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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. Welcome aboard, Ryan!
  3. Congrats! A sweet football in that first pic!
  4. Welcome aboard, Vin!
  5. Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome aboard, Taylor!
  7. Welcome aboard!
  8. Some good comments above! A 1000 is my preferred choice for bass fishing, as I've mentioned for years here. I also agree with the comment that you can just add weight to balance a kit out. Bulbous rod ends notwithstanding, if you're not afraid to drill out the end and stick some lead in there, it might be better balanced . I've done a bunch of rod tweaking myself. Not usually on lifetime warranty (St. Croix) models, though.
  9. Welcome aboard, Jerry!
  10. Wow, great to be able to choose from those reels! As a huuuge fan of 1000 Shimano Stradics, I am all about that size for virtually all of my bass fishing. I've got mad respect for Daiwa reels, too, and if I had the money I'd be all over the different varieties between Shimano and Daiwa spinning reels.
  11. Study your waters now that you're seeing 'em from a different perspective. See where you've casted from shore, now you're going to cast from the opposite direction, but with the added benefit of getting places you've never been. As always, consider slowing down your approach, your retrieve if the bite is tough out there. I remember getting out in my canoe after years of shoreline fishing. Took some getting used to and different approaches. Absolutely second/third the rec of using an anchor or branch clamp to tie off and fish an area. Wind can be a witch with a capital B in a canoe or kayak .
  12. Fantastic catch for your boy! Big congrats to him !!
  13. Congrats! She's a beaut!
  14. Welp...one man's experience trounces another man's opinion...or vice versa...LOL. Here's my opinion. I use braided mainline on every one of my rigs. Today I use 97% spinning setups with 10, but mostly 15# Power Pro Super Slick 8 line (got a great deal on 1500 yards years back). On my now lone baitcast setup (Shimano Chronarch 50e upgraded to 7.1:1 ratio gearing) I use 20# regular yellow Power Pro. I switch between a M and ML rod depending on what I want to throw. And I always use a leader. Why? Braid is expensive (for me), and it is awesome for line management. So with tying on a leader of either fluorocarbon or copolymer line, I can limit the amount of times I cut into my braid mainline on a given outing when changing hooks, etc. While knots may be the weak point, I rarely struggle with a uni-to-uni tied to 6, 8, or 10# leader (sometimes as low as 4 or high as 15#). That's my go-to knot, and yes, I've tried the FG. Not my cup of tea. Mod'd Albright/Alberto is a great one, too. Good luck!
  15. Welcome aboard!
  16. Welcome back to BR Forums!
  17. Welcome aboard, Tackett!
  18. So you must be familiar with Lee Hall Reservoir (aka, Newport News Park)?! One of my favorite stomping grounds....
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Welcome, laddie!
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Welcome aboard, Brian!
  23. Welcome aboard!
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