Yep. Eldest son and I were in our old Grumman
canoe (aluminum, 16') that I had outfitted with
a 50lb thrust Motorguide.
We were heading up the reservoir into downed
trees (beavers, thanks very much). I lifted the
motor, and we glided over a tree about 6" under
the surface. Got stuck, so we "scooched" the
canoe to get over it.
But a slight shift in body weight by me and a
split-second later, splash. Broke the trolling
motor, ruined our $300 digicam, my cell phone,
etc. Water wasn't deep, but there was about
a foot of muck which sucked my new $39
Crocs off my feet, never to bee seen again.
Expensive accident. Built pontoons after that.
Never happened again. Miss that ol' canoe, LOL.
Not really.