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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Well that was interesting. Oregon Ducks roasting the Seminoles. Wow. Beatdown.
  2. I'm with T9. No resolutions. Just fish and be open to change when needed.
  3. Happy happy! Hasta next year.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. Welcome ... back, John!
  6. Someone told me they once saw an 11 pound bass in a local pond. Saw. Weighed with their eyes, not a scale. LOL. Nicely done, A-Jay. Glad it doesn't apply to me LOL
  7. You could try adding some cutouts of microcell foam under your seat to add some comfort. That's one of the cheapest methods. Here's an assortment of options from Austin Kayak: http://www.austinkayak.com/search/seating/filters/cHJpY2V8MDs2MjAwOzA7NjIwMCxsYXN0RmlsdGVyfHVuZGVmaW5lZCxzaXRlfDE=/v/500/page/1
  8. Interesting video. Long poling for bass does similar, with short line and presentation right in the strike zone.
  9. I think it is fun to try, but for me and the waters I fish, long D stuff like this is crazy long. Agree that with supertuned or even just upgraded bearings you can get a lot more D out of regular lures and soft plastics. As I've experienced with my 50e reels.
  10. Welcome to the forums!
  11. Welcome aboard, Sully!
  12. Welcome aboard, Roblo! Sweet companion you have there
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. Have yet to try the new white CL rods. Probably would look decent with my 50e Just hope they're super light like the black models.
  15. Welcome aboard!
  16. You could ask him to look at a Google image search and pick the one he has.... https://www.google.com/search?q=perception+sport+kayak&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=705&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=75GgVN_VKoiiyQS1poKYAw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAw Otherwise, he needs to send you a pic, IMHO.
  17. Same here (in mail yesterday). Noticed the same thing you did. But then I also noticed as I was flipping through, other items that are new in-store, but not in the catalog - like the Ugly Stik Elite rods. So I'm wondering if it is a case of not enough room, or did the company pay enough to get a full spread of all products in the catalog (assuming there is a fee for featuring)... Although the Chronarch E series are not online, either...
  18. Nice review! Good to know as I've handled the Lexa rods several times at BPS but never pulled the trigger.
  19. Yes, indeed!
  20. Make it stop! I can't handle the sheer awesomeness of a 9.1:1 reel!!!
  21. I've met a few people who own the Ride and everyone likes 'em. I don't think you'll go wrong with the particular model. 100% agree with fly that you would be well served hitting up the great folks at Appomatox River Company. They have great deals on both new and used/demo'd yaks. Tons of stuff you can do on-the-cheap after you get your yak. Making a milk crate carrier is no biggie. There are other types of carts (like the one I built) that are also great. Yeah it's already done with this one, but you may get a better deal going to ARC. Food for thought.
  22. I understand When you go into your gallery and you click on a pic, at the bottom of the pic in the editing phase, you'll see two icons with arrows rounding either left or right. You can alter it there. If that doesn't work, then on your computer or phone you'll want to edit the photo and change the orientation. iPhones with iOS 8, go into edit the photo and choose CROP. In that command is the ability to rotate photo.
  23. Dude, awesome fish. 1 thing though. ROTATE pix!
  24. Welcome aboard, Freak! That just doesn't sound very nice, but hey, there it is!
  25. Solution to that is to tie on an extra long FC leader for dropshotting. Some guys tie on 20-40 feet depending on depth needed (that I've read, can't remember where). I know Gary Yamamoto likes to use a long leader because he prefers to fight a fish close to boat with the leader knot already on the reel.... FWIW.
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