could stand in.... I have a pretty good sense of balance and sit on top of the gunnels on my Ultimate. So for me tippiness is relative. Never a problem with my center of gravity, and I also stand to fish often. Get a good PFD, a light (quality) paddle, and put an anchor trolley on both sides. I'd also recommend an anchor pin of some kind. I use mine more than an anchor - in fact, I hardly ever take an anchor with me, but my Stick-It pin is always mounted.
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