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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. The price-point certainly limits what you'll be able to buy in terms of quality fishing yaks. But in that range, I'd look on Craigslist, and classifieds for used Wilderness Systems Tarpons as they track very well. You didn't mention whether or not you need to stand, so I'll assume that's not a need. There are other brands I'd recommend, but the best advice is to find a kayak shop near you that has a demo days where you can get some on-the-water time in various kayaks. That'll help you determine the best fit for you. As well, they'll have recommendations for you specifically related to fishing and the type of requirements you mentioned.
  2. I second the DVT recommendation. And welcome to the forum!
  3. A hearty congrats! My PB was 7.5#, wacky worm!
  4. My BCs are spooled with 20# Power Pro which has a 6# mono equivalent diameter. I don't have a huge issue with line digging in, although it does happen. Not enough to bother me much.
  5. Welcome aboard, Aaron!
  6. Sorry to revive an old thread... was curious and searching so I commented... I was looking at the new BPS Carbonlite micro last night, strongly considered it, but passed due to this very issue. I have no idea what size BPS is using, but I was quite concerned it wouldn't work. And I use 20# Power Pro and up to a 15# leader. Pretty good at tying a very slim, and tight Albright/mod. Even so.... But the weight difference - to me - was stark. Quite a bit lighter, the micro rods.
  7. Well played, sir.
  8. 4" Senko, and knock-offs 4.75" Zoom Finesse worms Wacky rigged has caught me the most 6 pounders of anything I've tried. Also scored me my PB at 7.5lbs (no, that was a 5" senko, actually).
  9. I catch more alone. Buddies I have are like me, kayak fishermen, we rarely get out together due to work schedules and such. When we do, we end up separating most of the time anyhow because we all have "our" spots. For safety, I always wear my PFD, have a whistle, water (drinking), etc. Someone always knows where I am. I don't fish at night, though. Reservoirs here are sun up to sun down.
  10. Yep. Eldest son and I were in our old Grumman canoe (aluminum, 16') that I had outfitted with a 50lb thrust Motorguide. We were heading up the reservoir into downed trees (beavers, thanks very much). I lifted the motor, and we glided over a tree about 6" under the surface. Got stuck, so we "scooched" the canoe to get over it. But a slight shift in body weight by me and a split-second later, splash. Broke the trolling motor, ruined our $300 digicam, my cell phone, etc. Water wasn't deep, but there was about a foot of muck which sucked my new $39 Crocs off my feet, never to bee seen again. Expensive accident. Built pontoons after that. Never happened again. Miss that ol' canoe, LOL. Not really.
  11. Not tried this particular one, but I almost pulled the trigger on another type - this was years back. I never did, reviews were not good. Obviously technology progresses, and this may work well. Then again, it may not. If it has a good return policy, it may be worth a try. When I finally bought a depth finder back when I had a canoe, I went over spots I used shore fish from. Interesting, but didn't help me as much as I thought it would.
  12. Downed trees, wacky rigged senko on a 1/0 Gammy drop/split shot hook with own weed guard tied on.
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. One of those will pay back better dividends in love over time
  15. I'd have to agree, though further south, down in Hampton Roads. We had a ghastly amount of snow barely covering the green grass underneath -- I think it was on Thurs., or maybe Friday. Somebody is sending bone-chilling cold our way tonight, though. Wind chills to dip down to -5º. But seriously, I did live just south of Rochester, and the winters were awful at times. Flat farm land allowed wind to utterly freeze entire homes. Don't miss the winters one iota. Summers? They were quite nice.
  16. Cool! Question is, how do they work!?
  17. Welcome aboard, Mike!
  18. I read about this last week, probably a good thing to decrease diameter for such a heavy line. Would cut through slop like a hot knife through butter For me, though, I don't use heavy braid, mainly 10# PP on spinning and 20# on casting gear.
  19. Interesting. I'll have to see what's at the two DSG's near me have in stock now. I was looking for some of the new Dinger colors while at BPS last week and the guys said they no longer carry Yum products in-store. Interesting to see if this is a Hampton BPS-only thing, or temporary. Online BPS has plenty of new YUM products. DSG usually doesn't have a big stock. Besides I don't use Yum Dingers much, though I want to grab some watermelon gold flake because I think they make the best in that color.
  20. Hey Tyler, welcome aboard!
  21. So is it safe to assume that the Chronarch 50e models are going to stay?
  22. On posts like that, I've usually indicated that I, too, am interested in the question presented. But I would agree with fly and JF's assessment.
  23. Well, if money were no object, I'd probably have a Shimano Stella 1000. For a rod, not sure. Crazy as it may sound, I love my new white Carbonlite, and if there were one as light as that but more sensitive, probably that one. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with my Stradics, Chronarch 50e reels, and Carbonlite rods.
  24. Welcome aboard, Kyle!
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